Born Gay?

by inrainbows 206 Replies latest members adult

  • BurnTheShips

    Dogpatch, Since just about every perversion occurs in nature I guess that means anything goes. Rape, incest, eating ones young , murder, stealing, cannibalism, poligamy, etc. occurs in nature. Perfectly natural.

  • BurnTheShips
    I got cruised by a dolphin in Florida once. They bump!

    Horny dolphins, hehe.

    They do get aggressive.


  • Dogpatch

    Haven't read the earler parts of this thread, just passing through as usual.

    Live near Hollywood, used to the gays.

    Grew up in the country, always had dozens if not hundreds of animals.

    Horses, racoon, dogs, cats, chickens, goat, a racoon, 100 quail with incubators, snakes galore, 150 New Zealnd White rabbits, and so on.

    They are all nasty critters. Hump anything when they get the chance.

    Some are more exuberant than others.

    We should start a thread on humping dogs or something.

    Ooops, that was "dogs that hump," sorry. :-))

    We should dress up animals to be safe from them.

    or send them to church?


  • Satanus


    Yes, it's all natural. Being present also in humans, it shows that we are also animal. Being more highly evolved, we have the choice of suppressing the parts that are hurtful. Indeed, in harmony w evolutionary theory, suppressing the harmful increases cooperation, and thus helps humans to survive better. Evolutionary success is based, not just on competition, but also cooperation. This balance is many times seen in the lower animals, as well.


  • beksbks

    BTS, is there anything that modern science's explanation you would except over the bible's? Anything? I'm not being a jerk here, I am truly wondering. Do you in any circumstance take into account the time the bible was written, and make adjusments for it? I mean for all that we have learned over the last say 500 years?

  • freydi

    Men are not apes that are given to their various aberrant behaviors but have no right or wrong principles to guide them. I'm glad some researchers have found a correlation. So have evolutionists.

    Buckminster Fuller once noted, "Evolution is impossible because chromosomes would be missing. You can't take two monkeys and come up with a human, but you can go the other way and come up with something pretty close to monkey. There are a lot of people like that."

  • littlerockguy
  • littlerockguy
    Dogpatch, Since just about every perversion occurs in nature I guess that means anything goes. Rape, incest, eating ones young , murder, stealing, cannibalism, poligamy, etc. occurs in nature. Perfectly natural.

    Oh now polygamy occurs in nature? You mean to tell me animals get married also BTS. I like the fact that you put incest, eating ones young, murder, stealing, cannibalism (all of which harms others) all in the same category as being gay. Boy BTS you sure dont come across as judgemental, just an ass.


  • MsMcDucket

    A lot of animals eat (kill) their young! Now, what does that have to do with being gay...I digress! Or disgress! Spellcheck haters where are you when I need you!?

  • BurnTheShips
    BTS, is there anything that modern science's explanation you would except over the bible's? Anything? I'm not being a jerk here, I am truly wondering.

    It is nice to get asked a question by someone on the other side of the issue without being called names for a change. Look, I am not denying that you can be born with a same sex attraction. I think maybe the hormonal environment in the womb can cause this. I think that certain psychological traumas during childhood and sexual abuse can cause a person's sexual growth to go a certain way. I accept these explanations by modern science. It is not limited to homosexuality. For example, straight married men feel may sexual desire for other women. It is "natural" for them to feel this. It is not moral for them to act on it.

    We are all born with certain proclivities that are not moral. As a Christian I believe we are all called to chastity. It is more difficult for some of us than others.


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