Born Gay?

by inrainbows 206 Replies latest members adult

  • dogisgod

    I think Paul was quite the politician. Why would he ever talk about something that Christ did not comment on. Sort of like the non-issues politicians create to divert attention from real issues. Good old never-got-married, bald, blind, woman hating Paul.

    The "duck" comment "quacked" me up.

    If you like my comments then "put it on my bill".

  • IP_SEC

    Suprise to me we have this debate in the 21 century.

    Relijun... a smile ona dawg. (no offense dawg)

  • BurnTheShips
    The one thing I don't understand about you, BTS is how you go on the same threads saying the same things over and over again.

    I ask myself the same question.

    What are you trying to accomplish here?

    Personal growth I think? Why are any of us here? Someone once said "An unexamined life is not worth living". Well, this place sure makes you examine!

    Do you want me to go on your born-again christian, or whatever threads and cry and bitch?

    You are more than welcome to, you sure wouldn't be alone. I was not aware that I was somehow invading someones turf on this thread. I did stay off your George Takei thread after all.


  • Junction-Guy

    You are not invading anyones turf, some people just can't stand the thought of having a different opinion.

  • IP_SEC
    some people just can't stand the thought of having a different opinion.

    An opinion is cool. As long as it is your own. As long as you dont force it down a gay or lesbian's throat. You know... like keeping them from enjoying the same benefits you can enjoy.

  • Junction-Guy

    I have the right to marry a woman, just the same as they do.

    Other than that, they are perfectly free to do whatever they want.

    They seem to want to force their opinions down my throat too.

  • IP_SEC
    I have the right to marry a woman, just the same as they do.

    They are different from you JG (sic) i know... i know

    They seem to want to force their opinions down my throat too.

    It effects YOU JG 0, zero, nil, goose egg. Unless you ever decide to follow your heart and stop being conflicted.

  • freydi

    Criminals don't have the same rights as others because they forfeited theirs by their behavior.

  • Junction-Guy

    If I follow my heart and stop being conflicted, then I will find another woman sometime down the road.

    What 2 gays do in the privacy of their own home does not affect me whatsoever, but the marriage thing does affect society as it is obvious from all of the controversy it stirs up.

  • IP_SEC
    does affect society as it is obvious from all of the controversy it stirs up.

    similar to the civil rights movement? Ok good then. Needs to be done! It is a civil rights issue. Or do you prefer them there iky niggras drinkin from another fountain?

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