Born Gay?

by inrainbows 206 Replies latest members adult

  • BurnTheShips
    Ya know, Void & BTS...

    ...mentioning me in the same breath as Void...

    I'm not that evolved but thanks.

  • Anti-Christ

    The only thing I don't get is why does it bother some people what other consenting adult do in there privacy? I can understand somebody having an opinion on the matter but what does it change in your life? If someone is born or not homosexual, why is it really a problem?

  • inrainbows


    I tolerate homosexuality, what I do not do is give it moral validation. It isn't about hate, it is about principle. It isn't about phobia, it is about morality.

    Your form of tolerence is the complacent acceptence of historic values that contributed to the oppression of black people. Colour me not impressed. And calling you a homophobic is completely in line with the common usage of the word.

    If you want to tar it all with the hate brush to make yourself feel morally superior, then go for it, but that makes you just as bad as the caricature you are trotting out here.

    As you have just implicitly shown you feel morally superior, quite what you're getting at I don't know

    Dogpatch, Since just about every perversion occurs in nature I guess that means anything goes. Rape, incest, eating ones young , murder, stealing, cannibalism, poligamy, etc. occurs in nature. Perfectly natural.

    So you don't hate homosexuals? Yet you compare them to rapists, murderers, those who rape their children, theives. You really should think before you type as your contradictions show you to be the one with a faulty moral compass.

    It is nice to get asked a question by someone on the other side of the issue without being called names for a change.

    No, you are being described. That is different to calling some one a dumbass. You're a bigot, you're not neccesarily a dumbass. Check the dictionary.

    However for a Christian, there are two acceptable states: Marriage, and celibacy

    According to you. Of course if one accepts a faith as something that is reinterpretted by each culture that experiences it (which is provable in fact) then your absolutism is not sustainable as a stance to condemn sex outside of marriage or homosexuality. Do you keep slaves by the way? Or wear polycotton? Do manual work on Sundays? Eat fish on Fridays? Approve of women priests?

    You do a sad smiley when freydi shows how low his opinion of other humans is, but you are far closer to him in opinion than to 'us'. Think about that. It would make me feel dirty.


    Where does this hate nonsense come from. BTS I agree with all of the rest of your post, except toleration is validation.

    And then there's the making a spectacle of promiscuity by legalizing it. Are the pedo's next saying they were just born that way?

    Pedophiles do not have consensual sex. Your comparison if ignorent and offensive. But it serves exactly the purpose people like you are good for; showing how disgusting your attitude really is.

    Men are not apes that are given to their various aberrant behaviors but have no right or wrong principles to guide them. I'm glad some researchers have found a correlation. So have evolutionists.

    The whole point is that homsexual behaviour in animals is part of the spectrum of normal behaviour, it isn't aberrant. But show your true colours, this is great... newly exited cultists with newly fluid opinions on the subject will read what you write and be appalled and aided in coming to a reasonable opinion.

    Buckminster Fuller once noted, "Evolution is impossible because chromosomes would be missing. You can't take two monkeys and come up with a human, but you can go the other way and come up with something pretty close to monkey. There are a lot of people like that.

    Ah, you quote someone who isn't a biologist sounding authortative on the subject. Why not quote someone who KNOWS something about the subject? Oh, because they won't agree with you is why, LOL. Can I hire you for parties, you're funny? Do you do ballon animals too?

    Actually I think the idea of nudist like camps for homo's has some merit. Maybe the government should set aside some land, like Indian Reservations for people who want that lifestyle.

    Oh, there are plenty of compounds people with strange religous beliefs go because they cannot tolerate modern society. Don't let us stop you. I wonder if you'd next suggest rounding them up in cattle cars?


    some people just can't stand the thought of having a different opinion

    Oh, I can stand you having the opinion, I just think it is a pathetic and unsustainable viewpoint. Can you stand that?

    What 2 gays do in the privacy of their own home does not affect me whatsoever, but the marriage thing does affect society as it is obvious from all of the controversy it stirs up.

    Yeah, just like letting black people use the same toilets stired controvacy up. Naughty black people!!

    Why should two tax-paying people who share their life not have the same set of privelges and responsibilities as other pairs of tax-paying people who are sharing their lives? Why does the gender composition of the couples matter?

  • Junction-Guy

    What is really hypocritical about this is when someone mentions the other characteristics of animals (canabalism, killing, eating their young), then all of a sudden it becomes an apples and oranges issue, yet you see no problem in trying to compare black people and their struggles to homosexuality, that too is an apples vs. oranges issue.

    Being black is something you were definitely born as, no need for scientific proof. Being gay has not been conclusively proven to be genetic, only some evidence here and there, and some speculation.

  • BurnTheShips
    Your form of tolerence is the complacent acceptence of historic values that contributed to the oppression of black people.

    Well that is a silly, and if I was black I would be offended.

    Colour me not impressed. And calling you a homophobic is completely in line with the common usage of the word.

    Ha. Sure. Homophobia: "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals."

    Thinking homosexual practices are wrong is not the same as fearing them. If that is the case, color me, not only not impressed, but hetero-phobic, greed-o-phobic, lie-o-phobic, hate-o-phobic, pride-o-phobic, etc. Christians are not fearful of homosexuals.

    I try to love all humans as Jesus told us to. I don't have an aversion towards homosexuals, I don't turn away from anyone. I do not discriminate against homosexuals either. They are in my family. I have had some as good friends.

    Therefore, I am not homophobic.

    I believe homosexual sex is a sin, and is wrong. But I pray for the homosexual, for God to help them lead the chaste life they are called to live.

    Homophobic is usually a term used as a conversation ender. When one doesn't agree with the homosexual agenda , you are labeled "homophobic" like that is supposed to end the argument. You get labeled as a bigotted irrational individual and therefore your opinions should be discarded.

    As you have just implicitly shown you feel morally superior, quite what you're getting at I don't know

    No I don't, I am a sinner deserving of adverse judgement, no different than those in the active homosex culture.

    According to you . Of course if one accepts a faith as something that is reinterpretted by each culture that experiences it (which is provable in fact) then your absolutism is not sustainable as a stance to condemn sex outside of marriage or homosexuality.

    Historically, the Christian Church has always had this teaching regarding sexuality. I challenge you to refute that. You are free to disagree with the teaching, but you are not free to say it isn't so against the evidence.

    Do you keep slaves by the way? Or wear polycotton? Do manual work on Sundays? Eat fish on Fridays? Approve of women priests?

    Now who is it that is confusing issues?


  • inrainbows


    yet you see no problem in trying to compare black people and their struggles to homosexuality, that too is an apples vs. oranges issue.

    As this thread started with scientific research giving further proof to a level of biological predetermination of sexual oriontation, just as there is biological determination of skin tone, I see apples and more apples.

    Of course there are differences. No one is stupid enough nowadays (on a board like this) to attract the opprobium and disgust admitting to racist beliefs would attract. And you cannot hide being black. Of course you can not conform to normative behaviours for black people

    Being gay harms no one. I notice you fail to respond to my point about the discrimination shown to same sex couples by not allowing them to benefit from the same legal protections and tax benefits of different sex couples.

    And this will further re-inforce the lesson that bigots provide for people whose opinions are still malliable after exiting a high control group.

    The fact you obviously evade defending the discrimination shown same sex couple and defend linking crimes and non-consensual sexual activity to people of the same gender loving each other is plain for all to see.


    Well that is a silly, and if I was black I would be offended.

    Well, you're not. And your luke-warm 'tolerance' IS like people who knew better (as you obviously do) not doing anything about racial discrimination.

    Ha. Sure. Homophobia: "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals."

    Which part of 'common usage' do you not understand? 'Common' or 'usage'? Later on I note you do conform to the dictionary definition of bigot, so I am obviously differentiating between the two. And you seem to have cut and paste part of the Wikipedia introduction to the word without including the bit further down the page where is says;

    The usage of the word homophobia in its modern form is controversial as it may be used pejoratively against those with differing debatable value positions.

    LOL. That IS very funny. Selective quotation. You can take the boy out the cult but can you take the cult out the boy?

    Historically, the Christian Church has always had this teaching regarding sexuality. I challenge you to refute that. You are free to disagree with the teaching, but you are not free to say it isn't so against the evidence.

    Err... many Christian churches no longer condemn sex outside marriage. Today is part of history (and always has been, LOL)

    Now who is it that is confusing issues?

    I will add [taking the micky] xxx [/taking the micky] tages next time for the humour impaired.

  • Junction-Guy

    because marriage is between a man and a woman, that is the way it has been since the founding of this nation.

  • BurnTheShips
    LOL. That IS very funny. Selective quotation. You can take the boy out the cult but can you take the cult out the boy?

    I did not selective quote, and I did not use wikipedia, and you are too quick to accuse dishonesty. Are you a heterophobe?

    : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

    There is nothing else attached to that definition on that resource.

  • scotsman


    In your posts I do not detect an irrational fear but "discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals". I'm not sure why you would have a problem being labelled thus as the Bible also discriminates against homosexuality...

  • jstalin

    We're almost to 10 pages!!

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