What really is a Soul Mate? --- Is it possible Yes or No?

by Hope4Others 83 Replies latest jw friends


    I believe that there is not just one person that can be your soul mate. There could be several different ones that we could truly connect with, physically, intellectually, emotionally, romantically, and spiritually. However, I think the odds of finding even one those people that are perfect for us are very low.

    To me a kindred spirit is one that is the same sex or at least the sex that you would not be interested in romantically. I really think that a soul mate has to be one that you are compatible with sexually as well. To me a kindred spirit and a soul mate are similar but definitely not the same.

    The question is: do we believe we will find that person or do we settle for someone that, while not a soul mate, fits comfortably ? Personally, at my age and especially at this point in my life, I have no intention of ever settling again. It's all or nothing.

  • Hope4Others
    Personally, at my age and especially at this point in my life, I have no intention of ever settling again. It's all or nothing.

    I'll drink to that!!


  • mama1119

    When I got married, I definitely DID NOT consider my husband my soulmate. He just didn't fit into the picture of soulmate-ness I had in my mind. We basically were friends who had too much wine, got prego, than tried to make it work and got married! We had a TERRIBLE first year. We were not compatible at all. Now, three years of marriage later (we have been friends for 10 years), I could not imagine more of a soulmate. We totally "get" each other. Our sense of humor has met in the middle and we laugh all the time. We have come up with some common hobbies and intrests that we really enjoy sharing. We love our children more than anything in the world and we have made a wonderful life together. I could not ask for more in a partner. So having a soulmate is possible, you just might have to work to get it!

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    that....mama 1119 is my favorite post in this whole thread.....and basically sums up how I feel as well...."you have to work to get it". YES there are many people you could happily spend your life with.... NO it is not easy!!! If you both want it....it will happen....thats all there is to it. Case closed, now go have a beer...

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