What really is a Soul Mate? --- Is it possible Yes or No?

by Hope4Others 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others
    I was five years old when I met my husband and he was about 8.

    Now that is really something.....


  • Hope4Others
    but my wife says she likes me as a mate......but I'm an arsoul...

    Dictionary: No definition found. tee hee hee! h4o

  • Gill

    Ninja! I didn't make him go out of his way to ride his motorbike past my house every day from when he was 16 to 19 !!!! Who was stalking who!!!???

    Somewhere, I'm still sitting on the back of his Suzuki bike and we're riding off in the sunset again! However, he doesn't have a motorbike anymore as he put his knee out in an accident......so now I jump in the Espace with him.........and the four kids who are still at home jump in the back!!!

  • caliber
  • General Belief: Most believe that soul mates can accept and love every part of the other's personality and that life with a soul mate is easy and natural.

  • Soul Mate Challenges

    Although you may assume that a partnership of two soul mates should be able to handle challenging times well, that may not always be the case. Just because they are in tune to one another, are each willing to take responsibility for their role in contributing to the conflict, and are both committed to making the marriage a successful one -- the marriage can still fall apart if other essentials...love, respect, and communication are missing

  • There can be temptation to bail out of an unhappy marriage because you think your spouse isn't your soul mate. If you think that marrying your soul mate will mean a life free from hard times and conflict, you are not facing reality.
  • If you think you've not married your soul mate, don't just walk away from the relationship for that reason alone. Spend some time getting to know yourself a bit better first. You can't find your soul mate if you haven't found yourself.

    However, there are several viewpoints as to how to describe "soul mates" ... even on how to spell it! Some people spell the term as a whole word, soulmate and others, including us, prefer to keep it as two words, soul mate
  • The secret would seem to take a balanced view,if you are looking for a profound connection, it could be a long search!

    I would say its much like a naturally gifted sprinter, you may have a head start on the field, but don't practice and or

    focus then see what happens ! By the way, given my marriage situation, I would spell it soulmate !( 30 years on 27th, this month )


  • Balsam

    I think the idea of a soul mate means different things to different people. I know the difference in the feelings I have for my 2nd husband is worlds away from the feelings I had for my 1st husband of 30 years. It was the lack of understanding of each other's thinking, emotional make up that kept us strangers to each other over 30 years. Neither one of us could understand where the other one was coming from mentally or emotionally ever. Communication was a struggle all the years we stayed together out of obligation to what we imagined God wanted. When I finally realized God didn't give a flying flip if I was married to this man I divorced him. Today he says he is much happier with his new wife which has got to be an improvement over what he and I shared. I have to say looking back it is astonishing that we were ever married to each other we were worlds apart.

    My beloved husband of 6 years is totally different in every possible way. Communication flows easily, we understand each other's thinking and there is a feeling of harmony, comfort, happiness I'd never felt before with my children's father. We are in tune with each other and it is romantic, fun and exciting to be so happy at this older stage of life. The difference between the two relationships just defys words almost. I've never been so happy and content. He had been married 2 other times unsuccessfully too. He has said he wondered how we both survived waiting all those years to find each other.

    So I would say that everything said in other posts is true. Can a marriage of two soul mates go wrong, sure if one or the other finds themselves out of tune with the other.

  • llbh

    I believe in soul mates most definitely. I like the definition of locks and keys very apposite

    It is nearly instant then by definition as the locks fit

    Regards David

  • joanne_

    You know what they say

    Your soul mate is someone who is not perfect, but they are perfect for you!

  • LouBelle

    I dont believe a soul mate necessarily has to also have a romantic connection. For me it's about total acceptance, with the good and bad, it's about love & support, it's deep, spiritual.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I wish I could say, but I can't. I've never met my soul mate, yet. S/he hasn't met me, yet, either. Maybe in the next life.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I think the same as LouBelle - a soul mate isn't necessarilly your physical partner, rather, it is someone who understands you fully more from the emotional and possibly intellectual aspects.

    Someone you couldn't hide your darkest secrets or feelngs from even if you tried!

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