What really is a Soul Mate? --- Is it possible Yes or No?

by Hope4Others 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others

    Rubadub- I had to read that twice

    Voideater- perhaps one sided can not be a soul mate, one could love and care about someone yet not really connect. I think there is someone for each of us

    sometimes it just takes time till that person walks into our life.


  • passive suicide
  • Hope4Others

    passive suicide,

    Do you care to elaborate a little on that? Just curious as to why you think NO....


  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    I feel that we are all looking to heal wounds from our past in life...it's been shown that we are attracted to those who resemble the parent we have thee major issues with in one way, or another.....ie...my dad didn't ever show his feelings with me ....therefore I'm attracted to women who have a tendency to build up brick walls when it comes to communication.......my mom was a caregiver....therefore I am attracted to women who live to give extra attention when needed....all of this is in a desperate attempt to "heal" issues I've had with both parents (or in my case all frikkin two moms, and three dads...god bless the modern marriage...divorce, and marriage again). As far as a soul mate.......at this point I think if you go AGAINST your first impression of a person when you meet them.....you may stand a better chance....unless you've really come to grips with your needs, and understand where they spring from in your own heart. Your inner child so to speak. I think the feelings we get upon first meeting of someone, are stemming from those inner crucial needs.... Which may go along with that dratted scripture " the heart is treacherous." why do you pose this question anyways?.

  • Summer wine
    Summer wine

    This is a really interesting topic for me because I thought id found my soulmate. We had an instant bond when we met 30 years ago. The problem is, we are now considering separating, Our problems started when I got involved with the org and pulled him into it. He wanted out after a few years but stayed in for me. This has left us with so many problems I dont if we can sort them out but I do wonder if we had had a normal life, would we still have been in this situation.

  • caliber

    Summer wine,

    If you truly believe and just know in your heart you are soulmates, search deep in your heart for words and feelings to share;

    If it is truly so.... they shall not fail ! 2 Love = <3


  • VoidEater

    Yes, to all of the above (thanks again H4O).

    Even if the "soul mate" is "reduced" to the perfect meshing of needs or wants, it is still a powerful (and interesting) relationship.

    I have had relationships where the "connecting" has led to "fusion" and a disinterest in participating with others and the rest of the world - and then there have been relationships where the "connecting" has inspired a reaching out to others and the world.

    I think it may be unhealthy to become so fused with another that the outside world becomes an irrelevant distraction; but I am intrigued by the relationships that inspire to greater reaching out and engagement.

    Although my goodness the painful bliss of passionate desire is something to behold...

  • caliber

    "I think it may be unhealthy to become so fused with another that the outside world becomes an irrelevant distraction; but I am intrigued by the relationships that inspire to greater reaching out and engagement."

    In some sort of twist or contradiction, consolidation of love makes you more completed,

    positive ....better able to reach out with unconditional love towards all !


  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Well.............there it is...........the couple of comments proceeding have tons of gushing to say about how wonderful soulmates are.....and yet they've had a number of them.... proof, it's all a bunch of romantic BS.

  • caliber

    Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.
    Henry Ford

    So attitude and belief play the biggest part in what we accept or what we dismiss out of hand !

    BTW. I've had one and only one soulmate......

    I've been married to her for 30 years. Unless I've done a lot of sleep walking , I recall none other !


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