I was raised a Witness. Had an abusive, alcoholic elder father, and an enabler mother. My sister, brother and I pioneered over school breaks. I was on several convention parts interviewed as an exapmle. We were the perfect Witness family on the outside. Married in a Witness ceremony at age 19, husband was 18. Pioneered for the year it took to get dad off my back and go to pioneer school. I have three kids 13, 10 and 3. We celebrated the holidays, and are celebrating birthdays, for the fist time in our lives. My dad died of an OD in 1996. I nearly died of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and my refusal to take blood in 2001. The Society's stand on blood is ludicris and it has murdered too many people. I am looking forward to spreading my wings and learning new things. I have major changes in store this year. While they will be difficult, they will be worth it all in the end. For me and my kids. What does not kill us makes us stronger.