For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • Indo_Dude
    Troll wrote: God Hates Gays

    He does? Did he personally tell you this? Or is their a scripture that says that 'God Hates Gays'?

  • BurnTheShips

    I know they are scientists.

    I don't need a half page copypasta to know what the AAA is. I was born at night, just not last night.

    It was a political opinion.


  • shamus100

    Thank you for your honest answer, seektruth.

  • Finally-Free
    Next it will be ok to do the nasty with your dog or any pet because that sick tooooooo!

    My birdie gives good beak.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I'm still waiting for someone to give me an example of how two gay people getting married personally effects their life in any way........waiting....waiting.....

    Why can't people just mind their own business? How is it logical or fair for people to project their set of morals or values onto someone else? I can understand why laws against violence, theft, and other things that are a direct threat to society are in place, but laws about how two adults love one another are just plain wrong.

    Again, I challenge anyone here who is against gay marriage to give ONE good example of they are put out by two gay people getting married.

  • shamus100


    LOL. Your parakeet is verrrry sexy.....

  • shamus100


    That is the answer - seektruth just said it. What's wrong with you all? Sick little monkeys - that's how aids got started, you know. A Canadian steward for an airline flew to Africa and had sex with a monkey - you know it!

  • freydi

    Just because two consenting persons above the age of consent conspire to make an abomination legal whether it be pedophilia, homo-behavior, bank robbery or any other perversion that you can think of, does not establish it as a standard that other people have to tolerate. I do not wish to live amongst the aforementioned individuals any more than I'd care to live amongst cannibals, Nazis or the KKK.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith
    Just because two consenting persons above the age of consent conspire to make an abomination legal whether it be pedophilia, homo-behavior, bank robbery or any other perversion that you can think of, does not establish it as a standard that other people have to tolerate. I do not wish to live amongst the aforementioned individuals any more than I'd care to live amongst cannibals, Nazis or the KKK.

    Well....I asked for one GOOD reason. Just because YOU think it's an abomination, does not make it so. Painting homosexuals with the same brush as pedophiles, bank robbers, cannibals, Nazis, or the KKK is ridiculous & juvenile. Can anyone offer an intelligent argument?

  • BurnTheShips
    Just because two consenting persons above the age of consent conspire to make an abomination legal whether it be pedophilia, homo-behavior, bank robbery or any other perversion that you can think of, does not establish it as a standard that other people have to tolerate. I do not wish to live amongst the aforementioned individuals any more than I'd care to live amongst cannibals, Nazis or the KKK.

    Freydi, you fail to see a distinction between what people do with their private lives and what the Nazis, the KKK, the baby rapists, and general criminals do. The former generally do not intrude on your individual rights at all.


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