Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting

by sir82 139 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Perfect timing.

    Just ran out of popcorn.



    Proplog2..You are a person that supports a WBT$ rule,that protects "Child Molesters".....You advocate the "2 Witness Rule"..2 Witness`s must be present when a child is molested,in order for a JW to take any legal action..That is disgusting and you approve of it.......................You have openly admitted on this Forum..That you kept doors open in your home, so your children would not molest each other..I asked you where they learned that behavior..You wanted to quote statistics but you didn`t have them handy..That really was not much of an answer.....I asked,if you felt you needed to be protected by the 2 Witness Rule..Still no answer but you did have a "Hissy Fit!"..LOL!!.....And..You wanted an Apology..LOL!!...............Lets have a look at what You..Not me..Have presented on this Board......#1:You felt a need to keep doors open in your home so your children would not molest each other..#2:..You advocate a "WBT$ 2 Witness Rule",that protects Child Molesters.....#3:You won`t answer any of my Questions.....And..You ran away from this thread..Running Away In CirclesRunning Away In Circles..LOL!!.................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Confucious

    Sad. Just Sad.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    But it is those (unspoken) details that determine how much blame the Watchtower should accept and sadly the degree to which you too may not have exercised enough caution.


    This was the comment I was refering to.

  • 4mylove

    I just read this and I think proplog2 is naive. Worldly companies do more to protect their employees when they, the employee, see the need to retire. To keep someone down for that many years and then just hang them out to dry is just cruel. What true skills do these individual have?


  • sonny60

    can someone please tell me what these people will do? Really this is so sad, what will they do for work? Where will they live with the cost of living the way it is? I live from paycheck to paycheck my self and it is just me! I feel for these people this has been there whole life, they don't know how to even work with worldly people like myself.

  • freedomfighter

    Wow! I am spewing i missed all the action. Poor prolog got Hammered!!

    Things got too hot for him hey?

    Well, if you are still watching this thread Prolog, one day soon, you, and the organisation you support will have to face a terrifying fact:

    * "The Real Truth". Good luck with that!


  • 4mylove
    I have raised 4 kids. I never trusted anyone alone with my kids. Not even in an adjoining room. I never allowed my older children to be alone with their younger brothers and sisters with a door closed. You are not obligated to defend your actions to anyone. We must give you the benefit of the doubt and assume some kind of scenario where it was absolutely unavoidable that your little girl was in a situation long enough for her to be molested.

    It's official. prop is one sick bastard. Brainwashing doesn't cover this asshole. If you can't leave your older children with your younger childern, you definately went wrong somewhere you evil "uck.


  • mcsemike

    To Horrible Life: Thank you for your compassionate assessment of the situation. "Unfortunate?" Unfortunate is when you lose your job, your car breaks down or if a dear friend moves away. A nine-year-old child who is regularly molested over the course of four years is CATASTROPHIC, just like you said. I know many families who have suffered this fate due to the WT's insane desire to "not bring reproach on Jehovah's name" and/or to teach the flock that they WILL listen to the elders or else. Well, lying about their policies and threatening parents with disfellowshipping if they warn other parents about a pedophile in the congregation is just about the worst violation of Bible principles I've ever seen. They will answer to God. I left them because of the command "get out of her, my people". Since the WT is NOT God's organization and never will be, I left, as have many others.

    My world was shaken, it was destroyed. My health, my daughter's missing out on a father in her life, and her health. Victims cut themselves, develop eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia are very common), have trouble in school/college and often marry a mate who is no source of comfort to them. It has been estimated that the average family loses at least $100,000 in lost wages and medical bills. And the victim usually needs therapy for decades. Sometimes they cannot stand to get married due to what happened to them. They trust no one.

    As far as my reaction goes: I've had several elders tell me that if anyone molested their child, they would kill him. And they meant that literally. I think they expected that I might do the same since I'm Sicilian and was born in New York. I know someday I will get justice, whether someone else takes care of it or I do.

    It will take me years to unravel what is in her mind. I even took extra college courses on the subject. But this crime is widespread. One out of every six females will be molested before they turn 18 years old. And one out of 3 females will be the victim of any attack or an attempted attack. That's why I like Florida. I can carry 2 guns concealed on my person anywhere I go. Why? To protect myself and others with me. One ex-JW swore under oath that he had been shot at by a JW from a car as it drove past. I couldn't verify that story but it won't happen to me. My book will name names and addresses. I have connections in the media and my book will be widely distributed.

    Regarding your second post, I want to thank you for your sympathy. Abuse victims are sometimes called "the walking dead". Some attempt suicide. I won't go into details so that my daughter can have some privacy but if anything happens to her due to the molestation (suicide or dying of malnutrition like Karen Carpenter did), I WILL personally settle the score.

    My wife defended the "arrangement". She said if there were bad elders, Jehovah would remove them in his due time. I told her that this might be his way to expose the sins of the WT just like the prophets did to the wicked kings. She didn't care. She doesn't care about the world's problems. You are correct, my wife should have done those things. The pedophile got 6 months in jail. NJ is notorious for it's insane criminal justice system. If anyone had called the prison while he was there and told an inmate why, he probably would have been dead within the week. Even murderers and thieves have a better code of honor than the WT. The Mafia doesn't involve wives or children either in their conflicts. It's sad when organized crime views children with more care than the WT does.

    My wife might have told a few people if she had quit the JW's. I know I did. I visited all the congregations in the circuit and told them the story. Many knew that this man was a pedophile. Others covered their ears and said they couldn't listen to gossip. When I tried to tell them it was true, they walked off still holding their hands over their ears. Now how childish and sick is that?? Some of them had children who came in contact with the molester, but they wouldn't listen. How will God judge those parents if their children are molested because the parent was being self-righteous? I doubt they will get a gold star.

    I will advertise what I know however I can. I warned everyone in my development. I tell people leaving the Hall. I tell everyone I meet why I moved to Florida. The world will soon hear the message. I'll also use my skills on the Internet to alert millions more. If the WT sues, I'll run them over. And before the ignorant lurkers and posters who are proud of being uninformed, God's prophets also told the truth boldly no matter what.

    Thank you again for your comments. I appreciate it very much. One by one we can take the bricks out of the Tower until it crashes down. I think I'll get a pin made that says: "Ask me why I'm Number One." or maybe "Ask me why some ministers hope I die." That should get their attention.

    Email everyone on your list. Call local editors at the newspapers and TV stations. I have and it works. Leave flyers on windshields in parking lots if it's allowed. Tell all your reliatives and friends. Word will get out. Door to door and incidental witnessing works for the WT, it will also work for us.

    My best to you. mcsemike50

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