Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting

by sir82 139 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    Bethel is under no obligation to keep you there if they don't have work for you or if you represent a possible insurance liability. Maybe some kind of disaster is going to hit New York City in the near future. Only a hateful person would use such ordinary behavior to slam JW's. Kind of like Judas worrying about the money box.

  • hillbilly

    maybe the union contract is similar to the UAW... lay off tenure and rehire kids at reduced wage? $14 a month goes a long way!



  • Rooster

    People who went to Bethel and sacrificed their lives for the false god Jehovah will have no reward waiting for them with Jesus Christ!

  • sir82
    Bethel is under no obligation to keep you there if they don't have work for you or if you represent a possible insurance liability.



    I distinctly remember hearing from the platform of a Circuit Assembly, in a part extolling Bethel service, this line: "Young ones, the world will chew you up and when they are done with you, when they have no further use for you, they will spit you out. This will never happen in Jehovah's organization."

    How many thousands of people took those words, or similar words, and devoted their lives to serving the organization? Had no children, made no plans for the future, earned no money, paid nothing into Social Security, learned no meaningful skills, because they believed what was told to them over and over and over again?

    How many of those who believed those promises are now on the "outside", 10 or 15 years away from "retirement age", who are now facing the reality that they can never "retire"? If they want to eat, they will have to work for the rest of their lives? No kids, no Social Security, no retirement savings, nothing? If they live to age 95, they'll have to be working at McDonald's or Wal-Mart or Dollar General until the day they die.

    How many of those not yet expelled are looking over their shoulders in fear, thinking "am I next?"

    True, Bethel is a business, and can do whatever it wants to, whatever makes fiscal sense. But don't you think it is at least a little unethical to promise (directly or indirectly) all of its workers, that if they choose to make Bethel their "career", they will be taken care of, only to pull the rug out from under their loyal workers right at the point when they cannot just "start over"? Who is going to hire an 55 year old with no skills, no practical work experience?

    I don't think it is "hateful" to point out the immorality and hypocrisy of the corporation.

  • daniel-p

    Bethel is under no obligation to keep you there if they don't have work for you or if you represent a possible insurance liability. Maybe some kind of disaster is going to hit New York City in the near future. Only a hateful person would use such ordinary behavior to slam JW's. Kind of like Judas worrying about the money box.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>REPLY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Proplog, you are so full of shit its unbelievable. I actually was a Bethelite, were you? Do you know what its like to be encouraged ALL YOUR LIFE to go there and then be let go for no good reason? No, of course not... Your JW apologist garbage is reaching fresh heights.

  • proplog2


    I agree it's unfortunate.

    Is there some kind of document that they sign when they go to Bethel stating that there is some kind of life-care program? I don't know.

    I attended a meeting for Bethel Service in 1963 at an international convention. Knorr presided over it. I decided after hearing him talk about Bethel that I could never fit in. I hate regimented life.

    My Uncle was at Bethel in the 1930's and all I heard were the horror stories about work conditions.

    So I never had to fill out any forms. If there were legally binding promises those should be pursued. But, if a person fell for some wild claim by a circuit overseer etc. then that's their own fault.

    I have always realized that as a JW you are on your own when it comes to financial help. There is no Welfare Fund. If you are a special pioneer, circuit or district overseer, you can effectively beg. But an ordinary pioneer or publisher is lucky to get a free meal.

  • MissingLink
    Maybe some kind of disaster is going to hit New York City in the near future.

    Maybe Teddy Jarcaz and John Barr will miraculously have a secret love child.

  • simplesally

    I thought they did something years back to remedy the Soc Security problem and did pay into SS so that there was a retirement and MediCare for them. I think they contribute at the minimum wage level. Blondie where are you?

  • Fatfreek

    Sir82: I don't think it is "hateful" to point out the immorality and hypocrisy of the corporation.

    I was going to step in but you said it far better than I ever could. Thanks.


  • NewYork44M
    I thought they did something years back to remedy the Soc Security problem and did pay into SS so that there was a retirement and MediCare for them. I think they contribute at the minimum wage level.
    Blondie where are you?

    I have heard a similar comment years ago. I thought it was for the COs and DOs. Maybe we can get some sort of confirmation from an expert. Blondie?

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