are we inactive or what?

by inactive? 252 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inactive?

    I really appreciate your feedback LadyLee and OnTheWayOut. I do not know what the elders side is,, i do have an opinion, but kept it to myself (you know, murmerring and all) So I will tell here I guess. One elder is bi-polar, we were close to him, even took care of him during 'episodes' I really think this is one of his 'episodes' ,, our daughter called him uncle ben. The other elder had some 'mini-strokes' a few years back, and has a hard time dealing with really complicated or hard issues. The final elder, well, he seemed to be 'jealous' of my husband. My husband has a great heart for Jehovah and is very sincere. Well it is a long list of things, but it seems everything my husbands does this elder undermines it and grabs the priviledge for himself. Like I said, these are opinions on why the elders are acting so odd, because I cannot believe it is vicious on their part, just physical imperfections, and maybe a little jealousy. Or maybe I am grasping at straws.

  • snowbird

    You are grasping at straws, inactive?.

    I have witnessed jealousy at work in the congregation, and it's not pretty.

    I have been a victim of jealous elders' wives; it hurts like the dickens.

    You and your husband need to do some serious praying to and listening for the voice of the Good Shepherd.

    Read the Book of John without the "aids" of the WTS and allow Him to lead you two out of that heartless organization.

    I will be doing the same. Peace and love.


  • inactive?

    I can write to the Society about this? Was told that was a no-no. I do not understand why it is okay for us to clean the hall either, probably cause we will do it. Sorry you do not believe any of this Zach, that is the problem here, no one can believe this is happening and think we did something. I told the elders, 'tell us what we did, we will correct it' they just say, you need to accept it and think about it. I asked are we reproved? No. Are we marked? No. What is it. they say we need time to accept and think about it. I guess I would be afraid to write the society, after all who will they believe, a 5th generation witness, and elder of 25 years, and another who is a pioneer? ( he is service overseer who told us he WILL NOT accept our time,, we were in his book study and he put us in another that was really far and included stairs,, My husband is in a wheelchair part of the time, can walk some, stairs are a no no) By the way,, what is a 'troll' and what do you mean has anyone checked up on where i am from??

  • Bobbi

    ok I am going to be very blunt. I dont' know if you are for real or not so I am going to answer you
    believing you really want help.

    Walk away.

    It sounds like your daughter needs help.
    Now is the time to chose between an "Earthly Organization" that is reviling you
    and your daughter who is still reaching out to you.

    She needs your unbiased love and attention. Let go of the rules the men of the
    governing body have drilled into your mind and follow your heart.

    You don't need the Witnesses to make your life fulfilling. You sound like good people, use your kindness
    for people who will appreciate it.

    Walk Away..

    Begin your life as a normal, loving, decent human being who knows how to treat their fellow man.


  • BlackPearl
    Inactive? said- "We want to remain servants of Jehovah, but I am afraid that is beginning to not nessasarily mean being a Jehovah Witness"

    It would appear you've seen the light. You are not alone in your thinking. Try to be happy and live your life as Jehovah and his son would have you live it, according to their will, NOT a bunch hypocritical elders.

    Damn them! I'm sorry for your pain.


    (X-JW, ministerial servant, experienced much of the same you have)

  • inactive?

    Thank you for your input Black Pearl. You know that is why I came here, I cannot be the only one that this has happeed to. After all, 'there is nothing new under the sun' as the Bible says, so I am hoping to get some feedback and insight from others who have seen things, and elders who can explain if this is 'standard' procedure. By the way, how do you put the boxed in quotes of what others say in these posts, also, how do you get pictures and other info. with your name? Yeah,, I am not very internet savvy,, evil and full of apostates you know.

  • marmot

    You can write to the society whenever you want, but be advised that it's going to be an "us versus them" situation and your letter WILL be seen by the local BOE. If you're seriously heart-set on staying with this obviously destructive and harmful religion, then that's your best bet to bring in an arbiter.

  • nvrgnbk

    Smells weird.

  • mrsjones5

    Walk away.

    You've given away your power to a man made organisation and it is now using you as a doormat and throwing you out with the garbage. Be thankful you are just now seeing the little man behind the curtian. Take your power back, love your daughter - be there for her, and walk away because there is nothing you can do about the marking...the deed has been done and you have been abandoned.

    Walk away


  • OnTheWayOut
    I can write to the Society about this? Was told that was a no-no.

    Elders running wild might say that. Nobody can be kept from writing the society.
    As an elder, I knew that most petty problems were kicked right back to the
    body of elders and the C.O., but your problem will at least cause the C.O. to
    examine the elders, determine what's up.

    If you continue to associate with your DF'ed daughter, they may just eventually
    DF you anyway, so I really recommend just walking away, but you should know
    your options.

    If you are not DF'ed, they cannot refuse your field service reports. The U. S.
    Constitution (assuming you are in the U.S.) gives you the right to "preach" as they
    like to call it. They must know that they cannot tell you to stop "preaching" so instead
    they tell you they won't accept your slips. That is not proper. Something is missing

    we were in his book study and he put us in another that was really far and included stairs,, My husband is in a wheelchair part of the time, can walk some, stairs are a no no

    If you must go to a bookstudy go to one at the Hall regardless of where they assign you.
    Just add that to your list of things to write the society about.

    By the way,, what is a 'troll' and what do you mean has anyone checked up on where i am from??

    A troll would be someone who intentionally posts controversial topics or contrary information to that of others.
    The troll's purpose would be to bait us into arguments or wastes of our time. Most trolls are just jokers
    with no real goals.

    This forum has had many time-wasters and argument-starters, along with false stories from fake posters.
    Any suggestions that you are a troll come from the facts that your story has some serious holes in it, in
    that you don't have explanations for what is being done to you, yet you seem to have answers for our
    questions: Example- WRITE THE SOCIETY; response- WE WERE TOLD THAT IS A NO-NO.
    Don't take it personally. There really isn't much to say to you about your confusing situation without
    further information except- They reject you, so you should reject them.

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