are we inactive or what?

by inactive? 252 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MadTiger

    JW bullshit plus what I perceive by my intuition to be small-town dynamics = more BS.

  • jgnat

    I would agree with the small-town dynamics thing going on.

  • Gill

    ((((( Inactive )))))

    Well! I'm not sure what to say to you!

    I certainly feel for your daughter and am a little concerned about her situation! HOWEVER it sounds as if she has great parents who will stand by her no matter what and nobody can ask for more than that!

    As for your problem with your congregation.....well my experience to put it bluntly is that the majority, by no means all, but the majority of JWs a bunch of

    very unpleasant people that under normal circumstances we wuold choose to avoid!

  • faundy

    I find this story unusual and I actually hope it's not true, for your sake and for the sake of the rest of those in the congregation. I believe there is more to this story.

    Or, I smell a troll.

    Er, Trevor, is that you??

  • inactive?

    Well this is true and I do not know what else to tell you as in "more to the story". When we go to another hall in town, we get a lot of that along with " those elders are 5th generation witnesses, they must know what they are doing" I don't know, maybe they see something wrong with us we do not see and do not get. I am appreciating all the help on here tho. A lot of food for thought, and I hope to get more feedback.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am so sorry you are going through this. Sadly it is an example of how unChristian JWs can be.

    I think one of the main issues for the elders is that you continue to see your daughter. That would immediately mark you as unsafe association.

    I was DFed 22 years ago. I was married to an abusive elder and we had 2 daughters who were 13 and 9 at the time. When I left my husband and got DFed the children opted to stay with their father and go to meetings as before. They had many friends their own age in the hall and wanted to keep their friends, be good little elder's children and get the "gifts" their father promised them

    As soon as my DF was announced the shunning of my daughters began. Their friends stopped talking to them. They found out the friends were having a sleep-over of were doing some other fun thning but my kids weren't invited. It was heart-breaking to them to lose all their friends just because their mother left the JWs.

    Instead of the cong supporting them for deciding to live with their father and remain with the JWs they were marked and shunned. While it was very hurtful to them at the time in the long run it was far better that they chose a life outside the JWs and moved in with me.

    I realize that you are the parent while my children were the flip side of this marking and shunning but the principle is the same. Wherever you go the marking will occur. Your file with the present cong will be sent to the next one if you move.

    Lovingd God and serving Him is very different than serving a man-made organization.

    JWs are taught that cleaning toilets is a privilege. Where else could cleaning toilets be considered a privilege? Jail perhaps? An army barracks? Concentration camps?

    It is degrading to do this. In most organizations where someone has to do the dirty jobs it is often given to those who are being punished.

    In essence you are marked. You have no reason why. You have no idea how long being marked will last.

    Is this what Jesus would do? Check out

    • the Good Samaritian
    • parable of the lost sheep
    • let the children come to me

    and then read Matthew 23 - the whole chapter so it is in context

    My heart goes out to you.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Inactive, your story is one-sided. That just means you don't know the issues the elders
    have and cannot tell us what they are. There is certainly more here that we would need
    to know in order to advise you on how to deal with it.

    I say the above as if you needed to get back in the good graces with the JW's in your
    area. I could go on to recommend you write the C.O. or the Society in Brooklyn to send
    someone to straighten it out. But I cannot help but think that you should just walk away.

    As mentioned, you don't need their literature. I am certain you can see that God's spirit
    cannot be on such whacko elders. Even if there is a bunch of issues you aren't telling us,
    it's clear that they don't know how to deal with you. How is that spirit-directed?

    Keep contact with the DF'ed one and just find a place of worship that accepts you, or
    worship as a family in any way you need to. Stop reading that WT literature and enjoy
    your life.

  • NanaR


    The part of the story that I don't understand is the elders refusing to accept your time slips but still allowing you to have a key to the Kingdom Hall to clean it.

    In the mid 1990s, the elders met with my daughter (who was 12 years old and not yet baptized). The end of the matter was that she was determined to be "not a publisher", which meant that she couldn't go in service with me or report time. Her father was removed as a ministerial servant due to not presiding correctly over her family. Her "sin" was smoking a cigarette at the home of an elder in the company of the elder's daughter (who also smoked a cigarette but was not similarly disciplined).

    So I have seen very cruel and arbitrary things happen, but what you are relating is very contradictory.

    If your time is being refused, you are no longer considered by that body to be a Witness. Period.

    The rest I don't understand. It is possible that you are, as has been suggested, a "troll". But I can't verify that, so I won't assume so until someone proves it (for example, is inactive's IP tracking to Colorado?).

    I stopped going in service when I was told that my daughter could not accompany me. The journey after that took more than a decade.

    The congregation never dealt with me at all. I was visited regularly, and received literature regularly until just recently. Meanwhile, I joined the American Legion Auxilliary and started attending the Catholic Church.

    I was a 5th generation Witness and still live in the town I grew up in.

    Give your daughter unconditional love. Stop cleaning the Kingdom Hall. Read the Bible without the help of Watchtower publications. Check out sites like to find alternate readings of Bible texts. Pray intently and sincerely.

    I will pray for you as well.


  • zack

    I don't buy any of this.

  • marmot

    Extremely simple solution here with two options:

    1 - Write to the head office with full details, names, dates and locations. If what you're saying is true then there should be some 'splaining to do on the part of your BOE unless you're leaving something out.

    2 - Leave it all behind and get on with your life. You might discover that you've been spending all your effort and emotions on a lost cause. If you want to stay religious there are a lot more loving groups out there, but if you want to further open your mind atheism isn't as scary as it seems.

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