Jehovah's Witness here.

by nimzo 177 Replies latest jw friends

  • nimzo

    I'm about to leave, so I'll just say this. You guys should try to do research on your own, without the help of anti-jws website or information. Theres two sites of the story, and you cannot believe one side without hearing the other side. Wow, if only if I could show you my collection of WTs articles and all the misquoted information I found. Yikes! :D

  • mouthy

    Welcome to the board Nimzo!!!! I was a JW for 25 years. Made 10 people JWs ,,,I know how your feeling just like I did when I was kicked out because I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914...
    But I am going to do for you, what I did for me. Before I wanted to kill myself for being kicked off the ARK .

    "Dear Heavenly Father ,Creator of the Heaven & Earth. I come before your throne & ask special attention for this young person Nimzo,You KNOW his heart LORD,He feels he KNOWS YOU,But we can read by his responses he really DOESNT!!! He is following the Watchtower rules, all though he must be feeling guilty at this point because the MOTHER ORGanization has told him NOT to read our site
    Open his heart LORD, also his eyes to realize that so many on here have answered his questions ,but he is afraid to check them out YOU ALONE can help him LORD after men have tried.My prayer is for him , Enter into his life I pray DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER YOU TOLD US ALL TO LISTEN TO YOUR SON,,,, JESUS HE IS LOOKING FOR YOU,send the HOLY SPIRIT to teach him I pray this in the NAME ABOVE ALL others JESUS CHRIST AMEN"

    I am an old woman of 80 you can laugh at my prayer if you wish but I am truly going to keep you in prayer because I KNOW how hard it is to heal the bite from a false prophet ( wolf after the sheep)


  • Gerard
    Gerard I'm sure you read thirdwitness websites about these topics.. so I think you should really consider whats being said on them.

    No I am not aware of those thirdwitness websites and I will take a look. I applaud your curiosity. Now woud YOU be concerned with wthat the Supreme Court has to say about the 2-witness rule? Why did the WT just payed multi-million dollar settlement to some JW victims? Could it be that love is not that high in the GB's priority? How can the GB be so flawed?

  • kwintestal
  • saywhat29

    ... don't you love how she has all this information about apostates isquoting witnesses but never shows it. I'd lov to see it. And I wonder if she ever wondered if the WTBs eve misquoted anybody..... oh no! the WTBS actually being wrong! Whatevs. Obviously, she's here for a reason- to prove her own faith and playing in to somebody who din't want to lean because they love taking swigs of the kool-aid cannot be helped. But its strange beause she is still here and when the time comes and she questions the WTBs she'll b back, lurking. So...

    What a nutbag, glad she's gone! Let's have an apostaparty!

    But i did have a question for nimzo... will you tell the elder about being on this board and doing battle witht he evil apostates, You are warned not to ben be here and yet surprise surpris.e Disobeying Jehvahs god. Tis a shame...

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Just a couple of quick points. I don't think many people object to the YHWH (Jehovah, Yahweh) being used in the NT when the OT is being quoted and it appeared there. I think the problem becomes when Jehovah is added in the place of Lord in spots where the OT is not being quoted. I have yet to find one shred of scholarly evidence to support that the original texts included YHWH. I'd love to see it if you have it. I'm a life long JW and recently "stepped aside" as an elder because I couldn't get answers to some serious doctrinal questions and therefore could not in good conscious continue to teach these doctrines from the platform.

    In regard to baptism, you are not in line with the official JW teaching because if you read the book of Acts, you'll see several examples where people heard the good news and were immediately baptized. Right after Pentecost thousands immediately responded, after one of Paul's speeches, again thousands. Auld Soul already mentioned Cornelious and his family. How about the jailer and his family when the angels broke Peter & John out of jail? There are other examples that I'm sure you are familiar with.

    You may say things are different now and maybe they are. But, if you believe in the Bible, then you really can't deny that at least in some cases it would appear that knowledge of Jesus and his part of the universal plan and faith in that sacrifice is sufficient for baptism.

    I don't have any answers for you if you are searching. But, I would encourage you to continue to search for truth. I have come to the painful conclusion that the organization I thought was God's chosen channel of communication isn't.

  • Sirona

    What a shame!

    See you in a few months / years / decades when you realise that you wasted your life being controlled. <<<< link shows how JW's fit the "cult" analysis.


  • BIG D
    BIG D

    NIZMO, you know yourself that talking to somebody that is dfd, is cause for dfing you, and some here are, you are goin against the org, by questionong, and having doubts, , and you have alraeady sinned, you , if you really are an elder, should turn yourself in, or you are not the witness you suppose to be!

    we all know that is true, even you, i am not out to prove or disprove to , that is up to each individual to search out the scriptures.

    i have always thought it odd that we are supposed to tell others in service to examine their religion , but we are told not to examine our own, and if we do , we are weak and possibly apostate, will not the truth, shine thru?

    you have been guilty of being an apostate, by being here, no matter your intent.


    Wonderful..Another Good JW on an Apostate Board,with all the Answers.....His credibility is destroyed,just by showing up here..What a Frigg`n Genius!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • AuldSoul


    You are done talking with me because you believe I "should have known" something?

    I know their irrational excuse for having zero Scriptural support for their imposition of requirements beyond repentance prior to baptism. I know it very well. You are done talking with me because of something called "cognitive dissonance".

    Jesus did not (b) make "Jehovah" known in the sense of literally declaring the name. He made known the meaning behind YHWH.

    He told the woman at the well that he would give her water that would become within her a fountain bubbling up. He didn't tell the Samaritan woman to learn more about Jehovah. He didn't say there was a place to worship, in fact he said there was no place to worship anymore, that it was about an attitude more than a place. (John 4)

    He told his disciples that his flesh and his blood was the most important food. In fact, according to Jesus NO ONE, not even faithful JWs, can get resurrected unless they accept this food. (John 6:52-59)

    Now, Moses once screwed up big time when he claimed that he brought water forth. But, for some reason, when Jesus says he will give lifegiving water it is okay. Moses said God brought bread from heaven, but Jesus said he was bread from heaven. I know why. Do you?

    I bet you reject the bread from heaven every year, don't you. (John 6:60-65).

    As I was starting to wonder whether I had made the biggest mistake of my life—one that resulted in 21 wasted years—my dad asked me, "Where will you go away to?" I read him John 6:66-69 and asked him whether it is about a "where" or about a "whom" ... that's who I went away to. You still are fleshly and focused on a fleshly organization. You still need a where. Until you can dispense with that you don't belong to Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:18-23)


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