Jehovah's Witness here.

by nimzo 177 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I know it's long, but read it sometime....

  • Undecided

    If there was a God out there somewhere that was so concerned about his name why wouldn't he let us know what it really was? We can't pronounce his real name, when we say Jehovah it isn't his name, just an english translation of some Hebrew letters that can't be pronounced by anyone today. He is just in the imagination of humans who has no idea of what God is unless he reads some other men's written word from long ago. God hasn't spoken to men in thousands of years, what's up with him???

    Ken P.

  • snowbird
    I know it all already.

    Nimzo, if you really knew, you'd be hightailing it out of there. Be careful, you sound like those Pharisees who insisted they could see, but were as blind as bats.


  • nimzo

    drew sagan I'm ok.. This is my last time on here.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Nimzo what about Simon? The bible clearly shows he was not "true of heart" he only wanted the powers of the holy spirit to make money off of (Acts 8). Yet he was baptized the same as anyone else. Clearly Jehovah did not "read" his heart and see he was not pure and still baptize him?

  • Junction-Guy

    You are free to believe what you want, however when the reality finally sinks in to you that you have been duped, you cant in all honesty say that you werent warned. If I had people telling me these things 15-20 years ago, my life would have taken a different direction. No one was there to warn me, I finally had to search out the answers that had been hidden from me since day one.

    Fastforward to the future, someday when you come back here and your life is a wreck, and you have sacrificed your children to a proven false prophet, then I will empathize with you, but I definitely wont sympathize with you.

  • nimzo

    snowbird No. I know they apostates hide other information that disproves their of their information. Arrrrrrrrrr

  • nimzo

    Junction-Guy I'll have a change of mind once a religion starts teachings the bible truth. You're basing this stuff off your own opinion and thats it. I know many Jehovah's Witnesses that knows all about the past, and they know how many times apostates created lies against us.

  • Gerard
    So like I said, Don't anyone tell me what I need to know, because I know it all already.

    Do you?:

  • Junction-Guy

    There is real proof out there, even in the Society's own publications, you dont need to read "apostate" literature for answers, just look at some of the bound volumes.

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