100 Good Samaritans needed

by Trilobite 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Well, this turned into a wonderful thread.....

    Where is the 'love'?


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Englishman

    OK, I have some dough in my hot little hand. Its peeing down with rain, but my brolly is by the front door so that I can walk into town to post it direct or bank it.

    But where to? Gods teeth, this is so frustrating. GRRRR! In another hour - its almost 3 pm here - it will be too late, so then its another days wait.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Trilobite

    I've received a number of new emails to the dpingo_2001 address. I'll try to respond to them later today.

    A lot of the "old warriors" from H2O have helped substantially behind the scenes, far more then many might imagine. Also, please don't forget that people have lives too and not everyone has been following this board. Plus, the bad economy is affecting everyone; people are worried for their jobs etc. Hence, they may not have the time, energy or emotional state of mind to post or even to follow the board. I have no one particular in mind here, just making general comments.

    I haven't heard from Farkel of Maximus. I'd prefer not to handle any money myself. Essie's idea is probably the best and most straightforwrad (please see her thread).

    Thanks to all,


  • waiting

    Thank you Tribolite for responding.

    A lot of the "old warriors" from H2O have helped substantially behind the scenes, far more then many might imagine.

    In retrospect, I suppose I should have held off e-mailing you until I had more questions answered - as one is taught to do with pledging money. But I didn't - like others, I e-mailed you when I saw this thread. Later, I reviewed the thread, and my question came up. I saw many other posts with questions, so I figured I could ask that question.

    Sorry for the disruption to your thread. It is a good thread.


    As for all the Mighty Ones I've offended by asking a question, I bow humbly, fucking myself, groveling on the ground in front of my computer for not knowing an answer and asking a *touchy* question.

    How else was the question to be asked? The answers surely were forthcoming in all hostility! If the named posters and others had been there to urge the others posters who don't know Farkel & Maximus that well (I'm not in any Inner Circle, so I'm of that sorry-assed group) BEFORE my incredible stupid one question - THEN the question would never had been asked, now would it? Duhhhhhhhhhhh.

    I am now properly chastised, condemned, cursed with obscene profanity, self-fucked, all respect lost ....... because I asked about the absence of the written support & monitary encouragement for others to give money by some of the old time posters from H20 - which means long ties.

    So as to bring peace again to this thread - I withdraw my question, any reasoning ability, any attempt at logical deduction - no matter how awkwardly made by me, and will fall into having Absolute Faith in the Credulity of All Posters who possess Total Truth and Righteousness on this Forum of Perfect People who would never lie, mislead or cut another to shreds.

    I am assuming that my money pledge to Farkel and Mr/Mrs Maximus is still valid? Thought so. Just no unapproved questions allowed.

    Guess the old saying is right: Can't ever leave home and mother.

    Again, my apologies offered - it was absolutely not my intent to offend, just asked for clarification. Got it, and refuse to answer in kind except to Tribolite.

    I was going back to remove my unapproved question, but then figured that those who had responded would respond again as to the self-fucking, cunt-like, completely disrespectful, behavior, of a person who would ask a question, get incredibly slammed for it, and then apologize and remove the shameful question. So it stands.


  • hillary_step

    Hello Folks,

    I understand that Trilobite is making arrangements to make sure that moneys reach Farkle.

    As for Max/Mrs Max I have arranged for AlanF to act as a 'banker'. Please send what you can spare to him, he will immediately re-direct it to Max. Mail me and I will pass his address to you.

    We are having to work this way to preserve anonymity, which in itself is a sad reflection of what the WTS has managed to achieve in its goal of alienation.

    Both Alan. The Maxes and I would like to thank you very much for your sincere kindness.

    Kindest regards - HS

  • Esmeralda

    Thank you Alan and HS for setting up the location and address to send Max contributions. I appreciate it.

    When I offered ideas as to how to send funds to Farkel this is exactly what I suggested. The problem we are having is that it seems no one is close enough to him physically to pull it off. So hopefully Farkel can help us out with this.

    As far as the other stuff going on here...forget it. I'm not even going there.

    I will add though that you do not know what people do behind the scenes. I know there are many generous souls here. That is who Trilobite and HS were appealing to.

    Now if the address for Farkel can be provided that is all that should be necessary. I have no idea where to reach him.

    Thanks again AlanF and HS, and you too T.

  • Julie

    For the Record:

    Some of us have done things for Farkel privately back when the first wiffs of trouble were in the air. Some of us Old Warriors reacted quickly and privately without all the publicity. We don't feel the need to make the world aware of our good deeds and shouldn't be criticized or suspected the worst of for our quiet methods.

    Shameful of anyone to ASS-U-Me anything on such matters. Unless you know about anything done quietly just sit down and enjoy a nice big glass of Shutthefuckup.


  • mommy

    I am sorry, I didn't know if we were silent our charitable contributions would be questioned. I can't afford anything to send now, but my love and hope they can get back on their feet.

    I emailed Tribolite and expalined it to him, but now I am making an official announcement, as to my absence on this thread. I also told him I would keep it on the front page if I saw it slip off, it never did when I was online.

    Anywho, just me making a public announcement to all, just in case you were counting posts and keeping account

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Hmmm

    There's no need to send money. We do all we need to do by sharing the Good News of God's Kingdom with our neighbors. Anything we did would only be effort wasted on a system that is going down; rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, if you will...

    Oops. Sorry. Sometimes I forget that I'm a wicked apostate, and thus am free to show compassion to my fellow human beings.

    I'll contact AlanF, but am still wondering about how to reach Farkel. Wouldn't one of his long-time friends/trusted associates be willing to hold the immediate contributions while the details are worked out?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If you're looking for email addresses to participate, here they are (I hope posting these doesn't piss anyone off):

    Trilobite - [email protected]

    Alan F - [email protected]

    Hillary_Step - [email protected]

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