100 Good Samaritans needed

by Trilobite 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    For Christ's sake! All this hot air!!!Lets get things moving here, time is a luxury not available to these fellas!

    WHERE can I send something to? If someone will email me with an address I will post a money order today. Its going to take a few days to get to the US from here, but WHERE WHERE WHERE???


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • waiting


    WHERE CAN THE MONEY BE SENT??????????? Tribolite tells us to cut the crap and send Farkel and Maximus money. Fine. Circumstances have been explained.......

    But WHERE??????????? Hell, we don't even know real last names, let alone addresses.

    Put the information somewhere out front if you expect up front money. I had already e-mailed you, Tribolite, before your post (cc to HS).

    WHERE??????????????????????????? My money orders will go out today also if given addresses for each person, Farkel, Maximus, and Mrs. Maximus.


  • waiting

    Sorry - in advance - for bringing this up....but it is bothering me AND I have already sent my pledge in by e-mail, just don't know where to actually send the money. That is others' problem to solve PRONTO.

    What is bothering me is the names of the posters posting on these threads about Farkel & Maximus - and the names which are glaringly absent......which would be the old H20 Warriors and persons who usually respond like clockwork to Maximus' posts.

    Kent jumped all the hell over Mario for slightly requesting money by going to another website - saying that was an obvious troll ploy and a "red flag." I believe these current threads totally legitimate.....and using my money to back up my belief.....but where's the support from Kent, JanH, AlanF, Tina, and Jerome, Hawkaw, etc., The ones who generally post in sequence? And their pledges?

    Hopefully, it's being done via e-mail, but even their word support is non-existent. May I be so rude to ask if anybody else has noticed this oddity also?

    And Noooooooooooooooo, I am not attacking. I am questioning an oddity within these threads. I don't think I'm being rude either - as H20'ers usually respond to each other, imho.

    Again, no need to jump all over me for questioning - I've already put my money up. Just a glaring curiousity.


  • think41self

    I agree guys,

    I just found this thread today, and after reading through the entire 5 pages, all I see is discussion of how much money can be sent. I would also like to quietly send something for both of them, but I do not want to make an oath of a monthly commitment. I would send it TODAY if I knew where!

    BTW, please take no offense at that Trilo and Essie. Your motives are excellent and I'm sure your help much appreciated, but let's focus on what we can do TODAY. I will check the board when I get home from work to see if an address has been posted.



    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing."

  • Kent

    The same question from me. Could anyone please tell me WHERE we could send anything? I see the need - but there is also a need for us to know where to send money....

    I guess someone coordinates this stuff. Make an account somewhere, please - and let's know the number - or at least how to contribute...


  • outnfree

    I just want to jump in here and say that Tribolite is not being difficult about WHERE to send it, for Farkel anyway... he just doesn't know yet.

    WHY do I say this?

    Because I had already contacted Farkel over the weekend asking if I could still send a lump sum to the previous address or was that too late? or should I send it WU? To date, he has not given me enough information to do anything!

    So, Doug, if you're listening? The offer still stands for me to help with something IMMEDIATE. Plus, I've committed to a small sum for the next six months.

    And waiting? Thank you for reminding us that Mrs. Max has bills, too.
    I will e-mail Trib to increase my monthly donation to reflect that the Maxes have 2/3 of the bills....

    Doug -- if the money were split 2:1 in favor of Max, would that be agreeable to you?



    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Prisca

    Waiting, I found that odd too, that the H20 regulars weren't here to support their buddy. I would have imagined them to be rallying up support for this cause.

    I also agree that a definite procedure for donating money needs to be established. Once that is done, I am sure more pledges, and more definate replies, will come once we know where and how we can send money.

  • Tina

    Fuck you waiting.and that goes for your fellow cluless pal pricka
    You dont know what many of us do behind the scenes. And the fact that we dont feel a need to broadcast it. If you had read the thread carefully,you would have seen a post where Trilobite stated that if anyone was worried about a scam,ask TINA! That should have told you SOMETHING. My real friends here know what I do and dont do. FYI,I've been helping others long before this public call. Sorry,some of us dont make the showy display like you do. Of running thru threads waving our checkbook publicly,(how low class) lol. What is this a pig auction? And since you slammed 'old web warriors' as you call them,dont be surprised if they answer in sequence at yer baiting post.
    Go ahead slam me again.you have shown me that it is truly truly the best thing to put you on my ignore list.
    There's a lot going on behind the scenes that you have no clue about. And I wont add to your corruption of this thread. nice going there! Hope you're proud of deliberately corrupting such a sensitive and important thread.
    I will say a public apology is in order here.But aint gonna hold my breath for it ,for all whose names you used in your character assasination attempt here.
    'The Good,The Bad,The Fundy'

    Special Matinee HORROR!!!!
    'I Was A Teenage JW Pioneer!

  • Kent


    Kent jumped all the hell over Mario for slightly requesting money by going to another website - saying that was an obvious troll ploy and a "red flag." I believe these current threads totally legitimate.....and using my money to back up my belief.....but where's the support from Kent, JanH, AlanF, Tina, and Jerome, Hawkaw, etc., The ones who generally post in sequence? And their pledges?

    Of all the snide remarks I've seen, this qualifies for a red card. Rather, it qualifies for a good beating! You don't know what anybody do or not do, you don't know nothing - yet you insinuate ", JanH, AlanF, Tina, and Jerome, Hawkaw, etc., " don't give a rats ass what happens to our friends.
    You have lost my respect for ever and ever!

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    "Again, no need to jump all over me for questioning - I've already put my money up. Just a glaring curiousity.


    'No need to remark on the fact that I'm being a cunt, just let me get away with it'... right waiting? Isn't that about the size of it?

    FYI it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what anyone ELSE is doing or where or how ...

    No need to jump all over 'me' for stating the obvious,

    (pissed as HELL waiting's sort of hypocritical bitchiness)

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