The Story of Minimus

by minimus 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • mcsemike

    Minimus, I really enjoyed your post. I was somewhat similar, but a little older. I was 27 when I got baptized but had studied since I was 21. I was appointed quickly and as a MS was a book study conductor even though there were elders without book studies because they said I was a better teacher. I was NOT approachable to some people, others loved me.

    You said it, there is no love in this cult. It's about following the rules. However, I would rather err on the side of love than DF'ing someone. The suicides are making me angrier each time I hear of one. Someday I'd like to see some elder who drove a person to suicide by their unkind treatment killed himself. Being hit by a car in the KH parking lot would be poetic justice. LOL.

    This cult doesn't have a clue about love of any kind, except love of rules and appearances. They are the Pharisees exactly. In fact, I sometimes wonder if the resurrection didn't begin 100 years ago and all the jerkoffs that are elders today aren't the Jewish leaders of the first century. If they don't fit exactly how Jesus described the Pharisees, I don't know who does. How blind can these men be not to see how they look to the congregation and the world. I wouldn't pay a nickel to save any of their lives if I was a billionaire.

    Didn't the Bible say "mercy before sacrifice"? What the hell do these sub-human creatures think when they DF someone and he kills himself a week later. Their answer? He lost Jehovah's spirit and it's all his fault. If my daughter, who was raped at nine years old by a known (to the elders) pedophile ever harms herself because of this cult, I will personally shoot the body of elders responsible. We'll see if Jehovah God can stop me.

  • flipper

    Minimus, fabulous post!! Mr. Flipper here.I've always sensed your fairness and reasonableness in discussing issues which has been a big encouragement for my wife and I. My dad, still in the witnesses, an elder of 50 years and older brother, elder of 35 years always left a "false" sense of legacy for me the younger son to live up to. But when I got out 4 years ago I realized I didn't have to live up to that. You, Blueblades, Blues brother and other ex-elders show that all of us ex-witnesses have something valuable to contribute to this board with genuine caring, unconditional love, good advice, and a sense of fairness and justice which is never tainted with the orgs. company line of conformity, right or wrong. I thank you for your story. I'd like to hear more stories from people like you, so we can all understand where we've all come from in our experiences. Sometime Mrs. Flipper and I will share ours. Thanks, much peace to you Minimus. Flipper.

  • dawg

    Minimus, you are one smart bastard... and that's a complement. I've been reading your posts for a while now, and have seen how damn smart you are... why don't you coordinate an attack we all can live with? I want to kill this organization (metaphorically of course) help design a coordinance.

  • stillajwexelder







  • OnTheWayOut

    Anyone who asks as many questions as Minimus would not be able to stay in
    the WTS.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    interesting read...always enjoy your numerous posts.

    I sat on so many judicial committees that I am ashamed

    yeah, me too. I was an elder 5 years (with a 1 year break in there while waiting reappointment... long story for another time). I sat on many committees. I hate to think if I ruined their lives. I prefer to hope that I freed them from the Borg.


    SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)

  • Numinous

    The last thing a person would imagine when they saw Minimus years ago would be that he would ever leave. I am sure that people saw my husband and I the same way. The horrible truth is that a Bible trained conscience is nothing to be proud of because when we go against human nature there is something in each of us that knows it. mcsemike: I do think that the day will come when elders who are put in these unnecessary positions will realize just what happened back there in that room when they told somebody God doesn't want anything to do with them anymore. I was the only person who cried at the cousin's funeral. People just looked at me like : "what's the matter with HER?" If Minimus can recognize what's going on, then I would hope that others in that position would see it also. Natural human affection and love really have been replaced by rules in this organization.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I imagine the pressure the elders put on people, to be something more than they are, and the guilt of not being a perfect witness takes it's toll as well. I don't know if the elders are aware of the impact of their behaviour on people.

    My brother, studied with and brought into that cult a freind from high school. He was a devoted witness but the tension it caused in his family was too much to bear. His marriage ended and his two kids lived with their mother. He got so depressed that he could no longer work. He finally moved in with his dad who was a staunch Catholic and hated the witnesses. He could no longer bear living and on April 3rd only two months ago he blew his head off! I have been trying to figure out why. Lots of people live at home with there folks or have marriages end. They don't blow their heads off.

    He was 41 years old. Only three weeks before he died he asked my brother to go to dinner with him. He went, and I reckon he already knew what he was going to do, even then. He didn't tell my brother what was on his mind but asked if he could see him one more time the following week. He didn't go to see him.

    The funeral was an open casket and it was surreal. An image to be imbeded in my brothers head for the rest of his life. He was buried as a Catholic. Dam the witness's. His father was irrate with anger. This is a perfect example of how the congregations love is non existant. It's not about people, it's about numbers. Once your in and baptized the concern melts away like Ice cream on a summer day. He was let down in my opinioin.

    My brother then told me that, the hall he shares with the morning group just had a suicide as well. I don't know all the details but he was from the French speaking congregation. He went to the meeting, that day, did the Mics, went home, and blew his head off as well.

    It is more than obvious what matters to the elders and it isn't love. They can say these people died as loyal witnesses but if they really beleived all the bullshit they were taught about paradise and what God thinks of suicide, there is no way they would have done that. That's my take on what happened. He didn't even leave a suicide note.

    I have been stripped of my dignity and self esteem a thousand times over. I have been acused and blackmailed and even rejected by my family in the begining. I had a death wish but never did it. I beleive some folks are made much more delicatly and don't see the game thats being played for the benefit of the corporation and its cronies prestige.

  • moshe

    Minimus, I appreciated you sharing your story with us. There is a saying that a man learns best from his mistakes not his succeses.

  • neverendingjourney
    on April 3rd only two months ago he blew his head off! I have been trying to figure out why. Lots of people live at home with there folks or have marriages end. They don't blow their heads off.
    if they really beleived all the bullshit they were taught about paradise and what God thinks of suicide, there is no way they would have done that. That's my take on what happened. He didn't even leave a suicide note.

    I'm sorry to hear that, Tyrone. What goes on in a lot of congregations is really cruel. Depression combined with JW theology is a recipe for disaster. JWs can really become bogged down with guilt over their failure to live sin-free or perfect lives. They might convince themselves that they are not worthy of serving Jehovah and feel like there is no possible way they will survive Armageddon and make it into the New System. I've been there. When this view is combined with severe depression, the JW might decide to go ahead and put themselves out of their misery immediately instead of prolonging the pain. What's the use? You're not going to make it into the New System anyway. It's not necessarily that they don't believe in the teachings anymore. That's my perspective on it. Sadly, stories of JWs taking their lives are all too commonplace.

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