Atheists, Why the Anger?

by XJW4EVR 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ténébreux

    I guess the difference is that there aren't many people going around claiming special authority over others as a true messenger of the Tooth Fairy or Santa.

  • Narkissos

    Reading LtCmd.Lore's great post confirms (to me) that this is, indeed, mostly an American issue. Here in France you hardly ever hear Christian-bashing by atheists or Atheist-bashing by Christians. Debating whether God exists or not sometimes happens in school yards or in scholarly books, very rarely in between. The reason being, imo, that separation of church and state has been effective for over 100 years: religion is now a completely private matter and most Christians would never bring it onto the public space. Creationism is unheard of except in some fringe (often US-influenced) groups which cannot dream of bringing it into the schools, public or private.

    As a result you now see interesting developments, e.g. atheist philosophers discussing the positive contribution of Christianity to European culture -- which would have been almost impossible in a "us-and-them" situation.

  • Kaethra

    Interesting point of view Narkissos. I would say that Canada is pretty similar to France in that least in my neck of the woods...most of the time. I can't remember ever debating gawd's existence with anyone in real life...except for when I was a believing dubbie and on the other side of the fence.

  • mkr32208

    When was the last time someone blew themselves up or invaded another country because of a conversation with the tooth fairy?

  • startingover

    L C Lore.

    Well put!

  • moshe

    I don't know if it is anger over the belief in God as much as it is anger over the mind control that a such a belief instills.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    I don't know if it is anger over the belief in God as much as it is anger over the mind control that a such a belief instills.


  • Satanus

    It's the snide comments that go w the god belief that push my buttons. I mean, nice people like mouthy say things like, the fool says in his heart that there is no god.


  • jelcat8224

    on the flip side,

    most of the atheists I have encountered, (including some on this board, but I in no way try to speak for everyone), say that we are foolish for choosing to believe in God.

    I do think it goes both ways. Unfortunately, both sides are guilty.


  • Highlander
    When was the last time someone blew themselves up or invaded another country because of a conversation with the tooth fairy?

    and take it a step further,, when have you seen an athiest blow himself up in a crowded market in the name of god? I've never met an angry athiest(though I'm sure there are many out there). I've met many angry religious people.

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