Atheists, Why the Anger?

by XJW4EVR 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skycaptain

    hi i agree with you ,i am amazed that this forum site allows people to talk that way .it is very racist , i have had many friends over the years who are of a darker skin then myself and have full respect of them and there culture.

    being born and live in the UK the two things that get up peoples noses is having wrong views on religion and politic es , i can sure you if that person were to express him self in that way in the UK he would be picked up by the police for making defamatory comments and with the new laws they now have, if they think you are a bit mentally unstable , which you would be if you talked like this person you would be syco analysed by a mental health doctor , i now this to be true as a man in my own town spoke in a bad way to my local community and this was done to him.

    you young man can not talk like this. society will not stand for it. be very careful , keep it inside your head.

    yours sky captain.

  • Highlander
    As atheists we don't have a theology. So aside from the lack of belief in god, there is no universal atheist belief.

    Bingo. There is no code of atheism to which all belong to and agree to. Each one is different which is why I find this generalization of atheists to be ridiculous.

    As there are good religious people, there are good athiests.

  • skycaptain

    is this person thick look at what has happened on this planet in the last 100 years , Millions of people have lost there lives to tyrannical atheists and so called men of god who have governed certain countries this planet , i find it hard to believe that folk can be so blind , why is it that all the atrocities that go on in this planet have some sort of link to religion ,for gods sake look what Hitler did to the jews,and now whats happening in a middle eastern country, which is affecting the UK AND AMERICA,

    we in the UK are on constant alert at fear of more terrorist attacks.

  • skycaptain

    I have many friends who are atheist and some who are god fearing, and are good people to be with and show me much love and compassion . and try like myself to lead honest and good lives.

    They put many a JW to shame,.

    There are good and bad people around us in society and if they miss behave the police are there to deal with them.we do still have laws on what behavior is acceptable and which is not.

  • mkr32208

    You need to do a bit more research on Stalin. He WASN'T an athiest. He hated the church not because of god but because he didn't want to share power with anyone or anything.

  • skycaptain

    Yes you are right.

  • Abaddon
    My question why do you get so angry over a mythical being? No one gets as upset over the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, as I have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of God.

    Your answer is in your question if you think about it.

    Please list the wars, tortures, injustices and inhumanities meeted out in the name of the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

    Then list the wars, tortures, injustices and inhumanities meeted out in the name of various gods.

    See the light yet?

    Of course such actions on the part of believers may not have anything to do with god; but that's not the point. The idea of god has been responsible for a hell of a load of suffering. And yes, it has also done some good things too... but then people are quite cabale of doing good things without there being some reward/punishment system after one dies.

    If a person chooses to believe in God isn't hat his/her own choice?


    Why they anger, almost to the point irrationality?

    Yes, wll, your definition of irrationaility (as a theist, this is nothing personal) might be at odds to many atheists definitons. Speaking personally I get frustrated that people have such brutish ignorent ideas about what might be, and accept degradations to their quality and freedom of life and take attitudes about perfectly decent people on account of belief.

    ANd obviously, as pointed out already, atheists are like ice crystals.

  • Junction-Guy

    Another thing I have noticed is that the Atheist XJW's are'nt nearly as friendly as the christian JW's, and they seem to lash out more at everyone, no matter what the subject involves, be it politics or religion. Atheists hate Bush, they hate the Bible, they hate traditional american life, they hate just about everything except other atheists.

  • Sparkplug

    cuz god is so mean. I mean, sure he's the most beautiful thing that's never been seen and all, but I hate him, so he doesn't exist.

    plus, dingos ate my baby.

  • Perry
    I mean, nice people like mouthy say things like, the fool says in his heart that there is no god.

    This is so ridiculous. Mouthy did not say that....God did. She just repeated it.

    Ps. 14:1

    The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

    On the thread "Isn't God Awesome" I proved (unchallenged I might add) that it is impossible to prove that God doesn't exist.

    The scripture doesn't say that the doubter, or the one who is unsure is a fool.... only the one who claims definitively "there is no God".

    I challenge EVERY SINGLE ATHIEST HERE to falsify what I have said and prove that God doesn't exist.

    Yes, to even attempt to do so would be ..... well foolish.

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