Atheists, Why the Anger?

by XJW4EVR 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LtCmd.Lore
    I challenge EVERY SINGLE ATHIEST HERE to falsify what I have said and prove that God doesn't exist.

    Not on this thread Perry, that's not what this is about.

    Go hijack a different thread, or stay on topic.

    Mouthy did not say that....God did. She just repeated it.

    As I said before, quoting insults at an atheist from the Bible is as useless as quoting insults at him from a movie. Plus it's the same as saying them yourself, because by quoting them in that way, you are ENDORSING it.

    Like I said, I can either quote Dexter calling you stupid, or say it myself and you'd still be just as offended. Especially if I don't state my source and just call you stupid... then after the fact say:"I didn't say that... Dexter did. I just repeated it."


  • stevenyc

    Perry: "I challenge EVERY SINGLE ATHIEST HERE to falsify what I have said and prove that God doesn't exist." I'm sorry Perry, but, you can't get away with that so easily. The challenge is for you to prove that your God exists. steve

  • Highlander

    I'll get to work proving that god doesn't exist,

    In the meantime, you get to work proving that the 'flying spaghetti monster' doesn't exist.

    Ready, Set, Go!

  • greendawn

    I also noticed that atheists sometimes go overboard offering arguments that are clearly irrational when they find themselves in a corner. For example why do languages get ever more complicated (gramatically) as we go back in time? The answer is "because they are simpler and easier to learn". The ancients are supposed to be more primitive and unsophisticated.

    But try learning for example Homeric Greek and modern Greek grammar and you will have no doubt as to which is easier to learn.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I challenge EVERY SINGLE ATHIEST HERE to falsify what I have said and prove that God doesn't exist.

    Yes, to even attempt to do so would be ..... well foolish.

    So, would it be foolish to attempt to disprove the existence of fairies? If so, why?

  • Gregor

    XJW, for some time now I have come to appreciate your thoughtful posts, that's probably because we agree on several issues! But, I also recognize that you are a 'believer'. If I recall correctly, after you left the org. you became what is loosely called a "fundy" or some branch of a pentecostal type church. My point is that while I am not a 'believer' in the supernatural, including god, I respect you from what I know of you here.

    That being said, I think your use of the word 'anger' in your thread title and opening post is a tactic by you to put atheists on the defensive. I reject your premise that atheists become raging, 'irrational' hot heads when interacting with believers. I would have suggested the thread title "Atheists, Why do you get frustrated with believers?"

    To me, it is similar to my feelings about people, some in my own family, who religously 'believe' in herbal concoctions, chiropractors, naturopaths and so forth. I recognize that they are convinced of being on the right path and swear to receiving benefits. They cannot be convinced otherwise. My frustration is based on two facts:

    1. They often DO receive a benefit. I know this is true. It is called the Placebo effect.

    2. They are being taken advantage of, in many cases, by cynical charlatans.

  • Gregor

    Perry: "I challenge EVERY SINGLE ATHIEST HERE to falsify what I have said and prove that God doesn't exist." I'm sorry Perry, but, you can't get away with that so easily. The challenge is for you to prove that your God exists. steve This bears repeating. Perry and his twin, Vinny seem happy to base their belief in god on trite, circular reasoning and pretty pictures ("Are you trying to say that a banana, in all it's delicous glory, just came about by accident!?"....etc ad nausea) FACT: If you put a tiny piece of goosedown on one side of a balance scale and all the proof of a god on the other, the goosedown would be heavier.

  • lola28
    Another thing I have noticed is that the Atheist XJW's are'nt nearly as friendly as the christian JW's, and they seem to lash out more at everyone, no matter what the subject involves, be it politics or religion. Atheists hate Bush, they hate the Bible, they hate traditional american life, they hate just about everything except other atheists.

    I intend to have a lot of fun with this post.I don't hate the Bible I just don't believe in it, I don't hate Bush I just happen to think he is an idiot and FYI so do millions of other Americans. We hate traditional American life? What bullshit that is, how dare you make such an ignorant statement? We DONT hate these things just because we don't believe in god, we don't kick dogs and we don't eat children, we simply don't believe in god.


  • LtCmd.Lore
    we don't kick dogs

    Weeeelll, there was this one time, I was out in service and...

    we don't eat children

    Weeeelll, there was this... oh, nevermind.

  • lola28

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhh we don't want them to know about that! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.


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