Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rosalee

    Who says you have to give up eating, drinking and marrying???

    There is nothing wrong with any of these things.

    Jehovah only asks that we put him first in our lives. He knows we need all these other things.

    In Noah's day they did all these things too.. So did Noah and his sons and their wives.

    The difference is Noah and his family put Jehovah first in their lives.

  • restrangled
    Witness live in the same world and are affected by apathy too. Keeping on the straight and narrow was never offered as an easy option.

    Rosalee....apathy is letting others control your your life on autopilot....waking up 34 years later like my sister only to realize....the world hasn't ended....there's no retirement savings....and that all of the WTS beliefs that got her into the organization....1914...this generation will by no means pass being changed. Now that is apathetic.

    Apathetic is not using your God given common sense to figure out that the WTS message is seriously flawed.

    Common sense is realizing that you can't fool God by pretending to be something you are not.

    Common sense is realizing that in the end God knows your heart and that using the name "Jehovah" and banging on peoples doors hardly constitutes eternal salvation while billions of decent people who actually lived good lives are destroyed.

    The problem Rosalee is that in the end, the only thing the WTS gives you is words. You use these words with each other to convince yourselves that you are better, meeker, humbler than others....but actions speak louder to "the world" and to "God".

    You fool no one but yourselves.

    r's hubby

  • jgnat

    As I say, an inordinate fondness for 'meek ones'. I suggest the bible is rife with passages commending the 'bold ones' as well. When is the last time you've had a study from these verses?

    2 Samuel 23:8-39, Proverbs 28:1, Matthew 3:7, Matthew 15:1-20, Matthew 23:13-39, Mark, 11:15-18, Acts 13:46, Romans 10:20, Phillipians 1:14, 1 Thessalonians 2:2

  • carla

    Keeping on the straight and narrow was never offered as an easy option.--Depends on what your definition of 'straight and narrow' means. To most jw's that means going to 5 meetings a week, making their quota in fs and placing literature, making sure their literature is underlined so all can see they have done their homework, avoiding worldly things like growing facial hair, submitting to silly rules that go way beyond what is written, this list could go on for literally pages. Christians recognize they are sinners, unlike jw's who claim they don't sin or they don't sin intentionally. Whatever that means. Christians have grace, jw's have only works that are measured by mere men. Men who's idea of what amount of works will potentially save a jw changes with the wind.

    You are being dishonest when you say jw's don't care about making their quota for counting time. If that were true there would be no need for the time sheets, no need to hand them in, no need to put your name on them when the wt's don't even allow writers to be held accountable for what they write. Instead they want to say it is 'bible based'. Why not use the bible itself then? Christians I know go to bible studies where they actually use the bible, only the bible. Jw's have 'book studies' where they use mainly wt literature and on occasion look up a script or two to see that they exist rather than using them in context. I am always suprised when I read that someone left the org by simply reading the bible and the scripts provided in the articles and find they have nothing whatsoever to do with the article at hand. And I can be comforted that the bible stands on its own and maybe one day my jw will find that he has been terribly spiritually abused and lied to. Sadly no jw can ever lay down their man made literature and depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide them in reading the bible on their own, that would be a dfing offense.

  • TopHat

    God accepts men from every Nation-----nothing here about the Watchtower Organization OR JWs....only men of ALL Nations and in this sense he means women also.

    "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.” (Acts 10:34-35)

  • nvrgnbk

    In Noah's day they did all these things too.. So did Noah and his sons and their wives.

    The difference is Noah and his family put Jehovah first in their lives.

    How many meetings did Noah attend every week?

    Who was on Noah's judicial committee when he got drunk?

    Where did Noah and his family report their field service activity?

  • Rosalee


    At least I paraphrased my Scripture. Did you look up the word courage and write down all the Scriptures without reading them all yourself?

  • nvrgnbk
    living your life on autopilot

    So true and so sad r!

    We love you unconditionally Rosalee and hope you wake up someday.

  • nvrgnbk

    Why wont you answer my questions Rosalee?

  • jgnat

    Rosalee, we will have far more civilized discussions if you stop taking personal snipes. I did NOT do a global word-search and copy the scripture verses. I selected most of those verses from memory. Oh, I forgot another favorite:

    2 Samuel 6:13-23

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