Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    *ignoring rosalee's insipid comments*

    I have known some geniunely fantastic JWs. But I've also met some genuinely fantastic people that are not JWs. The majority of JWs were very average in all ways, just like the rest of the world. And there were a few JWs I knew who were just crap... crap! Again, just like the rest of the world.

    What makes them different is the fact that they follow a corrupt Organization which primarily tends to its own material needs rather than to the needs of its flock.

    Are the JWs then somehow "better"? I think the question itself is suspect from a humanistic, egalitarian standpoint.

    Which is better, to follow the will of some entity outside of ones' self (the WBTS) which claims the authority of God? Or to follow ones' own will, as it aligns itself with God, the true and only God, which speaks to each one of us from within our own hearts?

  • 144001
    For a long time I had no religion. Now I do. I prefer now. It has true meaning


    True meaning? The only "truth" in your "true meaning" is that you are a member of a sickening child abusing and exploiting cult.

    I note that you failed to respond to my previous post, a failure not atypical of JWs I've met. None want to address realities they are incapable of either explaining or justifying. Your cult is really just like a drug, and like drugs, it has adverse side effects, both on the user/cult member, and those around them.

  • Rosalee

    What would you like me to say to your posts, 144001 ???

    You told me to have a good life and I thought you meant it.

    You ran on a bit that you don't like the group I'm with. SOOO???

  • 144001
    What would you like me to say to your posts, 144001 ??? Rosalee

    Your failure to respond to them demonstrates your tacit agreement with their content, Rosalee. So, since you agree with me, yet continue as a hypocritical cult member, I suggest you "say" sorry to all who have been harmed by the cult whose interests you advocate.

  • Rosalee

    And 144001, I am too much of a lady to tell you what you should do :)

  • 144001

    And 144001, I am too much of a lady to tell you what you should do :)

    But Rosalee, as a JW, you have no trouble telling others what they should do and how to live their lives. Why am I so special?

  • 144001
  • Rosalee

    I've never told a single soul how to live their lives.

    You must feel special enough to post twice :)

  • 144001
    I've never told a single soul how to live their lives. -- Rosalee

    I'd give this statement the same level of scrutiny I'd give claims made by other people, except for the fact that you previously admitted to being dishonest:

    In the past, I'd say exactly what someone said but with a few extra thoughts and claim it was exactly what I heard them say.

    As an admitted liar, do you really expect others to believe anything you say?

  • golf2

    Define average. What's an average witness?


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