Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    compare Rosalee's posts with R.F. It's possible to express doubts and invite comment without being insufferably smug and self-righteous. It's possible to listen to what other people say, without being condescending and insulting, even if you don't agree. Debate should have content - Rosalee's method of debate is sophomoric, in fact it's more juvenile than that. Just the opinion of one old goat!

  • 144001


    You mistake arrogance in me with having high standards. Seems you used to have some too. -- Rosalee

    High standards? Earlier in this thread, Rosalee provided an example of the "high standards" she holds herself to:

    In the past, I'd say exactly what someone said but with a few extra thoughts and claim it was exactly what I heard them say. -- Rosalee

    A person with an admitted history of dishonest behavior expects us to believe that she has "high standards." Thanks for the laugh, Rosalee!

  • trevor

    It must be clear by now that Rosalee is not here for seriously debate or to help us. He/she is here to wind up the punters and he/she knows just which buttons to push.

    Clearly Rosalee was once a witness but does not ring true now. Possible a frustrated disassociated JW who wants a little attention. Nothing wrong with that and it has been an entertaining thread (although FredHall was more fun)

    What surprises me is the number of bright posters who have allowed themselves to be taken in and started playing word games and exchanging insults. Rosalee is practised at using diversion, sarcasm and double-speak to appear to never be wrong in argument.

    Rosalee - If you really are a female using a pseudonym was I married to you once?


  • Rosalee


    The obvious reason in the difference between RF's posts and mine is that he has doubts. He fits right in here. Makes your job easy.

  • Hellrider


    you sound like some old goat with one foot in the grave.

    Nice statement Rosalee, it sure sounds like you jw`s are better than most people. Anyway: Of course, people have different experiences about these things, but: I have never experienced the kind of crap from "worldly" people, like I have from jw`s. My jw aunt cheated me and my siblings out of our inheritage (money-wise, not very Biblical, that`s for sure), they have crashed funerals in my family, to "spread their good news", an elder made sexual advances towards my mother, after my father had died, and then denied it afterwards at the jc, the circuit overseer from one of our neighbouring congregations was arrested for child abuse, he wasn`t caught before he abused children of "worldly people", in the meanwhile, he had been doing it to kids in the congregations for years, with the elders knowing about it...and I can go on and on about all your shit, but it just turns my stomach. In my very personal opinion, Jehovahs Witnesses suck! Not the majority of them, but still more than in society in general.

  • brinjen

    On the whole, they are worse. Yes, there are some nasty worldly people out there. However, there are nasty dubs as well. The best christians I have ever met are the ones that don't do good deeds for the sake of being noticed. They do them because it's just their nature, they don't care if anybody sees them they have nothing to prove. That's a real christian.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    If I may, for a moment, go back to the subject of this thread:
    - while at the same time keeping out of the baiting Rosalee / being baited by Rosalee slanging match that has developed!
    (I'll try, anyway!)

    Last night, I was reminded of how much the JW's idea of "friendship" contrasts with proper friendship.
    I was speaking by telephone to an old friend whom I had known 35 - 39 years ago.
    (i.e. just before the JW Madness took hold).

    In conversation, he did obliquely refer to "The Religion", and how "a lot of people wondered how you managed to get involved with it."
    None-the-less, he was happy enough to still have me as a friend:
    - This despite all the crap that he must have patiently endured from me back then about "Signs of the Last Days", how close the "End of the System" was ect. ect. ect.
    (He must have been tempted to tell me to "go to B%#*ery" more than once, but never did)

    Contrast that to the JW funeral of my son the other year:
    - As D.F.'d, D.A.'d and D - everything else as well, I was of course treated as being lower down than a snake's backside!
    (This point was picked up on by non-witness relatives, who were present at the funeral).

    Ironically, too, there were some who thought that this was a chance to "give a good witness" to the "unbelieving" family members, to impress them with the "Christian Love" in a JW congregation.
    (Excuse me for a moment - while I bolt outside and throw up!)

    As others on this thread have already commented:
    - the friendship / love shown by the JWs is strictly qualified!

  • Quandry

    Contrast that to the JW funeral of my son the other year:
    - As D.F.'d, D.A.'d and D - everything else as well, I was of course treated as being lower down than a snake's backside!
    (This point was picked up on by non-witness relatives, who were present at the funeral).

    Ironically, too, there were some who thought that this was a chance to "give a good witness" to the "unbelieving" family members, to impress them with the "Christian Love" in a JW congregation.
    (Excuse me for a moment - while I bolt outside and throw up!) I'd like to forget about Rosalee-she has really demonstrated that she has nothing to offer this board except insults, and tell you how miserable I feel about the time you had at your son's funeral.

    A funeral is for the living. It should be a time to comfort, support and show fellow feeling for the family of the one who died. It should be a time to remember the one who has died and acknowledge that he/she was alive, loved, and is in the memory of God.

    Instead, Witnesses use the opportunity to look down their noses at the ones who have the real tie to the dead one, ignore completely his/her impact on earth during the time they were here, and use the time to tell all in attendace that they should either become witnesses, or if they are, do more, more, more before you die or you will regret it.

    If anything, I guess Rosalee is a good reminder of why none of us want to be associated with this organization anymore. Come to think of it, perhaps we should all thank Rosalee.

  • Gregor

    In response to the above question (based on many years of up close and personal observation) - HELL NO!

    In response to the question "Do JW's think they are better than average people? - HELL YES!

  • restrangled


    The obvious reason in the difference between RF's posts and mine is that he has doubts. He fits right in here. Makes your job easy.

    I remember back in the 80's when my brother who was a witness for 15 years went to my FIL who was an elder at the time and very innocently asked him what he thought of the 607 / 587 timeline. My MIL asked my FIL what my brother was talking to him about and my FIL innocently told my MIL that he had a question about the 607 / 587 timeline. MY MIL went running to another elder and told him that my brother was questioning the validity of a single WTS teaching....the elder then confronted my brother and demanded to know where he stood. My brother who decided it was better to be honest, said quite innocently that he had some doubts about the validity of some of the WTS teachings.

    My brother and his family were gone from dubland within a month.

    Asking the wrong questions is a very serious offense in WTS land. When I am being preached to by JW's at the door, I always ask them if it is OK to ask questions about the WTS doctrines. They often get exited and confidently answer a resounding YES it is!!! Then I ask is that the case once a person becomes a baptized JW. Some lie and say yes...until I look them in the eye and ask them to honestly answer the question.

    The primary thing that makes someones exit from the WTS easy is the WTS itself....the hypocracy....the lies....the coverups....

    What this forum does is provide exercise for the brains that have been operating on autopilot for years and in some cases decades. Thats all. Critical thinking is gradually restored and that built in BS detector called common sense that God gave everyone is once again re-activated and put into practical use.

    There is no job here. Rosalee you are the one with the job. The unpaid mission of peddling magazines for a corporation that rewards your service with mere words to feed your desire to be "extra special" and keep you coming back. No retirement fund, no job skills, no life skills, no getting along with others skills, just words.... that sooner or later don't add up to proper compensation for the devotion and free labor that you give freely to the WTS.

    When people walk away from the WTS because of unfounded doctrine, what are they given for their decades of free labor???

    The WTS biggest enemy is common sense.

    r's hubby

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