Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    They certainly think that they are!
    Also, during the "Lovebombing" phase of ones introduction to the cult, a person could perhaps get that idea - particularly if up until then, you had had little to do with other religious groups.

    For sure, there are some good people among them:
    - What the dubs fail to either realize or acknowledge is that there are a lot of other good people around who are not JWs.

    AND - speaking from the experience learned at the University of Hard Knocks here - the Dubs have more than their fair share of nasty @^&**"#ds amongst them, too!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Of course we are. Just ask us.

    I can even prove it with some of my "Bible Based Litter-ature".

    Now, hold still while I try to focus on those beady little rat eyes and try do a Borg "mind meld" on you.

    Open Mind

  • greendawn

    They are the same they may be better in some respects but worse in some others so in the end they are about the same as the average non JW. Eg the average JW may be more moral sexually but they treat ex JWs with great cruelty.

  • restrangled

    They are better Posers than most people....they're whole world is pretending to be something they are not.

    r's hubby

  • willyloman

    When I was a dub, I thought there were lots of good people in the org but was surprised, even disappointed, that there were so many who were flawed.

    Now I see the same thing exists in the world at large.

    The difference is: When I look back on the people I knew in dubdom (we're talking 30 years of my life), I can see now that the flawed were really, seriously flawed and highly dysfunctional. And the "good ones" proved to be proud, cold and arrogant... once they discovered I no longer accepted their unorthodox and impractical man-made religious beliefs as gospel.

  • 144001

    Data suggests that the mental illness rate of JWs is at least 4 times greater than that of the general population. So I guess they're "better" at being mentally ill.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In the interest of balance, some names from the UADNA files:

    Christian Longo: raised a JW, his Dad was an elder. Christian is a thief and a murderer, having killed his wife and three small children.

    Curtis Shane Thompson: convicted of rape and assault, became a prison convert to the JWs. Got out of prison, continued to assault, rape and kill.

    Cary Verse: violent pedophile.

    Duncan McCormick, pedophile.

    David Pleake, drunk driver, murderer.

    George West, former cop turned JW, spousal abuse and battery.

    Raymond L. Knowles, elder who perpetrated multimillion dollar secutities fraud against members of his congregation.

    Dale A. Erickson, and Darryl K. Willis, both elders, who defrauded one elderly sister out of $6 million.

    Louis Anguiano, who as an elder felt lust toward a 12 year old.

    Martin Kracht, murdered his 1 year old son, his wife, and his mother in law.

    Oscar Omar Osorto Sr., an elder, who had sex with at least one teenager in the Kingdom Hall and facilitated fornication among other members of his congregation.

    Johnny Paul Penry, assault, rape, murder.

    Mildreada Ruiz Rapa, and her daughter, Malanie Andrews, fraud, and identity theft.

    Larry and Constance Slack, parents of their 12 year old daughter Laree, who they beat to death using a one-inch thick electrical power cord as a lash.

    Daniel Fitzwater molester of 17 JW children in his congragation. He was disfellowshipped - for smoking.


    Kent..You CrazyMan!!..Good to se you here!.....JH..You would trust someone because they post on JWD???..Bud..That is a bad Idea!!..You trust someone because they have "earned" your trust.Remember that..You will live longer..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • nvrgnbk

    It's all about the power of suggestion man.

  • JWdaughter

    I can't say your reasons for the trust-I dont think that JWs are better than average people, I do think they are more self righteous than other people. I think you bought into it or you just figure that EX-JW's have a certain amount of integrity that the world (in general) may not, and have misplaced that to JWs in general. Either way, I trust but verify:)

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