I just got back from my circuit assembly !

by 5go 98 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go

    Ok I have listed all the intresting and thought provoking things. Hear they are from A to Z. --------->

    <----------- yep nothing.

    The only thing of note no one is to talk to inactive ones exept to invite them to the hall. That includes and was stressed family as well.

    Oh and the GB really thinks armegeddon is coming. SOOON !!!!!!! In fact they might openly predict it again I think.

  • avidbiblereader
    The only thing of note no one is to talk to inactive ones exept to invite them to the hall

    Gee that sounds Christlike, the complete opposite, is it me or it becoming more evident they lack HS?


  • zack

    SO now they're to shun the DF'd, DA'd, and INACTIVE? They keep this up NO ONE will be left to talk to.

  • Outaservice

    Sounds like a policy that will attract many to the Watchtower Society!


  • GoingGoingGone

    What assembly was this? One day or two?


  • avidbiblereader

    Next they will be wearing robes with long fringes, scripture containing boxes on their heads,

    If this is love than hate me.


  • OnTheWayOut
    The only thing of note no one is to talk to inactive ones exept to invite them to the hall.

    That's kind of big. This means I won't get invited to parties, gatherings.

    It's kind of exciting for me. If they really crack down on communication with the
    inactive, I will have to test the bond with my mother, because I am not going to
    submit 1 hour of preaching every 6 months just to be "active." That's how easy it
    is to stay active, though. You don't even have to go out, just say it was
    "incidental witnessing."

  • Highlander

    Hmm, I wonder if the hardcore dubs in my family will be shunning me soon.

  • Abandoned

    Hey guys, isn't this cool? This has a lot to do with us. The impact we have both here on the forum and when we talk to those either in or out of the truth who respect our opinions has the GB running scared. We are making a difference!

  • nvrgnbk

    the GB running scared

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