I just got back from my circuit assembly !

by 5go 98 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yaddayadda

    Good. Now I can be left alone to get on with my life without being pestered by them.

  • Sasha

    right...that does mean then that they won't be coming by any longer??? Now THATS GOOD NEWS!

  • minimus

    It appears there is no verification regarding the claim that the CA speaker said inactives should not be talked to.

  • Pistoff

    I think it is quite likely that the speaker said this; the things we have all heard speakers, CO's and DO's say that is off the official reservation would fill volumes.

    The last full convention I attended I nearly fell over; as I was taking my seat the speaker, covering the daytext, said that we show our loyalty to GOD by showing obedience to the ELDERS.

    That is not in print, as far as I know, and it is nearly blasphemous, if that bothers you. But, I heard it.

  • garybuss

    "So Friends, hypothetically, and I repeat hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We should be ready to say, "Hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!", Yes even if it were one of Jehovah's angels."
    Minute 23, Beware Of The Voice Of Strangers, District Convention Of Jehovah's Witnesses, Selkirk, Manitoba, July 12, 2003

  • 5go
    covering the daytext, said that we show our loyalty to GOD by showing obedience to the ELDERS.

    I don't think I have sat thru a assembly without hearing those exact words.

  • blondie

    *** w96 3/15 p. 19 par. 14 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***

    There are other aspects to the matter of meeting the challenge of loyalty to the congregation and its elders. If there are somewhat troubled conditions in the congregation, this gives us opportunity to display loyalty to Jehovah and to those representing him. (See TheWatchtower, June 15, 1987, pages 15-17.) When there has been a disfellowshipping, loyalty requires that we back up the elders, not trying to second-guess whether there were sufficient reasons for the action taken.

  • Pistoff

    It all sounds innocent enough when you have grown up in it, and don't yet actually know the typical elder.
    Then, oh maybe you get recruited to write a letter to Bethel, defending one elder against another; you catch an elder lying bold faced about a judicial matter; you see elders lying about what they knew about child sexual abuse, in court and under oath no less.
    It's not that they are just human; that is obvious. It is that they are trained by a corrupt system, are corrupt themselves, and they EXPECT obedience. What a curious word to describe the relationship of elders to the flock, in light of Jesus' words to call no one father on earth. Obedience to the law of the land, to one's conscience; but to another believer???
    Once the blinders are off and you hear about "obeying" elders to show respect for God, it is revolting.

  • 5go

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