I just got back from my circuit assembly !

by 5go 98 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go

    I do believe the circuit assembly is still 2 days

    Special assembly day is only one day.

    Yep and I have already forgot the theme and it's only monday. Good thing I wrote what I did.

  • 5go

    The only thing of note no one is to talk to inactive ones exept to invite them to the hall. That includes and was stressed family as well.

    What were the scriptural reasons given for this new Watchtower "rule"?

    They have never before in the past told people to shun inactive ones. I wonder what new rules they will impose in the future.


    I can't remember but i think it was the same as the one for disfellowshipped i.e. they are letting themselves become part of the world again.

  • 5go
    So in other words, it's the same shit, different assembly.


  • xjwms

    I can just feel the love, ... can't you?


  • agapa37

    Jesus wouldn't shun or teach others to shun inactive members, so the Watchtower is getting their new light from a dark source.

    There is an expression, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." I have definitely seen many inactive ones getting mistreated. I believe that many could be helped if they weren't neglected. However, I have also seen the opposite. "Go on carrying the burdens of one another, thus fulfilling the law of Christ." However it adds, "Each one must carry his/her own load."

    I have seen many inactive ones despite receiving enocouragement, invites to gatherings, invites to home meals, visits and so-on but still remain spiritually lazy. Those types of individuals do it to themselves because they do not respond to the help they are receiving. Some expect to be walked hand in hand to the meetings, out in service and just plain old serving God. However, as was already stated, "each one must carry his/her own load." People become lazy due to what they do to themselves and despite the help they receive still don't/can't walk on their own.

    This is not intented to point fingers at anyone here but just as the facts show that many are neglected, facts also show the opposite! So if we are inactive, we need to ask ourselves, have I RESPONDED to the attempts of encouragement or have I been neglected?

  • carla

    do not respond to the help they are receiving--- You mean they refuse to accept the lies of the wt therefore they are not responding? The invites to meals and such, would the jw agree to have a relationship with the 'inactive' one as long as NO jw discussions took place? Hardly, yet they expect to have a relationship ONLY if the person accepts the lies and deceits of a publishing company.

  • 5go


    Thanks for your post. How many were baptized at your Circuit Assembly? What were the demographics (i.e. children of JWs or newly found converts)?

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

    Ok 24 bapt. 2300 max attendance. 1/2 male 1/2 female all but 2 minorities Guess mainly which ? ( hint TEXAS )

  • agapa37

    do not respond to the help they are receiving--- You mean they refuse to accept the lies of the wt therefore they are not responding?

    Carla, I think you and me are talking about two different types of inactive ones. You seem to be referring to one,s who chose to be because they no longer believe, I am referring to one's who do believe but are inactive.

    Hardly, yet they expect to have a relationship ONLY if the person accepts the lies and deceits of a publishing company.

    Carla, I have many relationships with people who are not JWS. When it comes to having relationships with ones who once served Jehovah but do not any longer, there are guidelines within the Bible that are followed when it comes to such a relationship.

  • nvrgnbk
    Ok 24 bapt. 2300 max attendance. 1/2 male 1/2 female all but 2 minorities Guess mainly which ? ( hint TEXAS )


  • carla

    once served Jehovah but do not any longer,---- Once again, they must 'serve' (and I use the word,no entire phrase here very loosely) jah only the way the wt says is acceptable which is not biblical. Please show me where the bible says you MUST go to 5 meetings a week, devote yourself through baptism to a publishing company, go door to door peddling magazines, be told what you may wear, read, facial hair, be judged by mere men as to your spirituality by how many hours you peddle their many books, hide criminals to protect a man made organization, etc.....etc....etc.....

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