Have We Been Mislead About 9/11? Revisited

by JamesThomas 144 Replies latest members politics

  • purplesofa

    lol............fineally figured out what THIS is..........looking at it now.

  • purplesofa

    OK let's say that is not BinLaden

    Would we presume he was already dead before 9/11

    The tapes of BinLaden always bothered me for some reason AND we still have never found him.

    I have a friend that is an archectural engineer....and shortly after your May posts, we met for lunch and I talked to him about the buildings. He said they could have collapsed in just the way they did......so I just took his word for it and dismissed thinking about it anymore.

    Now you got me thinking again.......


  • mkr32208

    Watch the rest of the video. They picked out one still that doesnt look like him... The rest of the movie is obviously him! That's what pisses me off about this. These guys are INTENTIONLY lying and distorting to make trouble!

    Ask yourself this, are these conspiracy theorist looking for truth or are they looking for attention! Pretend they are JW's knocking on your door what burden of proof would you require to get you back into a KH?

  • skyking

    I am new here and I do not like what I see posted. Those of you that posted negative comments I have one and only one question how did tower seven collapse when no planes hit it and buildings closer to the Twin Towers did not collapse?????????????????????????????????????

    Many people above remind me of how my brother reacts when I ask him question on blood and the UN. Shame on you, you should rejoin the BORG you fit righht in.

  • KW13

    i hope your not here to be negative.people are entitled to opinions, even if it appears to be ignorance on their part.

  • free2beme

    Like all major stories in modern history, there is never a shortage of conspiracy theories. Although, there could be truth in there, so why not consider them? If the government wanted to debunk something they did not want known. They would treat it like it was a nut case joke, right?

  • JamesThomas

    Skyking, welcome, and relax.

    This is an intensely psychologically stressing subject. The ramifications, if government complicity is fact, are immense. Understandably, many, perhaps most people will find it more comfortable to not go there.


  • crazyblondeb
    Occam's razor suggests that the simplest explanation which accounts for all the evidence is most likely the correct one.

    What, or who is this? What is his explanation? Just curious.

  • sammielee24

    If you watch this video all the way to the end, how can you not ask questions? Tower 7 wasn't hit. It was imploded on purpose and thats confirmed by the owner - who bought all the complex only 2 months before the attack and had insured it for billions. It was imploded on the very same day. Why? Do you know what was in tower 7? CIA. Defense - what if there was a reason for the implosion and an urgency? What about the helicopter reporters that saw an explosion later on the top of the tower? What about the firefighter transcription that show radio calls saying the fires were under control in places? As is pointed out - if the fire was that intense, that quickly, then why were people still standing in the shell waiting for rescue, when in fact they would have died immediately? sammieswife.


  • skyking

    People do not like to question things, they like to throw statements like he is an apostate, don't listen to the quacks that believe in conspiracy theories. All you have to do is watch the history station how we have been duped in the past. Ex: remember the SS Liberty, I know only about 1% of the readers here know what I am talking about. Our nation has now release the top secret files that prove many a conspiracy therory correct. Many almost as 911. I could go on with provable lies I know of over 300 hundred mishaps that the US admits to because of the Freedom of Information Act. All 300 can be proven with 100% certainty that our government has done. Most of the big events that has impacted the World since 1945 have been done by the US government with cooperation with local governments such as bombing schools and hospitals then blaming it on some other group to over throw governments or control the masses.

    I am a person that loves history and ihistory can and will repeat itself.

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