Have We Been Mislead About 9/11? Revisited

by JamesThomas 144 Replies latest members politics

  • JamesThomas

    Sunny, I don't know what's going on, but I agree that we very well may be on the edge of something more radical than we have seen for some time.

    Purps, if you feel a need for clarity, or that something is amiss, then respect that and do what you need to do. Personally I simply desire the truth, what ever that is, and for now, I don't feel I'm getting it in regards this issue. Also, questioning our believed reality in all it's facets, I feel is a healthy thing......especially when it comes to your personal beliefs of "self" which most all my posts are about.

    Sky, I have heard that about the phones. It is certainly an area that needs some real investigation to answer it one way or the other.

    I have found though that to focus on one thing often comes to naught. For example I read through hundreds of pages of one thread on a physics forum where very scientifically educated people discussed the Towers collapse and whether or not demolitions were used. In the end, some had one theory and others had the other, just as when the whole damn thing started. For me it's the big picture, the amount of suspicious events and circumstances that allows for a confident sense that we need deep and open investigations.



    James, since you read the article, I will read the article you posted. As far as that writer's "insulting' tone. I think that since it was directed at the mental giant that is Charlie Sheen, maybe it is a bit dismissive. However, the points are still valid. As for the picture, I am sure that there must be hundreds of other photos that show the same beam in the smae state. If there are please direct me to them. I am sure that the odds on one beam being in that state are pretty slim. However, one picture does notsway my mind.

    Skyking, I don't have an answer for you on that. It seems to be a valid question, however there is just one problem. How do you account for all the phone calls that were made, not to mention the phone call from a stewardess on Flight 11 that went dead right after that jet slammed into the WTC? I'm sure there will be some clandestine cover-up, but how, 5 years after the fact, no one has blown this story?

    What is more, I have a very difficult time taking 9/11 conspiracy theorists seriously based on the near pathological hatred most of them show for the Bush admin. I am sure that many will point to the BYU professor, however, the Popoular Mechanics article shot him down.

    I guess that some people have to believe in conspiracy theories because, like most of us, they think that people are good deep down. There is just one problem with that. We are dealing with a socio-political movement, Islamo-fascism, that has shown it's utter disregard for all forms of human life. From defenseless men ina a wheelchair (Leon Klinghoffer) to blowing up Israelis, to blowing up night clubs, trains, subways, planes & skyscrapers. To even praising those that strap bombs to themselves and detonate themselves.

  • skyking

    I am a Republican and have vote as such for a very long time. I am not the first to question the cell phones there are many theorist questioning the phones. I have no answer how they where made but it appears it was not possible to have made the calls at 30,000 ft. You can use cell phones at lesser elevations but the higher and faster you go the less likely you are to have a conection. I can see by your statement you no one has blown this story that you need to do some more research about 911 because the cell phones are a huge part of the story for the 911 conspiracy theorist.

  • pratt1

    Isn't it reasonable that the cell phones would have worked on the planes that hit the WTC minutes before impact, since the WTC were only about a 1/4 mile high?

  • Kaytam

    Did anyone watch the CNN special, in the foot steps of Osama Bin Laden. He threatened this. He planned it. He is planning more. If we focus on the real threat maybe we can prevent future horors, but if we set around denying it and blaming some conspiracy the real cause will continue. This is for real and it is not a conspiracy but simply what it appears to be and we need to realize this to combat it.

  • JamesThomas
    If we focus on the real threat maybe we can prevent future horors,

    Welcome, Kaytam. I agree 100%. That's what this thread is about.


  • bubble

    Oh my god, I watched a dvd on this very subject last night.

    It all seems as if there's a major cover up and indeed, that the US government set up the events of 9/11.

    I couln't believe my eyes and ears as I watched the documentary. So there is true evil in the world and his name is George Bush!


    It is statements like this:

    So there is true evil in the world and his name is George Bush!

    That make sit back and think to myself, "Are these people really trying to discover the "truth" or are they disafected liberals that viscerally hate George Bush?" In fact, some of you 9/11 conspiracy mongers remind me of the Clinton conspiracy peddler, and I can't remember his name for the life of me, but he was on every right wing nutjobs radio show during the Clinton presidency.

  • JamesThomas


    I agree with your above statement. Many of the people who are in what is called the 9/11 Truth Movement, seemed to be overwhelmed with politically motivated hatred. You may notice that at the end of the summary I linked to that the writer was sane and sober enough to say that he felt that if there actually was government complicity, the people who knowingly implemented it did it because they truly felt, in the end, it was the best thing for the country and the world. He did not demonize.

    Personally I have no hatred for anyone. I am not so much against anything, rather I am for what is true. What really did happen that day? There seems to be a plethora of valid evidence strongly suggesting there was a far different scenario than the one we have been told. I want to know. I want thorough investigations.


  • Sunnygal41

    Not sure if this has been shared on this forum or thread yet, but, found it in my email box and thought I'd share it on this thread.............I haven't read through it yet....... Click here: Fury as academics claim 9/11 was 'inside job' | the Daily Mail

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