Have We Been Mislead About 9/11? Revisited

by JamesThomas 144 Replies latest members politics

  • skyking

    I have a question we now know that the US knew ahead of time the Japan was going to hit Pearl harbor, this is a fact. History Channel proved this by means of the Freedom of Information Act. The US know the day they sent the Battle ships out of Pearl Harbor. Why did the US let Pearl Harbor happen? White House papers said the President did this so we could enter the War against Hitler. None of this now is a conspiracy Theory it is conspiracy fact. You all need to watch this video produced by the surviving Family members of 911 this video leaves no one doubting the US know ahead of time all with unbelievable amount of proof.



    I quot


    Everyone keeps saying to respect the families of those who died in 9/11. What better way can we respect them than do the one thing they ask of us, watch their movie. They took the time to make it and research info.

    Watching their video to the end is what these people, whom you say you care for so much, want more than anything.

  • skyking

    I feel if you do not watch this video you are speaking out of ignorance. I know most will not watch the video because you really what to be closed mind and like living there it feel safe not to question.

  • Leolaia
    I have a question we now know that the US knew ahead of time the Japan was going to hit Pearl harbor, this is a fact. History Channel proved this by means of the Freedom of Information Act. The US know the day they sent the Battle ships out of Pearl Harbor. Why did the US let Pearl Harbor happen?

    But that's a LIHOP theory. Something comparable to the MIHOP 9/11 claims (e.g. controlled demolition and faked plane crash at the Pentagon) is claiming that Japan really didn't attack Pearl Harbor, it was the US government that disguised its own planes as Japanese Zeros and planted bombs in the USS Arizona to make it explode apart the way it did. LIHOP theories about 9/11 are criticized by MIHOPers for "accepting the official story."

    As far as I know, Paul Thompson has put together the best case for LIHOP, all from credible mainstream sources. A Saratoga, FL local newspaper reported, for instance, that on the night before 9/11, Bush's hotel had surface-to-air missile batteries placed on its roof. Interesting, tho equivocal...was this always a precaution the Secret Service took, was this something done as a response to the "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US" memo, is it something that was only done that day (which would suggest knowledge of timing)? This factoid however is not very useable for MIHOP theories (why would Bush need to protect himself against his own orchestrated attack), so I haven't seen MIHOPers utilize it.

  • JamesThomas

    Good gawd. Posting to you Abaddon, is like giving heroin to an addict. You break apart every sentence that you may squeeze out every last drop which may feed your aching ego and give you more fodder for mockery. Having honed it to a rare art form you are quite the gem in that regard. However, such a talent does not make you the trustee of truth and knowledge, nor mean your interpretations of evidence are the only valid ones. In fact it subtracts from them.

    The most immediate evidence available is a persons own observations. So, those who give the summary and documentary I posted an honest, open and thorough examination, may discover a wide tapestry of events and circumstances (dots), which when connected strongly suggest complicity. Like moving out from the tiny dots within a picture in a magazine, stepping back and viewing many of the occurrences prior to, during, and after 9/11 reveals a comprehensive pattern, an order or impression which can add great significance and understanding to each otherwise seemingly isolated event.

    It is not the individual dots in themselves which are so important. Looking randomly at single specks of evidence -- void of the wider view -- presents us with drastically differing and confusing interpretations; which is the nature of critical thinking and falsifiability (no theory can be considered scientific if it does not admit to contrary observation). Contrary observations rarely if ever amount to proof or truth; and that's all we have in front of us here. Interesting how this so easily satisfies otherwise intelligent people. I guess as long as you think you are proving yourself right, that's all that matters. The dire situation we may find ourselves in, is of little if any concern.

    Interpretation of an isolated dot does not equal truth or proof one way or the other. Interpretation and opinion of a hundred isolated dots, and hundreds of pages of thread, does not equal truth or proof. I've seen this first hand over the past months reading through hundreds of pages of unresolved pissing contests on other forums. I choose not to go there, and so have posted little to this thread. Instead I have left it up to folks to study the material -- which I feel helps in some ways supply a much needed larger picture -- if they desire, and come to their own conclusions and sense of action, if any.

    It will likely be the unhindered and thorough examination of events with the larger clarifying pattern in mind that will expose authentic proof one way or the other; and it will take far more expertise and open minded examination than what is available here. That's why my only conclusion is that we desperately need unhindered investigations far deeper and wider than those which have been officially performed so far. That this does not satisfy some, is not my problem.

  • ballistic

    why do I bother

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello all,

    As you know this thread is VERY long. I have read much of what was posted, but have not read everyones comments. But I thought I would add my two cents too. I just finished watching this video as well as the linked videos to this one. I personally did not really have an opinion regarding what happened at 9/11 except for the fact that certain things didn't add up, then I took the time to watch a video the other day that my husband and I stumbled acrossed http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5946593973848835726&q=911+coverup&hl=en Now, that coupled with the one that Skyking posted, it definatley made me stop dead in my tracks.

    For all the lives that were lost, I think we owe it to them in their families, to watch this video and to at least hear them. The dead no longer have a voice, except those that loved them and who are demanding answers, the living are now their voice.

    So for all who are tired of all the 9/11 theories, but who have not yet watched the video that skyking has posted, or the other one that I posted, I invite you on behalf of all who lost their lives that very day, to at least listen to their loved ones who are begging for the American people to listen.

    You don't have to agree, but all of us have to acknowledge, our freedoms have been compromised because of the events of that day. I have learned through my experience with being a JW that it is ok to question, and it is ok to look at all the facts. Only then can we begin to see truth. What ever it may be.

    Personally, I think viewing these family members and their determination to get answers from our government it is the very least that we can do.



    Lady Liberty

  • skyking

    Leolaia said (why would Bush need to protect himself against his own orchestrated attack),

    In his answer too me. Let me make it clear I can tell you have not read any of my threads and really understood me. I do not think BUSH did 911 only that he know something was going to happen just like Franklin D Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor. That is why BUSH need the anti air missile on top of his Motel were he was staying at on 911 never before that time has an American President ever done that. He did not do 911 he just knew about it that is my theory and the families of the victimes also.

  • Abaddon


    I truly believe that some of these people have some kind of delusional psychosis similar to paranoia.

    Yup. Couldn't agree more


    Are you trying to say you find it impossible to make posts that cannot be analysed (it isn't that hard, please don't give me too much credit) to show how empty they are of substance, or how conceitied their author is?

    Well, there's a simple solution to that JamesThomas. Make posts that stand up to scrutiny, and try not to make it sound like you and your great mind are leading the rest of us to the 'truth'. You are the author of your own misfortune. Take responsibility for your actions.

  • acsot

    Okay, decided to pop in here while waiting for the washing macine to stop spinning. Because people - it's the WEEKEND! Why are you posting so much on the WEEKEND? Is it raining where you are? Snowing? When the laundry's done I'm going for a bike ride, but just wanted to say to Abaddon:

    Mmmm... depends. If you had found a flaw in an argument then it would be kudos to you and non-flameworthy. If you disagreeed because you wanted to believe that the Earth was created by a Babylonian goid cutting a dragon in half, then, well, I don't that would get flamed so much as laughed at. Of course, you could argue that god made it all using natural forces, like someone shufling a deck of cards and calling the sequence they will deal them in. That isn't something that can disproved, unlike bronze-agre creation myths which can be disproved. As I've pointed out in discussions over creation and evolution, I'm surprised people don't go for that more often. But sorry if you think I am being mean to James; I hope I've explained why I think he is disingenuous.

    My post about Dawkins was tongue in cheek (which is why I put in the "as if" comment) . And I will get around to reading The Ancestor's Tale - I've now put him back on the top of my "to read" pile of books (he was previously under a historical overview of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles and a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez). So by next week it'll be Dawkins - maybe .

    Oh, and I suppose you were telling me that I haven't joined the big leagues yet, huh? One of these day, you'll see !

    Well, I'm off now. And later there's a science lecture at one of the universities in town - but alas, not about evolution!

    Now people, please enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!

  • sammielee24

    The 2nd video (the first one I believe Lady Liberty put a link to) was even better than the one by the victims families. I never realized before that not all the hijackers that we saw identified in the papers and on television were in fact hijackers and dead. I had read reports about explosions coming from the basement levels before the planes hit, but it was buried - it was good to see all the media reports and eye witnesses right after, describe those explosions. Why do we never hear about Marvin Bush? Why has the 2.5 million profit never been claimed? A lot of questions...sammieswife.

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