For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE

by Swamboozled 601 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scholar


    So you abandon your former beliefs for what ? Spiritual darknes because you have left the 'light of truth' and have found nothing else, not even new beliefs, not even a new conversion. Is this really smart? To leave something for a nothing is just plain done and shows the state of your intellectual character and faith. You do not deal with doubt by abandoning such doubts but use those doubts as stepping stones to greater wisdom and understanding as found in God's Word and revealed by the Faithful and Discreet Salve and Holy Spirit.

    scholar JW

  • KW13

    Scholar, answer my question please. I have been polite.

  • hillary_step


    almost proves

    In the land of Almost Prove, you surely rule as King.


  • scholar



    I note a tone of frustration in your comments. Is the heat of my long and skilled research getting to your tired and borrowed ideas on chronology. You have provided no evidence for your views just a repetition of the Jonsson nonsense and I have demolished most of your arguments, those that remain will be disposed off in the course of my posting on this board. Never fear, scholar is here to hold your hand and guide you in the path of understanding.

    scholar JW

  • stevenyc


    You answered your own question for modern Tyre is now a modern land city probably consisting of the three parts as you describe. Ezekiel in his famous prophecy of judgement against Tyre in Ezekiel 26:4,14 refers to that Tyre as an ancient island city which even today that section remains a place of archaeology interest and a spot for a little fishing. Hardly rebuilt as you claim. Therefore, Jehovah's word came true exactly as foretold

    Okay, in brief summary, for anyone new to this.

    Tyre is an old, old city in what is now southern Lebanon. Around the time of Nebs conflict with the city, it consisted of a city sprawl on the coast with an offshore island fortress.

    King Neb tried to take the city, so most people ran to the fortress and stayed there, under siege for 13 years. So, the city survived up until Alexandra the Great turns up and decides that he wasn't going to wait around playing the siege game like king Neb, and proceeds to tear down the inland part of the city to make a causeway so his army could get out to the fortress. He did this.

    After Alexander, Tyre had a rich history for thousands of years. It was rebuild and in fact, became a larger city, partly because the great causeway that Alexander build to connect the mainland to the fortress could now be used for building.

    Don't let any JDub try to suggest that this isn't so. Go to google maps and look at the satellite imagery for yourselves.


  • jayhawk1

    Scholar, I am beginning to think you are avoiding my question...

    What are the names of the "Celebrated Watchtower Scholars" you spoke of?

  • hillary_step


    So you abandon your former beliefs for what ? Spiritual darknes because you have left the 'light of truth' and have found nothing else, not even new beliefs, not even a new conversion. Is this really smart? So you abandon your former beliefs for what ? Spiritual darknes because you have left the 'light of truth' and have found nothing else, not even new beliefs, not even a new conversion. Is this really smart? To leave something for a nothing is just plain done and shows the state of your intellectual character and faith. You do not deal with doubt by abandoning such doubts but use those doubts as stepping stones to greater wisdom and understanding as found in God's Word and revealed by the Faithful and Discreet Salve and Holy Spirit. and shows the state of your intellectual character and faith. You do not deal with doubt by abandoning such doubts but use those doubts as stepping stones to greater wisdom and understanding as found in God's Word and revealed by the Faithful and Discreet Salve and Holy Spirit.

    This jumble of half-baked morality reflects more than is decent about your thinking. You are in a moral and ethical chaos. Your suggestion that a person holds to 'lies' because they not found another 'truth' is ridiculous, and this is what you are surely suggesting here :

    To leave something for a nothing is just plain done and shows the state of your intellectual character and faith.

    While it is a fact that the WTS has past truths, present truths and new truths, this is not the way in the real world. Let me give you an example of your tumbleweed logic. The Bible indicates that a man called Adam was directly created by God just over 6,000 years ago. The anthropological facts prove otherwise. The problem is that you *must* believe the Bible as you have everything invested in its 'truth' on this matter. So you then, ignoring the facts of the matter, display righteous outrage at a person who might then admit that they do not know the way evolution works, but they know the Bibles tale is not possible as the facts do not support this.

    Can you see the serious flaw in your reasoning, or are you just going to pretend that you cannot? Either way, it is your loss.


    So what you suggest, is that because the Bible must be right, everything else is a lie.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    So you abandon your former beliefs for what ? Spiritual darknes because you have left the 'light of truth' and have found nothing else, not even new beliefs, not even a new conversion. Is this really smart? To leave something for a nothing is just plain done and shows the state of your intellectual character and faith. You do not deal with doubt by abandoning such doubts but use those doubts as stepping stones to greater wisdom and understanding as found in God's Word and revealed by the Faithful and Discreet Salve and Holy Spirit.

    I left the wts because I found out that the "something", by which I assume you mean the org, was really nothing. You will no doubt disagree, but I realised that I had been duped. The watchtower do not have the truth, or anything resembling it, and neither you nor the circular reasoning you employ on this discussion board will convince me they have.

    As for having found nothing else, I haven't looked, and I won't be looking. I no longer have any faith in either the bible or God. I would describe myself currently as an agnostic with leanings more towards atheism than belief.

    You may wonder what led me to reach the conclusion that the wts do not have the truth. Well, it was a number of things, the wts handling, or, I should say, mishandling of child abuse cases, the wts involvement in the UN, the cruel and inhuman practice of shunning and the lack of genuine love in the congregation were the main ones, as well as the information I read in Crisis of Conscience.

    I am not ashamed of my current non - spiritual state, because I have done nothing to be ashamed of. Since leaving, I have found what happiness and freedom really mean. I now live with my ex jw boyfriend, who has been more of a friend to me than all the jws I have known put together. I have left the lies and hypocrisy of the wts behind me, and I will never return to it. That really would be a case of a dog returning to it's own vomit.

  • toreador

    Scholar wrote:

    So you abandon your former beliefs for what ? Spiritual darknes because you have left the 'light of truth' and have found nothing else, not even new beliefs, not even a new conversion. Is this really smart? To leave something for a nothing is just plain done and shows the state of your intellectual character and faith. You do not deal with doubt by abandoning such doubts but use those doubts as stepping stones to greater wisdom and understanding as found in God's Word and revealed by the Faithful and Discreet Salve and Holy Spirit.

    What the heck? How do you apply this salve scholar!? This must be some new light that I didnt hear about yet.When I left they weren't selling any salve. Is it kind of like Russel's miracle wheat scam?


  • scholar



    Nuts I am not for it a simple fact that when you current Neo-Babylonian chronology with Bible chronology researched by celebrated WT scholars, developed by the FDS and published by the Watch Tower Society, there is a small gap of twenty years. This means that NB data does not coincide with the comtemporary history of the Late Judean history. In other words for that same period the history of the Neo-Babyloians does not match up with the history of the Jews as recorded in the Historical and Prophetic books of the OT.

    It is not a matter of one proving this or the other disproving this for neither source or witness was written for the purposes of proving current debates about chronology. Each side, the secular Babylonian records and the sacred Scripures of prophecy and History were written for different purposes. Therefore, the modern reader must consult all of the evidence and take careful note of the reasons, agendas and purposes of both sacred and profane history. When it comes to reconstructing a chronology of the OT then one would logically assign primacy to the OT data and if one wishes to construct a chronology of the Babylonians then one assign primacy to that data respectively. When this is done such parallel data shows a twenty year difference. Therefore, the sincere must make a choice as to whiuch one is more authorative than the other and I believe as the Bible is inspired of God then that data must take precedence over the pagan Babylonian material.

    The question of the existence of the 'celebrated' ones is not for your knowledge or for others and your opinion on this matter is of little merit. As regards to disputes on chronology wel it is the apostates who create such disputes as they serve the Devil's purpose in blinding the minds of people to the reality of the Kingdom established Heavenly in 1914 and discerned with the 'eyes of faith'.

    scholar JW

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