Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?

by DocHouse 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Isle of Lewis
  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    And Shirley brings the games back. 

    No games. I'm exposing your false assertions.


    MOST of what the WT teaches is true- but a lot of baloney has been added. Again.

    Please make a list of the "most of's" for us... and why you think healthy doses of bulls**t are acceptable in an organization that is supposed to be teaching 100% truth.



    Only vidiots rest their views on videos.

    Why not TELL us all what the so-called 'gospel' of Churchianity is, hmmmmmmmmm?

    I don't rest my views on videos- they are an additional evidence. But, this one is a clear, real-world example that shows how ignorant your claims are.

    BTW-  your question about the gospel of Christianity is also answered in the video... and if you weren't so obviously uninterested in confusing your present mindset with facts you'd already know this.

  • wizzstick

    Wiz- your denial is tragilarious. WE didn't make up that name. However, you are corrtect on the baloney the WTBS has ADDED to the good news. Yet Churchianity doesn't even KNOW about the good news..

    This isn't about whether JW's invented the word Jehovah - it's about the accuracy of that word. It's a made up name. Why would God want an incorrect rendering preached? How is preaching the wrong name any better that using LORD?

    And if the WTBS was God's Organisation, why is he allowing 'baloney' to be added?

    Ucan't- I have ALWAYS taken the WTBS dates with a BARREL of salt- however, 1914 IS pinpointed in Daniel's prophecies. The meaning as to what it signifies is what's at dispute.

    1914 is NOT pinpointed in Daniel prophecies. To get there you start at 607, which is, as you might say, baloney.

  • Splash

    "1914 is pinpointed in Daniel" 

    Yes it is for every JW, in order to shore up their crumbling and risible doctrines. To someone who genuinely seeks facts and truth, however, 1914 has no basis whatsoever in scripture.

    When they finally change this date, as they will have to, you and the rest of JWdom will have no choice but to accept it as New Light. 

    Then you'll all pat each other on the back, worship the GB a little more, and trumpet how this "makes sense" and that you "always thought that".

    Same old same old. Just keep thinking what you're told to think.


  • DocHouse


  • LoveUniHateExams

    The Truth stands on its own- but a lot of absurd opinion is still being ADDED to it - and truth + absurd opinion = ?

    DocHouse, I notice that you've spoken quite a bit about 'Churchianity' but nothing about Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Why is this?


  • Finkelstein

    DocHouse says ......  1914 IS pinpointed in Daniel's prophecies. The meaning as to what it signifies is what's at dispute.

    Its not in dispute to the WTS. in that for over century now they have said that due to their calculations and Daniel's prophecy,  1914 is the year that Jesus took to his heavenly throne.

    When Jesus clearly admonished for his (True) followers that they have no right to make a set time on god's own sacred time, he didn't mention to exclude the prophet Daniel.

    In direct opposition to Jesus, the WTS made up numerous dates on their own accord 1874,1914,1925 ,1975 etc.

    Why ?  because they were more concerned about the proliferation of their publications , that is the truth.

    So other words the WTS exploited the Gospel and created a tainted commercialized version to suit their business profile.   

    The WTS turned the gospel of Christ into vehicle of commercialism and exploiting people to make them into

    their very own trained sales representative, cunningly disguised as preaching the "Good News"   

    How much lying and bullshittng the WTS. did over years can not be understated.



  • coalize
    DocHouse - And you really think it's a piece of creationnist propaganda who will save your point?
  • DocHouse
  • MissFit

    Welcome DocHouse please enjoy your visit . If keep your mind and eyes open on your journey here you, will find an interesting experience ahead of you.

     You do know that if you told the Elders that you think alot of what the f&ds says is baloney and added on you would be labled an apostate?

    Many are here for that same reason. They agree with you. But like you they did not have anyone  they could discuss it with safely and respectfully .

    You say respectful debates are rare here.  I disagree.  Check some more threads out with an open mind.  Stifle your automatic reflex to defend or counter argue.   Just "listen" and stop to really think about the argument you were going to use.  Does it really make sense or was it preprogrammed responses you are repeating from the publications or meetings?

    The reason these people here are giving you their time to "respectfully debate" you is because many of them were you.  They were right where you are now.

    They also can pretty much predict what your responses will be because that is what they would have said.  The difference is now they know why the responses are not accurate and what the logical fallacies were that prompted them.

    They also know that you have to discover it on your own.  They can point the way and  give you the benifet of their research, but ultimately it is up to you.

    They know you have made the first step by coming here and by admitting to recognise the baloney.  

    Enjoy the freedom here to explore and question.

    Remember respect goes both ways.

    BTW I am here because I want to cut the baloney out of my diet.  But as an active JW I did not have that option.  

    Here I do. I can openly question and discuss things without fear of being shunned.

    RE the dont feed the troll comment: I think some people are too quick to jump on the troll wagon.  I appreciate the posters here that give posters the benifet of the doubt. 

    You dont know how many trolls have turned into critical thinking posters( aka apostates.)

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