UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?

by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Hey, today's a new day! I hope we get an update.

    Anyway, to the poster who said that there are other people more in need, I'll tell you that I was extremely greatful to the people who helped me when I was going through the same thing Richie is experiencing.

    Remembering how thankful I was to the people who helped me, I have no problem helping out Richie. Even though I'm going through a bit of a financial rut, if Richie should get his own place, I'll be sending him some things that he may need. We have tons of extra (new) towels, silverware, dishes, appliances, and other things that we don't use. I have no problem firing them off to someone who needs help getting on their feet. I have no problem passing down the help that I got.

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Richie - I hope today is better.

    Poppy- Seriously? Yeah, I remember what it was like to be in, all right. I haven't forgotten what it's like to be self-righteous, judgmental, harsh, cruel and intolerant of my own mistakes and that of others. Jesus has freed me from all that, I'm free to love now. Richie is almost EIGHTEEN, give him a break, he's got more balls than all of the gb combined and they're all ancient!

    Cabasilas - I love how you helped your wife.

    Love ya Richie, hang in there, don't give up, you're an inspiration - V Sky

  • rebel8
    tried this when I was 16 and unfortunately when I told them that my parents want to kick me out of the house for not going to their church the operator said "well maybe you should go to church" Maybe she was just some crazy b*tch but it was no help at all.

    FWIW, I have called the child abuse reporting hotline as a healthcare worker countless times & have reported emotional abuse too. Each state can make their own rules, but here is Richie's state's definition of abuse: http://www.preventchildabusenc.org/childabuseinfo/. Same as my state's. NY has never once taken a report on emotional abuse I've called in, and believe me, I have reported much much much worse things than Richie has described here. I'm not minimizing his experience, I'm just doubtful getting the authorites involved would do more good than harm.

    I still vote for what Richie is already doing--socking away valuables & cash whenever possible, making a plan to get the heck out of that house asap, and in the meantime try to tolerate wackiness as long as it is not doing lasting or serious harm. Keep avoiding doing anything that will give her satisfaction--such as losing your cool, which she would enjoy. (if you can help it) This is a temporary situation.

    It takes a lot of energy to keep up a 24/7 full-on crusade against your own son, and if he isn't reactive, it will be boring for her to be fighting with herself. She may get tired eventually & move on to other pursuits that give her satisfaction. Mine did.

  • z

    Richie Birthday card is on its way

    Happy Birthday Richie


  • kid-A

    "I sometimes cant believe how little people here remember, most of us have been witnesses, maybe I haven't been out long enough to forget."

    No I guess not poppy, since you still act like a typical, judgemental, self-righteous JW who can only think in "black and white" terms. Hopefully someday you will learn to lose this knee-jerk

    jehovah's witness "judge, jury and executioner" attitude of yours and understand that there are also shades of grey in this world that we must accomodate in our thinking and ethics. Your "he had it coming and is

    getting what he deserves" is the CLASSIC jehovah's witness mindset. Try having some compassion for people.

  • Odrade

    Poppy, Richie is a man when it comes to making the hard decisions, gainful employment, etc, but he's also still a KID. It's scary and it hurts when your mom goes all whacko. I know. I've been there. My mom went kind of whacko when I was his age, and I can't even imagine how bad it would have been if I had tried to leave the Organization at the same time. And if his Dad is standing up for his mom, it's even scarier and more painful.
    So maybe there are people with more desperate financial situations than Richie right now. But he still could use our support--even if he is capable of making it on his own without it.
    Poppy, do you really mean to be that cold, uncompassionate, unkind and self-righteous?

  • Odrade

    Oh, and one more thing... if you are using the "inheritance" as your reason, you might want to refresh your mind on the details: he gets it at 25, or completion of college. And I'm kind of thinkin' he might want to eat, and sleep somewhere other than his car sometime before 2013.

  • oldflame

    Sounds to me like your mom has a temper problem, it also seems as though she is controlling. And to take your money even though you are an adult is called theft. Richie she can't do these things, it is illegal but thats only if you want to do something about it.

    My advice to you is start looking in your paper for roommates wanted, you should be able to rent a room form someone pretty easy. Tell your mom you are moving out, tell her how evil she has become and that you don't like that in a person especially your mother as she is to be caring and understanding towards her children.

    The cult can control your mom but it should not be allowed to control you. If you allow her to do these things then she will run with it and all those kingdumb hall elders will help her control you. Get away from this garbage and you will live an awesome life. You can finish school if your living on your own. I figure this is your last year in school anyways and it's almost over. If there is one piece of advice I can give you son is stand up for yourself in what you believe and don't believe. Life will be good to you if you let it....God Bless....Merrill

  • PoppyR

    Guess I expected all this villifying... and it does make me smile that people accuse me of 'knee jerk' reactions and being cruel and judgemental. The thing that attracted me about this board is the fact people can put their views across and not be judged. but I guess that actually isn't true. Just like the JWs people can put their views across, but they better be the same as everyone elses!!!

    I found some people stopped posting here because every time they said something others didn't agree with they got stamped on. I felt that a shame, because I believe in lively discussion, but also in having respect for others views.

    You can do what ever you feel is right for you on the other hand I can do what ever I feel is right for me.

    That's exactly my point. So why the 'I hope everyone else does this too' comment. Sure support him if you want to, I have nothing against that, I just have very little money, work for EVERY penny I earn, and prefer to choose my charities based on people that are desperate. He is hardly on the street in a cardboard box. As I have said, I also worked from 16 to earn every penny then, paid my own rent, food, clothes. So I'm very sorry if I come across as unsympathetic, Life is tough, get used to it.

    I did not think he was wrong for stealing the book, merely might have thought about the consequences, that sure enough are now smacking him in the ass. And yes I'm sorry, I think sticking a finger up at the camera in the KH toilets is disrespectful, and you can go on all night about how disrespectful the witnesses are, it doesn't make it right. I try and treat all people and their beliefs with respect even if they happen to have ruined my life!

    I also do not think the way his mother is behaving is right, but cannot believe the suggestions some people have made. I doubt Richie would go along with them, he clearly loves her. And yes the way she acts is not story book mothering, but who of us had that!! I certainly didn't.

    It has been suggested to me via PM that maybe its a british thing, we tend to stand back and look at a situation without jumping in all guns blazing fueled up by emotion.

    I apologise for offence caused, will not post again in this thread because it's pointless, and I came to this board to listen to people who have learned and made progress and also can move on without the need to be so bitter about the past.

    Good luck Richie, I hope it all works out well for you, I'm sure it will, you appear to have a lot going for you.


  • silentWatcher

    Your "he had it coming and is getting what he deserves" is the CLASSIC jehovah's witness mindset.

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