UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?

by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28
    I have envelop to send him and hope you all have one

    Ready to go just let us know where to send it.


  • cabasilas


    I second Rabbit's suggestions. In my own experience I left the JWs (and was considered an "apostate") and my wife who'd been a pioneer for many years did not know how to handle the situation. I found bending over backwards and being as kind and loving as I could be was the best course I could take. All her friends told her I'd be a real scoundrel now that I'd "turned my back on Jehovah." Instead, I did my best to "kill her with kindness." Kind of like Jesus' words which says we should bless those who persecute us or the passage in Romans which says our returning good for evil has a softening effect (like "burning coals") on those who oppose us. In less than a year and a half my wife became an inactive JW.

    I'd say get direct deposit and secure your belongings. But, if you can, stay with your folks and show them how much you still love them. Buy your Mom presents. What does she like? Movies? Restaurants? Clothes? I think if your Dad sees you bending over backwards to show love and respect to her despite all the stuff she's doing now because she's all confused and angry he'll step in and tell her to cool it. Who knows? Your being patient now with her and letting her blow off her steam and then showing her how wrong all her JW friends are about you may eventually plant that seed of doubt in her mind about the Watchtower Society.

    Wishing you the best in your new life,


  • PoppyR
    I have envelop to send him and hope you all have one

    Nope... sorry, I feel for the guy, but there are people in far worse situations that could use that money a lot more. Many of us grew up with REAL abuse, not mothers opening our mail and taking away our car keys. This guy has already told us he's got a well paying job and an inheritance coming his way. Hardly a charity case. He caused this situation with foolhardy behaviour and will have to take the consequences of a parent that is justifiably very upset to see her son sticking his finger up at what she believes and stealing from the congregation. As far as she was aware he was a good witness boy, her world has been turned upside down.

    Yes she is part of a cult, but dont you all remember how that felt????? She thinks he's going to die, she will do anything to stop that happening. Give the woman a little respect. Put yourself in her position, imagine how desperate she feels. I read it here that's the type of reaction you'd get if you found out your child was taking drugs.. to her it's probably worse.

    I sometimes cant believe how little people here remember, most of us have been witnesses, maybe I haven't been out long enough to forget.

    Kudos to you Richie, I used to admire your balls, if you really have them, then branching out on your own will be the making of you.


  • VM44

    Why does belief in religion result in things like this happening to people?

    Religion and politics, people get angry, fight, and become miserable over both topics, and for what?


  • nelly136

    everything has a price and freedom can have a price that goes beyond money.

    reading this board and seeing what others have been through is a pretty good indication

    of what freedom is gonna cost.

  • Mary
    PoppyR said: He caused this situation with foolhardy behaviour and will have to take the consequences of a parent that is justifiably very upset to see her son sticking his finger up at what she believes and stealing from the congregation. As far as she was aware he was a good witness boy, her world has been turned upside down.

    Oh plu-ease....give me a break......even when I was a die-hard Dub I would have never treated my children the way Richie's being treated. His mother isn't just "upset"----she's extremely manipulative, controlling and emotionally abusive and this apparently extends far beyond the matters of religion. Stealing from the congregation? It's a frigging book that exposes how they think it's okay to delete files about known pedophiles within the congregation, lest anyone find out. And given what this religion has stolen from its members, like pension plans, education and what's supposed to be a natural bond between family members, then who gives a shit about a stupid book?

    Yes she is part of a cult, but dont you all remember how that felt????? She thinks he's going to die, she will do anything to stop that happening. Give the woman a little respect.

    Respect? Surely you jest. I would strongly recommend that you read some of Richie's other postings about his manipulative mother before you start suggesting something so ludicrous. Respect needs to be earned----it doesn't come automatic.

  • ithinkisee

    Actually freedom isn't free.

    That is true for both so-called "free" nations and "free" people.

    It requires rising up and standing for what you believe in. The cost will be your time and attention, as well as the loss of previously privileged relationships with others.

    Freedom also means facing up to responsibilities and obligations that your previous oppressors took care of for you.

    For instance,

    As a JW:
    Your network of friends was pre-built for you. As long as they were in good standing in the congregation then they were good enough for your elders and parents.
    Your spiritual outlook and hope for the future was spelled out for you.
    All you had to do was show up at a building three times per week and out in service every week and stay out of trouble.

    As an ex-JW:
    Your JW friends are gone.
    You have to make friends on your own, and come up with your own criteria for what to look for in a friend. THis may mean getting royally screwed over a few times before you get it right.
    You have to come up with your own take on spirituality, and be careful you don't jump into some other whack-assed religion.
    BUT ... you don't have to go to anymore goddamn meetings.

  • z


    You can do what ever you feel is right for you on the other hand I can do what ever I feel is right for me.
    I was never JW, I see here young man trying to escape mind controlling cult without any support throwing him out of the nest because he dos not believe what his mother like him to believe forcing him to stop thinking for himself controlling his life and more, sorry I just can’t not help him. I know other here who have or had similar or worst situation but saving or helping one dosing mean you forget all.

    I was one of the contributor in my city who build play grand on the roof for chronically ill children hospital who can’t go out, I don’t ask for award I do what I feel is right

    PoopyR I do respect your comment.



  • Dismembered

    Greetings Richie

    Here's some of my two cents why your moms behaving the way she is. Ostensibly she's "flipped her Watchtower wig" if I may be so bold. Remember though she's a victim of Watchtower bullshit doctrine ( to quote Soledad, who put it so wonderfully well). They (WT) in their simplisms and brainwashings, are successful in convincing people like your mom that all she'd have to do is adhere to Watchtower protocol,(meetings, field service, bookstudy) and voila, she's guaranteed to be the proud parent of another mind numb dub. Quite to the contrary you've shattered her idealisms in terms of what the end results would be for you. That's not your fault, it's hers.

    Years ago, ten to be exact. I as a brainwashed Watchtower asshole dad, kicked my oldest son out in the middle of a December snow storm. All because I was "going to show him who's king of the forest". And beat him with "the rod of discipline". If he didn't follow through with his watchtower up bringing. Well guess what, it didn't show him anything. Ultimately he ended up in jail, a heavy drug user which he's still weaning himself off of today. Nice huh Watchtower if you're reading this. All because of the advice I got from, and trying to please the rest of the Watchtower rats in my congo. After all I was a MS, what else could be more important?

    It was the worst thing I could have ever done, to say the least. I guess my reason for telling you this is because your moms craziness is due to her brainwashing, and you son, are not alone. I hope this helps you in making the right decision. I'm not sure what you should do.

    Peace Richie


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Richie, I am really so sorry to read what is happening to you. I do hope things improve for you soon. Like the other posters, I think getting your wages paid into a bank account is the best way forward, so your mum won't have access to it. Whatever you do, all the best.

    Congratulations!! Another family ripped apart thanks to your bullshit doctrines. Are you all proud of yourselves now? When are you losers going to wake up and smell the coffee and see that YOU ARE IN A CULT??

    well said Soledad, I totally agree

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