by RichieRich 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I'm glad to hear you are OK. In fact, it sounds like you had things in control when you walked in and handed them your lawyers card.

    As for your parents, remember the important things - a home over your head and the essentilas like food and clothes. And then bide your time. it won't be long until you are out on your own and free.

    But your parents are your parents always. What you want in the end, and need, is to have your freedom and hopefully the best situation possible with them.

  • Sunnygal41
    Richie's Mom, "who are all these people?"

    Richie's got the network!

    LMAO @VM44

  • Sunnygal41

    Eduardo........you may have meant it kindly, but, I thought it a bit insulting........you are a lawyer......aren't you? Bet you are a prosecutor? LOL!

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Richie, I'm so happy you're okay, thanks for keeping us informed. You should write a book, it'd definately buy it. I really admire your courage and guts, hang in there. This will pass and there will be much better days ahead. It's a blessing to have parents who love you, always treasure them, even if you don't agree. Please keep in mind that your mom will be under a lot of negative pressure, show her all the love she won't be getting at the hall. Tell your dad I said hi, just kidding

  • FlyingHighNow

    Richie, I'm glad you've got the elder meeting behind you. Maybe someday your parents will understand. Hopefully sooner than later. Your whole life is ahead of you. The world is going to be a better place with you on its side.

    As for the comment on your weight, you are one hunk of a man. You're beautiful just like you are. And for it being unhealthy? There are five surviving kids in my family. Four of them have high blood pressure and have since their thirties. I am overweight and my blood pressure is still normal and I'm 47! I think it has more to do with the crabby factor than it does with weight. Nicer people have better cardio-vascular health.

    Take care and please give us an update when you can.

  • crazyblondeb

    Hugs and kisses to you Richie! I remember leaving at that age. But you have something alot of us didn't have when we left-- you already have a support system in place! You are part of our hearts and souls!!

    blessed be,


  • AuldSoul
    Richie is who he is because of his upbringing, not in spite of it

    Hee-hee...I agree, Eduardo. His non-JW dad has made a real man out of him, despite his mom's repeated attempts to stamp all semblance of self-determination out of him.

    FULL props to your dad, Richie, for showing unbelieving mates that it is possible to immunize your children from the most damaging effects of cult-thinking—primarily consuming and seemingly inescapable guilt. You are a true testament to what our children can choose if we show them the better side of life now. Living for a future promise of good things is never a healthy approach to life.

    By the way, your dad may be playing it safe for a while until the smoke clears that is billowing from your mom's ears. If so, he is a wise man that understands it doesn't all have to be 100% fair right now. You have walked away from the cult, and there is time to work out how that affects the family dynamic later.


  • JeffT

    I'm coming into this thread late, and didn't have time to read it all as I'm getting ready for a meeting (calm down - AA not JW).

    I just want you to know that I've been following your story, and I've been thinking about you.

  • Gretchen956

    Richie, glad to hear your update, I totally understand your parents fear about all us "unknowns". I remember the first time I went to an apostafest, I was nervous. I mean we talk so much on the computer, but what do we really know about each other. Still there's this bond there, no matter our age, we all have this thing in common. I totally respect you, Richie, congratulations on making it out. Hopefully you will keep your family intact. If not there are many here willing to help.

    Eduardo, even if you made your comment with the best of intentions it does not belong on this thread. Richie has been going through a lot of drama he doesn't your opinions. Let him mend a bit at least. Peace to you, Eduardo.

    Blessings and hugs to you my boy Richie!


  • caligirl

    Glad to hear you are doing ok Richie. We've been following your story and cheering your chutzpah. It took me until I was 25 to get enough courage to fully extricate myself, even though I would have been better off to do it at your age. You will have a great life.

    Take care


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