by RichieRich 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thegoodgirl


    Congrats on your newfound freedom. We love you!


  • daniel-p

    I think I'll join in the fray here:
    Eduardo, not that it matters to you, but your'e a complete asshole and jerk as well as completely inconsiderate and crass. In two words: fuck you. Oh, and beep beep, that goes for you to.
    Just in case you "don't get it" - how DARE you com eon here, insult the guy like that, mention his weight in public and offer condescending support. Also insinuating he brought this on himself by living a double life when you know perfectly well he is minor living under someone else's roof and basically has no choice. Here he is going through the biggest change in his life and you insult and demean him further by mentioning how your are shocked he has no means of support, a place to live, etc... You are so out of touch its unbelievable.
    Oh, and about the lawyer thing, what lawyer has the time to spend on online forums, posting to people he doesnt even know? I call bullshit. Youre probably a paralegal. 30 years ago.

  • oldflame


    Glad to hear your okay. Remember one thing, stand true, stand strong to yourself. And you will be just fine.....

  • avishai

    O.K, I have'nt been on here for months but....GO RITCHIE!!!

    Oh, yeah, and Eduardo? You're a dick!


  • Rabbit
    Sometimes you are so irritating I just want to reach through the monitor and slap the crap out of you.

    Heheh...LMAO My sentiments exactly !

    Orb-Ed, you have a PM. You know...those 'private mail' thingys where you can say insulting & embarrassing things to posters that normally a normal person would not say publically ?

    BTW, I feel MUCH better now having availed myself of that feature. Dare I say everyone could...

    Richie...hang in there !


  • James Free
    James Free
    I think there is one lesson, however, for others similarly situated as yourself, and that is that they should be better prepared to face the consequences or for exiting the Organization if that is what they desire. I am a bit shocked that you seem to have put no thought into savings or planning for your future.

    LOL - JW's are not encouraged to plan for the future. They are not even encouraged to get an education!

    Yes, there are consequences - ones that WT students do not have properly explained to them - once you are in there is no way out without being shunned, insulted, lied about, gossipped about by self-righteous bigots who remain in the Org.

    As for Richie, who was in the Org. because his parent brought him up in it,(like most who are getting baptized these days), escape brings pain and family disruption. This is deliberate, of course, to dissuade people from leaving.

    Is it loving? Is it what Jesus would agree with? Is this an example of 'love amongst themselves', an identifying mark of true Christians? NO WAY.

    Also, any Witnesses 'lurking as spies' on this site are also living double lives, the thing they accuse others of. They are hypocrites.

  • Quentin

    Hey Richie, nice to hear things are going somewhat ok...maybe you've done some impulsive things, but who hasen't, eh? You've got a good head on your shoulders...I believe you'll go far in life. If you don't, hehe, it sure won't be for lack of trying. That's all we can do... the best we can with what we've got. Hang tuff baby, you'll get there...

    Eddy, Eddy, Eddy...lawyer unh...wonderful thing the internet. You can be anything you want...a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker and if you want to insult someone...well now, no better way to do it than on the world wide web...don't matter if you live cross country, or around the block...cause your anonymous...makes the old chest stick out about forty blocks, doesn't it? Ah well, whata gonna do...always somebody that comes along to piss up your back and call it rain...or, like you, put the stomp on a body when their in a tight spot...Say!...that's what the Js do, isn't it?Yeah, sure is... Now back to more important things.

    Keep us posted Rich, we're a rootin for ya...Oh! Almost forgot...I weigh about 360 lbs, never slowed me down a bit, even at my age... Don't think you've got much to worry bout Richie, you'll out live us all...

  • Confession

    I truly don't think Eduardo meant to insult Richie. I believe the problem was identified by another contributor here...

    You are so out of touch its unbelievable.

    Eduardo, if you haven't already been hit by the clue bus on this, your comments were really just weird, pal.

    I am a bit shocked that you seem to have put no thought into savings or planning for your future.

    He's seventeen. What planet are you from? Further, I happen to know that Richie has some pretty remarkable plans for his future--and the financing has already been arranged.

    I know you're an intelligent guy, Ed. And, as is common for some such ones, you may be a bit awkward socially. Despite your intentions, how about just saying, "Hey, sorry. My bad?" And maybe learn from this one, ace. I hope your physical fitness plans go well for you.

  • Mary
    It doesn't take a medical degree to see that the guy is overweight and that isn't an insult. Maybe he is happy with his weight, if so that is great. But many of us care about the kid and I for one would like him to live a long and healthy life. I am starting a regimen myself and it is always good to have a friend to encourage each other to stick to it. My offer was a kindness.

    Eduardo, are you serious? First of all, when someone is completely stressed out like Richie is at the moment, this is not the time to suggest that he go on a diet and certainly was in poor taste to suggest this on a public forum. How do you think that makes him feel? You may have meant well, but it's not coming across that way. A private message would have been sufficient. And I don't know any 18 year olds that have a savings

    I am a bit shocked that you seem to have put no thought into savings or planning for your future. In my opinion a young man of 18 should be prepared to leave the nest, including establishing your own bank acct, savings, part-time job, and cell-phone (when you are able to enter into a contract for one).

    And I'm a bit shocked that you would think that a 17 year old would have this, especially Witness youths.

    Richie, I know you're stressed right now, but hang in there hon.........we're with you all the way.

  • ButtLight

    And I don't know any 18 year olds that have a savings

    Thats not true, my daughter is 18, and has had a saving since she was 16!! And I know she has at leat 15 bucks saved up lol!

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