by RichieRich 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH
    My offer was a kindness

    "You have such a pretty face......for a fat chick." Ever hear this one?

    I just love backhanded compliments like this one. It's an insult thinly disguised as 'kindness.' JWs I knew were FAMOUS for it.

    I think it's the cat's pajamas that *you* are telling other people to live authentically. Why don't you "authentically" tell your local body of elders what your thoughts are? I'm sure they'll be happy to reinstate you if you're df'd. NOT!!!!

    Richie, I don't know ANY 18 year olds that have a pension plan, financial investment vehicles or any of the non-sense this joker talks about. Part of the beauty of YOUTH is living life in a very raw and real way. Not always planning for the future like a sour-puss, but actually living in the here and now.

    You are doing fine, your friends on this will help you, and have already offered to.


    Hai Karate Class

  • uninformed

    go richie!

    go lisa.

    Go, no really, go----------- eduardo.


  • Pistoff
    I think there is one lesson, however, for others similarly situated as yourself, and that is that they should be better prepared to face the consequences or for exiting the Organization if that is what they desire. I am a bit shocked that you seem to have put no thought into savings or planning for your future. In my opinion a young man of 18 should be prepared to leave the nest, including establishing your own bank acct, savings, part-time job, and cell-phone (when you are able to enter into a contract for one). I hope you will be able to pull things together and be truly free AND independent.

    Also on a personal nature, I think you should work out and lose some weight. We want you to live a long full life and you do not appear to be healthy. You seem gregarious and confident and those are good qualities, perhaps being a Witness has helped you develop those qualities, but feeling good about your health, weight and being in good shape will do wonders for you and your future. (let's do it together, pm me when you get a chance, if you want to work on a plan together or encourage each other to work out and stay in shape).

    God you are such an ass Oro.

    If you had a tenth of the courage Richie has, you would not be such a relentless shill for the WT.

    And if you don't read, Richie has no money worries.

  • MsMcDucket

    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but did you tell them that you didn't steal it, that you just borrowed it...just a thought...

    Man, they're acting like you touched the Ark of The Covenant.

  • MsMcDucket

    Oro, Richie got it going on just like the Notorious B.I.G.!

    You're just jealous! BTW, B.I.G.'s mom was (and still is) a witness, too.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    It doesn't take a medical degree to see that the guy is overweight and that isn't an insult.

    Sometimes you are so irritating I just want to reach through the monitor and slap the crap out of you. It is none of your dam business what someone weighs and if you think those are encouraging words you need another diploma in common sense.

    Rickie dear you are one heck of a fighter. Don't let the frustration of the control get to you. They can control your mind, heart and spirit. You are going to have an awesome life! The hardest part is already almost over. It really does get better from here on out.

    A mind in chains is a terrible prison.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    oops I mean CAN'T...I'm such a nerd

  • CountryGuy

    Thanks for the update, Richie. I can't wait for the details on the meeting.


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    I'm sorry RiCHie

    time for this old gal to get the heck off the computer

  • Quotes

    Richie, just keep working your plan, man.

    *YOU* are IN CONTROL of YOUR LIFE!!!!

    Will your destiny.


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