by RichieRich 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChristianObserver

    Whoever sent the texts must have known Richie's cell phone number or got it from somewhere or someone.

    Is there any way that Richie's phone company can trace the caller's phone number and details (assuming that the caller's phone has been registered)?

  • jaredg

    Hey Richie....hang in there buddy. i'd take you out for a beer but your only 17 anyway if you need to get away and don't have place to go you have my #. give me a call if you need to.


  • startingover


    Can't wait to hear the whole story. You're probably not going to be wearing that suit much anymore, at least you put it to good use one last time before it starts collecting dust on the shoulders.

  • Sunnygal41

    Damselfly said: I think posters that left the JW's as adults don't realize how terrifying it is to do so as a teen. It was the most traumatizing experience of my life and it's effects still come back to slap me some days. While I understand what you mean, many of us "adults" were just as scared......or, so numb from unhappiness that we didn't care anymore......I am happy I am out, but, it was very very tough those first couple of years, without my longtime base of Witness friends and divorced from a twenty year marriage......I started basically from scratch. And, the recovery from being a dub for twenty five years is an ongoing process to this day, seven years and counting.......

  • rebel8

    Buttlight, I was talking about some other thread I read earlier where there was a lengthy debate about "stealing" the book. I don't remember which posters were upset about it but I don't think it was you. Zebras and flashlights still rock.

  • ButtLight
    Buttlight, I was talking about some other thread I read earlier where there was a lengthy debate about "stealing" the book. I don't remember which posters were upset about it but I don't think it was you. Zebras and flashlights still rock.

    Oh sweet, I was hoping I wasnt stepping on anyones toes there! Yeah, well he did what he did. Who cares, its just a book. The only ones that should care is the wts, cause they will be exposed for what they really do!

  • kid-A

    Also on a personal nature, I think you should work out and lose some weight. We want you to live a long full life and you do not appear to be healthy. You seem gregarious and confident and those are good qualities, perhaps being a Witness has helped you develop those qualities

    Wow Dr. Oroboob, I was not aware you had recently received your medical degree! You can actually diagnose people's health by looking at a picture on the internet??? Amazing! Imagine the stress Richie has gone through the last several days and you choose to insult him about his weight on a public discussion board? What a patronizing arse you are.

    "Perhaps being a witness has helped you develop those qualities" ??!!! WTF ???? Yes Ed, being a member of a mind-controlling cult is a well established correlate of developing a "gregarious and confident" personality!!! I guess that must be why Richie has risked life and limb to ESCAPE "being a witness" ???

    As for inviting Richie to contact you in order to set up some "work-out" sessions, yikes, thats just plain creepy !!!!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Richie, good to hear from you, and I am so happy that you are ok.

    We are all rooting for you

  • BizzyBee
    being a member of a mind-controlling cult is a well established correlate of developing a "gregarious and confident" personality!!!

    ROTFL! The reason we all like Richie so much is that he's managed to develop a winning personality IN SPITE of being in a mind-controlling cult!

  • Oroborus21


    I think you are the one who is being an "arse". I didn't offer to work-out with Ritchie, he is across the country from me, I believe. What i offered was to encourage each other via email or whatever (assuming he eventually gets access). It doesn't take a medical degree to see that the guy is overweight and that isn't an insult. Maybe he is happy with his weight, if so that is great. But many of us care about the kid and I for one would like him to live a long and healthy life. I am starting a regimen myself and it is always good to have a friend to encourage each other to stick to it. My offer was a kindness.

    And as for the other thing, growing up a Witness does have some positive aspects. Richie is who he is because of his upbringing, not in spite of it, one can't say he is stressed out and angry, in other words taking all of the negative things and attributing these to being a JW while taking all of the positive things and attributing these to other sources. It simply doesn't work that way.


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