by RichieRich 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • HockeyMullet
    Oh, yeah, and Eduardo? You're a dick!


  • Beachbender

    Richie, you`re a very strong, mature 17 year old young man. Cudos to your parents for your upbringing. You`re also very fortunate to have the opportunity to keep the peace with you Mom for now, that is what unconditional love is all about that most JW`s simply just don`t get! Hang in there fellow and everyone here has your back! You`re gonna go far in life.

  • kid-A

    Richie is who he is because of his upbringing, not in spite of it, one can't say he is stressed out and angry, in other words taking all of the negative things and attributing these to being a JW while taking all of the positive things and attributing these to other sources.

    Oro-boob, I think the general consensus on the board is that you are full of shit, as per my original post. If being raised a witness leads to the creation of pompous asses such as yourself, completely out of touch with reality, Richie's escape is all the more a reason to celebrate. You really need to take your career in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society more seriously and quit wasting your time with us evil apostates. You have the perfect combination of ignorance, arrogance and complete social ineptitude to rise to a very high position at Brooklyn. I'm sure they need some "mail boys" in the legal department. LOL

  • mouthy

    I think posters that left the JW's as adults don't realize how terrifying it is to do so as a teen.

    Dams!!! I left in my old age. Believe me it was terrible for me. I nearly killed myself...So I am sure it must be hard for teenagers. I salute this young lad... As long as he has the support of all on board(excluding the ones that still have blinded minds in the WT)He will come out O.K. There was none of this when I was D/F in 1987...We had to go it alone. If I had not found Ray Franz. Jim Penton,I would be pushing up the daises long ago

  • xjwms


    Thanks for the update

    It really would be great to find out who turned you in.

  • RichieRich

    before we crucify anyone, I just want to say ed is alright by me.

    somepeople place their entire identity on physical appearance, and maybe his post was because thats what he wants for himself.

    I go to the gym plenty often, i went last night as a matter of fact. I bench press over 350 pounds, and I broke 800 with my deadlft last night.

    Am I unhealthy? I think not. I could problably physically out perform many people here.

    but that doesn't matter. This board is for EX JWs, and now I am one.

  • Emma
    This board is for EX JWs, and now I am one.

    Yeah, Richie!!!!!!!

  • rebel8

    Apostate Kate lolololol that was so funny!

  • Jankyn

    Bravo, Richie!

  • Hellrider
    I think there is one lesson, however, for others similarly situated as yourself, and that is that they should be better prepared to face the consequences or for exiting the Organization if that is what they desire. I am a bit shocked that you seem to have put no thought into savings or planning for your future. In my opinion a young man of 18 should be prepared to leave the nest, including establishing your own bank acct, savings, part-time job, and cell-phone (when you are able to enter into a contract for one). I hope you will be able to pull things together and be truly free AND independent.

    ?? I don`t know what planet you`re from, but I grew up on planet JW. And there, JW-kids didn`t have much money, cause there was no allowance, and getting a job after school was pretty much out of the question too, our "parents" weren`t into things like that, they were into "spiritual things", and btw, who can work nights anyway when there are meetings and field service all week long. If a 17-yearold kid has a bank account and savings on planet JW, that`s a fucking miracle in itself. And you`re criticising him for not being better prepared to fight against a regime of oppression? Did Richie ask for this? Is it his fault his mother is a brainwashed JW? For gods sake, how ignorant are you?

    Also on a personal nature, I think you should work out and lose some weight. We want you to live a long full life and you do not appear to be healthy. You seem gregarious and confident and those are good qualities, perhaps being a Witness has helped you develop those qualities, but feeling good about your health, weight and being in good shape will do wonders for you and your future. (let's do it together, pm me when you get a chance, if you want to work on a plan together or encourage each other to work out and stay in shape).

    You`re just mr.Sensitivity, aren`t you.

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