by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hey JDUBLA:

    You notice I gave up a few pages back? Same reasons. When you don't receive a direct answer to a direct question, or when someone keeps altering the meaning of their statements and continues juggling arguments and segways into irrelevant topics, you are stuck in a stalemate.

    I think I did the right thing and let it pass. You did alot of fine research, hard work and showed alot of interest in getting a "financial" viewpoint into the discussion. It was avoided for obvious reasons.

    Everyone apreciates all the information and experience you displayed.
    You are more determined than most of us.

  • dubla


    You notice I gave up a few pages back? Same reasons. When you don't receive a direct answer to a direct question, or when someone keeps altering the meaning of their statements and continues juggling arguments and segways into irrelevant topics, you are stuck in a stalemate.
    yes i know.....how can you prove something is red to one who is colorblind? a stalemate for sure. i think even alanf is giving up on this one, and he above all others is the one who succeeds to the highest degree in making yks foolishness obvious to all.

    It was avoided for obvious reasons.
    yes, very obvious.

    Everyone apreciates all the information and experience you displayed.
    thanks! i think, though, that by arguing with someone who is obviously ignorant in financial matters, i probably end up sounding much more informed/experienced than i could actually ever be. he makes it easy.

    You are more determined than most of us.
    im not sure that determination is the right word. i think its just hard to pass up a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent. but in the end, you are all correct.......it really is a pointless pursuit. delusion is a powerful force.


  • You Know
    You Know
    sigh, ridiculous. like i said before yk, when november comes, and the "almighty dollar" is not indeed worthless, then we can talk about the "full blown collapse" that never happened.

    Many in the business don't speak with such bravado nor do they think its ridiculous that the debt bubble is going to crash the whole system. CLICK HERE >>> http://www.prudentbear.com/credit.htm

    Whether it collapses before November or sometime after is immaterial.
    My "little wager" was just a means of focusing in the issue, which it obviously has.

    so you too know now that the markets as of last friday were very oversold, which was a big part of the reason why we got such a nice rally yesterday.
    I don't doubt that some brokers believe the market was/is oversold. Many don't agree though. Many folks believe that stocks are still grossly overvauled. CLICK HERE >>> http://www.nypost.com/business/4843.htm

    i wish theyd do that more often, we need more days like that. do you know we had the fifth largest point gain in history yesterday?
    No doubt. Perhaps you could throw some pennies in the Wishing Well so that the fund managers can work their science or magic or whatever it is they are doing with other people's money.

    i do think we are seeing a classic case of the cyclical market right now though, which is the only real thing i was arguing to begin with.
    That is laughable. You can't point to anything in history that approximates the collapse of a global financial system of things. How could it be a "classic case." As I pointed out the system as it presently exists is really only a decade old. It has never been subjected to a cycle. You are spounting pure nonsense. CLICK HERE >>> http://www.zealllc.com/commentary/monster.htm

    i imagine nothing. again, "oversold" is a scientific calculation, and yes, as of last friday the market was oversold by -17, which is severly oversold. it now sits at -15.9 btw, which is still very oversold.
    Yeah sure. LOL

    .....and what i was asking, that i got no response for, was simply.......were those buyers in 1930 and 1988 simply "suckers" ready to "be seperated from their money"?
    Of course some people made money when stocks go down. A lot of people though lost everything. Yet, those instances aren't what the system is presently facing. That's what you are incapable of comprehending. When the dollar collapses there will be no buying and selling of stock taking place. Paper is paper whether it is paper money or bonds or stock certificates. It's all just paper. By the way, as I am sure you are well aware, Jehovah says they are going to throw their money in the streets. That is not something that is far fetched at all. In fact, that actually has happened before fairly recently. The German currency was totally destroyed by hyperinflation back in 1923. People used it to lite fires in their kitchen stoves. It took a wheelbarrel load just to buy a loaf of bread. That was of course just one tiny country but the mechanism at work now will result in something similar only on a global scale. And the rate that the world is being flooded with dollars to keep the system from collapse pretty much seals the dollar's doom. That's why many are quickly unloading the dollar. / You Know
  • LDH

    Stupid asshole.

    Whether it collapses before November or sometime after is immaterial.

    If the date were so immaterial, why did you include it as a part of your wager?

    You are nothing more than a maggot infested carcass.

    Your wagers mean nothing. The stock market always experiences corrections.

    But whatever. Why don't you go live in India and invest in rupees if you hate the dollar so much.

    hates Red Herring arguments class

  • You Know
    You Know
    If the date were so immaterial, why did you include it as a part of your wager?

    Call it a lucky guess. LOL / You Know

  • dubla


    i could go through another boring series of dismantling and discrediting your last post, but i am growing bored of the merry-go-round discussion we are engaged in. you are unwilling to try to grasp, or in my opinion, uncapable, of grasping the financial system, including the market. the fact that you think "oversold" levels cannot by calculated, but are merely "imaginary", proves unequivically that you are completely ignorant to the entire matter. you once again make youre foolishness known to all.

    oh, and thank you for the links to a website completely devoted to people that are bearish on the market and the economy, i now see where you cut and paste your drivel from. (aa wonders to himself what they discussed on this website during the longest bear market in our history which just ended a short time ago....). i did read a few articles on that site, which only prove what ive already stated, that being: the world will ALWAYS have some that are bearish, and some that are bullish. the misfits that run that site are not even established analysts from what i can tell, but they are entitled to their opinion.

    oh, one more thing, you still evaded my question, which i fully expected you to do once again. you at least took the time to cut and paste/post it, but nonetheless still dodged it. ill ask it again, just for fun. were those buyers in 1930 and 1988 the "suckers" ready to "be seperated from their money" that you referred to? and were the brokers selling stock at that time the "guys running around talking about the great bargains to be had" that you were referring to? when you first stated these two things, you used the word "always"....as in..."there are always suckers......etc". using the word "always" indicates that this is a pattern of behavior, yet you are now claiming that "...those instances aren't what the system is presently facing."......so wheres the pattern?

    sorry, i guess i did start to dismantle and discredit your post again.......gosh its just so easy i have a hard time holding back.


  • You Know
    You Know
    i could go through another boring series of dismantling and discrediting your last post

    You haven't dismantled anything, perhaps in your own imagination. Your supposed knowledge of the financial system is definitely overbought. I ain't buying though. LOL

    the fact that you think "oversold" levels cannot by calculated
    I didn't say they couldn't be calculated. I said they weren't relevant.

    i now see where you cut and paste your drivel from.
    I haven't cut and pasted anything. The links that I provided were things that I came across today that were just written. Why shouldn't I provide links that discuss this? Isn't that the honest way to conduct a discussion like this? I am providing a service to honest readers who wish to research the facts for themselves. You on the other hand have never adressed my points about how the system works and the dilemma that it is in. You have done a lot of handwaving and blustering and ridicule but you have by no means confronted the issues that I posed to the forum. / You Know

    More stuff for thinking people: CLICK HERE>>> http://www.financialsense.com/stormwatch/update.htm

    Your world is coming down and there's nothing you can do about it.

  • dubla


    I didn't say they couldn't be calculated. (speaking of oversold and overbought levels)
    actually you did. here was your response to my saying that oversold levels are a scientific calculation:

    Yeah sure. LOL
    excuse me if i regarded this as a denial of the FACT that they can be, and are, calculated on daily basis, using a scientific formula.

    The links that I provided were things that I came across today that were just written.
    i noticed that. i also noticed that the one article specifically explained yesterdays rally as a "technical" rally, which is what ive been saying all along. thank you for the reinforcement to my entire argument on "oversold". perhaps when you provided the link, you did not realize that "oversold" and "overbought" are actually terms used in TECHNICAL ANALYSIS. i stated that the rally could be predicted by technical analysis, and your article on the nypost only backed up that very point, stating that there were technical reasons the market rallied. (the article even explained how the market was oversold!! i actually laughed out loud when i read it, realizing that it was YOUR reference!! LMFAO!!)

    You on the other hand have never adressed my points about how the system works and the dilemma that it is in.
    i thought your point was, and the point of this thread was, to say that the financial system and the dollar would collapse by the end of october. when you prematurely claimed victory on this "wager" of sorts, i merely dismantled your statements exposing your obvious lack of knowledge on market matters. if youd like to go back and read at what point i jumped in, youll see that i have no interest in your little side points. the reason i started this discussion in the first place was to show that your comment about the market being a "side show" was absolutely and totally preposterous, which after all this emphasis on the markets (including your two links), i think weve both proven that to be true. as far as adressing "how the system works", well, i do that every time i speak of the market, due to the fact, (and again, ive already proven this throughout the discussion), that "the system" revolves around "the market".

    You have done a lot of handwaving and blustering and ridicule ....
    i have done no handwaving; ive only stated market facts. if youd like to challenge me to prove any of them with specific detail, i would be more than happy to do so. as far as the ridicule goes, you bring that on yourself, i merely state the obvious.


  • dubla


    CLICK HERE >>> http://www.thestreet.com/comment/chartist/1472930.html

    keep in mind yk, that oversold is not necessarily the same as being bullish. It merely infers that the security (or the market as a whole in this case) has fallen too far too fast and may be due for a reaction rally. perhaps you shoulve taken my advice and looked it up before you tried to speak on it. again, you might have saved yourself some humiliation. in the link ive provided, youll see the FACT stated that the market is oversold, but the same writer holds a bearish SENTIMENT. do you understand the difference son, or should i explain it in a more simplistic manner for you?


  • AlanF

    To jdubla, UR, others of intelligence:

    You Know, you've found out, is probably the best poster boy around for demonstrating what the JW paradigm combined with an inflated opinion of one's sense of self-importance can do to a person. All facts are bent to the ultimate goal, no matter how bent they must be. What goal? You Know stated it best:

    : Your world is coming down and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Of course, this goal has been the foundation of JW/Bible Student/Adventist teaching since the early 19th century. It finds another outlet in the similar notions of modern Fundamentalism, which has its roots in the same religious ferment that produced Adventism (cf. The Roots of Fundamentalism by Ernest Sandeen; the parallels between John Nelson Darby and Joseph F. Rutherford are amazing). Modern Christian Fundies, of course, are expecting the same sort of imminent world destruction that Adventist sects like the JWs are.

    No surprise -- out of the same fermenting lump come similar attitudes about the Bible, similar basic beliefs, a sense that anone contradicting the teachings of the sect is an opposer of God, and so on.

    On this board we can see the similarities between the extremes of people produced by JWs and by Fundies. Both You Know and Rexie (recently converted from the JWs to an extreme form of the Southern Baptists) are supremely arrogant, supremely confident that they alone have ultimate truth; both reject all facts that contradict their opinions; both refuse to answer direct questions or challenges; both claim that their opponents never answer challenges even when their opponents provide mountains of evidence; both are convinced that they're virtually inspired.

    Jim Penton has long said it best: JWs and Fundies are pups from the same bitch.


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