by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla


    Those terms are relative and don't mean much..
    again (boy i sound like a broken record), the terms arent "relative", but they are actually calculated and have a PROVEN record of correlation to the markets ups and downs. again, your ignorance in these matters is more than transparent.

    That makes your formula for determining stock values absurd.
    its not my formula, but a formula is used, and has a PROVEN record of correlation to the markets ups and downs. so no, its not absurd, but merely proven to be accurate.

    The life boats on the Titanic may have been considered in an overbought condition at one point until the fateful encounter with a giant ice cube...
    i wont even bother to justify this absurd comparison with a response.

    . Therefore, when people like yourself that are in the business refer to the stock market crash as a cyclic occurance you betray your own ignorance of how the system operates.
    again, its a proven occurrance which you obviously wish to ignore/discard so that you can make your absurd predictions of financial gloom and doom. we wont recover this time, right, i get it. of course, past performance is not always indicative of future results, and anything can happen. but the cyclical nature of the market has shown itself to be clockwork from the time the very first share was traded right up to today.

    i think i may be a prophet now, for my prediction of you ignoring what you have no response for came true!

    You are apparently delusional. / You Know
    i think all would agree with me that this is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. LOL.


  • Farkel


    Never in my life have I seen a thread go this long and be read over 4,000 times when it was based upon utter bullshit.

    "Sideshow Bob" does not do you justice. "P.T. Barnum Bob" does. There's a sucker born every minute, and you know how to milk and capitalize on it with one simple commodity: total bullshit coupled with lots of hand-waving.

    You're a flippin' genuis, Mr. King-Priest.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • hillary_step

    Hi Farkel,

    Never in my life have I seen a thread go this long and be read over 2,000 times when it was based upon utter bullshit.
    Never a truer word spoken Farkel, let us put this one to bed before YK utters a prophecy or two about the '2,000 times' and takes to the sackcloth and hasish.


  • NameWithheld

    Post this one more time, as You Don't Know Sh*t seems to have no reply -

    So you think you can explain away what you said huh? Need I remind you ...
    OK, ONCE AGAIN - Let's see Mr Booby Slave ... you said ...

    My proposed wager is this: I will wager 100 bucks, that before the end of the month of October that the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war.
    How do you propose to change the meaning of the words "the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war"?


    Pretty plain words IMO. Don't pretend you can alter their meaning now, be a man and stand behind what you said, even if it is stupid.

  • You Know
    You Know
    again (boy i sound like a broken record), the terms arent "relative", but they are actually calculated and have a PROVEN record of correlation to the markets ups and downs. again, your ignorance in these matters is more than transparent.

    The broken record metaphor is a good one. It is evident to me that you are unable or unwilling to grasp the fact that the stock market is merely part of a much larger financial system that is incapable of perpetuating itself indefinitely and is now in a full blown collapse phase. I don't deny that there are various formulas that the professional buyers and sellers use to evaluate stocks and bonds. Myron Scholes, who developed a sophisticated deriviatives formula, described it as a method to "suck all the nickels out of the world." Apparently the formula has "worked." But, the question no one has asked, is what happens after all the nickels have been sucked from every pocket? By the way, LTCM used the Black/Scholes formula.

    i wont even bother to justify this absurd comparison with a response.
    The metaphor of the Titanic is perfect to describe the sort of denial that you are griped with. Even after the Titanic struck the iceberg, and the captain gave the abandon ship order, many passengers of the doomed vessel refused to leave the ship because they stilll thought that the ship was unsinkable. Reportedly, the first few lifeboats went out with only a handful of people on each one because many were fearful of being ridiculed by those poor deluded souls who imagined that the ship was unsinkable. Apostates reason much the same way and so do stock brokers. There is overwhelming evidence that the financial system is in a steep terminal decline. Turkey, for one example, is on the edge of default. Argentina is struggling in vain to keep from going off the the edge into the abyss. Brasil is right behind. Japan is bankrupt, totally bankrupt. The BOJ has reduced the interest rates to virtually zero and yet they continue to plunge toward oblivion. As I pointed out, the dollar is absurdly overvalued, as are all dollar denominated equities. The system is finished and yet you imagine that the stock market is oversold! The sinking of the Titanic is the perfect analogy.

    its a proven occurrance which you obviously wish to ignore/discard so that you can make your absurd predictions of financial gloom and doom.
    So far every empire that has ever existed has collapsed. The Anglo-American system of things will prove to be no exception. In the past two weeks America has been shaken to its very foundations. Gloom has enveloped the world. There is great fear that the global financial system may not survive the shock. The spector of a world wide financial collapse is not absurd. What is absurd is that someone who is in the business would consider it absurd that the system is facing disintergration. Those who deny reality always suffer a penalty, eventually.

    i think i may be a prophet now, for my prediction of you ignoring what you have no response for came true!
    I am genuinely puzzled. What is it that you imagine I have no response for? So far you have refused to even recognize that the stock market is only part of a global financial system and that the dollar is vastly over valued. Since that is the case, to talk about stocks being oversold is preposterous. You are focused on one aspect and have no rebuttle when presented with evidence that the whole system is collapsing. You are a mere ridiculer of reality.

    Arrogance, ignorance, and greed are this system's undoing. / You Know

  • Englishman
    Arrogance, ignorance, and greed are this system's undoing. / You Know

    You moralise about arrogance?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    You Know,

    Hey did you read my apology thread.
    That aside.

    Man you got the "just like Tom Thumb calamity howler blues"
    I think in the jingle jangle mourning I'll go followin you, yeah right, when hell freezes over.

    You keep telling us "it's all over now baby blue", and the night is gonna come fallin from the sky. You think you words effect us like a cork screw into our hearts, all the same your slow train has never come yet.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • dubla


    The broken record metaphor is a good one.
    yes, it works well with your yearly predictions.

    It is evident to me that you are unable or unwilling to grasp the fact that the stock market is merely part of a much larger financial system ...
    i fully understand this, and ive never denied it. it is only a part of the larger picture, its the part everything else revolves around (i.e, the bond market, currencies, and even your favorite part, derivatives). to call it a "side show" is preposterous, but to say its only a part of the larger picture, of course everyone would agree with that.

    is now in a full blown collapse phase.
    sigh, ridiculous. like i said before yk, when november comes, and the "almighty dollar" is not indeed worthless, then we can talk about the "full blown collapse" that never happened.

    I don't deny that there are various formulas that the professional buyers and sellers use to evaluate stocks and bonds.
    great, then you fully understand how they evaluate "oversold" and "overbought"......so you too know now that the markets as of last friday were very oversold, which was a big part of the reason why we got such a nice rally yesterday. oh thats right, the markets being oversold had nothing to do with it, it was just the fund managers panic buying to "save" the market from disaster. well i applaud those fund managers, and golly, i wish theyd do that more often, we need more days like that. do you know we had the fifth largest point gain in history yesterday? normally, this would be a CLEAR indicator of an oversold market (and some short covering no doubt), but in this case it was simply those wacky fund managers working their magic!

    . Reportedly, the first few lifeboats went out with only a handful of people on each one because many were fearful of being ridiculed by those poor deluded souls who imagined that the ship was unsinkable. Apostates reason much the same way and so do stock brokers.
    well, i cant speak for all apostates, but i can speak for myself as a broker when i say that i do not believe the ship is unsinkable. i do think we are seeing a classic case of the cyclical market right now though, which is the only real thing i was arguing to begin with.

    The system is finished and yet you imagine that the stock market is oversold!
    i imagine nothing. again, "oversold" is a scientific calculation, and yes, as of last friday the market was oversold by -17, which is severly oversold. it now sits at -15.9 btw, which is still very oversold. does this mean it will go straight up? of course not. we might not have even found the bottom yet.

    The spector of a world wide financial collapse is not absurd.
    no, what is absurd is you predicting that a dollar collapse is imminent, in fact likely coming by the end of october! that is what is absurd.....no.....downright fucking wacky! lol.

    I am genuinely puzzled. What is it that you imagine I have no response for?
    well, i realize youre puzzled in general, but you know exactly what you have no response for, i posted it twice. but, since you are claiming to be SO puzzled, ill post it again..........

    As long as there are suckers to be separated from their money you are going to have guys running around talking about the great bargains to be had.
    .....and what i was asking, that i got no response for, was simply.......were those buyers in 1930 and 1988 simply "suckers" ready to "be seperated from their money"? were the brokers, after all the major crashes, these so called "guys running around talking about the great bargains to be had"? my point was, if so, i wish i wouldve been one of those "suckers", because many of them are millionaires now on stock values alone. puzzled or not, i fully expect you to ignore these questions once again, for you have no response to them.

    Arrogance, ignorance, and greed are this system's undoing. / You Know
    well, im not sure if youre greedy or not, but youve got the rest covered! i believe meatloaf said it best, "two out of three aint bad"! LOL.


  • Mulan

    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • dubla
    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

    im starting to agree marilyn.......it does seem to be an enormous waste of breath, trying to have an intelligent discourse with a delusional lunatic. he is extremely easy to discredit and humiliate though, which does help pass the time.


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