Explain your avatar and username

by greendawn 174 Replies latest members private

  • OpenFireGlass
  • GoatOfMendes

    The Goat of Mendes aka Baphomet.

  • CountryGuy

    My avatar is a picture of my tattoo. My friends got together and got it for me for my 30th birthday. It's a shamrock because my maternal great-grandparents were from County Cork, Ireland and I wanted something significant to my heritage.

    CountryGuy is a name that I used on AOL for a long time. It was just easier using that name than to try to think up a new one. Originally, I used it because I lived in the country. But, now that I no longer live in the country, I'd say it would have more to do with my music preference.

  • Chimene

    My avatar is me, Chimene is my name, no secrets here!

  • Dimples

    Just me in my avatar, I chose the name Dimples because I have dimples.


  • tijkmo

    tijkmo = The Irony Just Knocks Me Out

    THE IRONY...is the name of my band


  • uninformed

    I am nearly blind with rage and sadness (doesn't seem to fit together ?) over the conduct of the WT for the past 15 years with the U.N. I was a very serious witness, elder, father, husband and all the other good things, and I have felt totally betrayed by the WT by their cavalier and condescending attitude towards me and people like me who object to their 'dalliance' with the U.N., which they themselves identified as the scarlet colored wild beast, not me. As far as I am concerned, and I told them in three letters and the elders in person, they have betrayed the faith and climbed up on the back of the Wild Beast along with the rest of Babylon the Great. The multitudinous articles they wrote since 1991 in support or at least fulfilling their function of "informing their constituents about the UN, programmes and activities", finally reached a breaking point with me last May, 2005, with the article, "Libraries, Local Gateways to Knowledge" (which title itself is a quote from the UN), and the last two paragraphs finally was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.

    Therefore, I named myself------------U.N.---Informed

    My picture is of a scuba yacht, Deep Blue, that I am a partner with two Ecuadorian friends, that operates out of San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands.

    If you want to see it up closer go to---www.deepbluegalapagos.com/


  • skeeter1

    It's for the lovely animal that Jehovah God created as living proof that blood transfusions take place every day. The "1" is a spin-off of "Airforce 1" - the President's ride.


    It's just a dumb, southern nickname given to me by a prepubic, twit sibling.


  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Hey Country Guy!!! My great grandparents are from County Cork as well. My maiden name which is Halligan is in the original context O'Aelligan

    Wonder if our families knew each other!

  • ballistic
    Wonder if our families knew each other!

    lol, that's like when I speak to people from the US on the phone, and they ask me if I know "john" from Wales. hehe - sorry I'm not taking the piss, it's just very funny

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