Do you still believe?

by Chimene 154 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Calliope

    i feel pubescent in this world of beliefs and non-beliefs.

    i profess i am agnostic. there is no proof either way.

    i generally always believed in evolution while a wit. i just thought jehovah had put it all into motion. now that i can't bring myself to believe in jehovah, i can't bring myself to believe in any god.

    sometimes though, i stare in awe at the night sky and i wish so bad there were something more.


  • prophecor

    There's still a portion of me that still believes, yes. I don't believe everyone's going to heaven, and that there must surely be a grand purpose for this earth, other than it's immanent destruction. It's too beautiful a place to just have it go to waste as well as to continue to be a place of torment & turmoil. I have all the faith in the world that God soon will fix this.

  • FreedomFrog

    Well, it depends on what you mean "do you still believe". Do I still believe there is a "All Powerful" creator...the answer would be no. Do I believe that Jesus is Do I believe the bible to be inspired by God...again, no.

    I do believe in Gods/Goddess. The reasons for both is because of the "balancing", like day/night, black/white, evil/good. But I feel they have limits and are not "All Powerful". Sometimes they get involved...sometimes not, it's up to them. I do feel that there is a spiritual realm and those are the people who have died and have evolved beyond human thinking and living. And then from there others are more evolved from them. Like going up a ladder. Right now, we're on earth to learn something. We just need to find out what that is. But I feel that once we have learned what we need, then we can "evolve" to a higher being. If we haven't, we may need to "repeat" this life over again (reincarnation). And yes, I do feel that all of us will "understand" what we are meant to learn...eventually.

    But then again, I've only been searching for 2 years at what I really believe in. Part of that search and not knowing all (like the Dub's seem to feel) has been fun, like an adventure. And my "beliefs" changes as I grow more into my spirituality. I am very religious, but not into the "man-made" religions. I do connect with the Higher Powers (Gods/Goddess) because currently, I do feel they are there, and if we are "loud" enough, or make ourselves known, they then will connect to us through dreams or visions. Anyway, those are my beliefs, and they are meant for me. I think each person needs to form their own religion, if you know what I mean.

  • Chimene

    I hear ya Freedomfrog. My boyfriend was just reading with me what you wrote, if you don't mind my asking, and you don't have to answer, but do you practice Wicka?

  • JamesThomas

    The amazing beauty and variances of life and universe goes on and on, and inspires in us a great awe. To attribute what very well may be countless universes to the tiny man-gods of the Bible seems, to me, to be highly unmindful and disrespectful. So, I have consciously chosen to abandon diminutive beliefs and images of gods.

    My sense is that our true Source and Sustenance, is limited and distant only by mistaken beliefs and ideas of the mind; and so can be realized as our true and real Being -- and that of everyone and everything -- when there is sincere and earnest investigation into the mentally created story and drama we mistakenly believe ourselves and others to be.

    What really looks out our eyes?



  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Now that I've had 15 years to let the brainwashing erode away, I've come to some conclusions on the subject of God and The Bible.

    I personally think it's rediculous to believe that there is some Genie floating around in Outer Space pulling the puppet strings.

    The Bible states that "God is Love", and then also states that "God is a jealous God". So which is it? Love and jealousy are like oil and water. And on the subject of love, would an all-loving God destroy an entire civilization because they didn't have the same opinion on what their ideals of morals are? Or did His jealousy get the better of Him? Consider how many people have been slaughtered in the Name of Christ over the centuries. (Or Allah, for that matter.)

    "Thou shalt not kill". I seem to remember more than one biblical war in which God acted on the side of His favorite team.

    "The Lion will eat straw like the Bull."-Give me a break.

    There is solid evidence that evolution is happening right before our eyes.

    I could go on and on. Atheism just makes sense to me.


  • FreedomFrog
    I hear ya Freedomfrog. My boyfriend was just reading with me what you wrote, if you don't mind my asking, and you don't have to answer, but do you practice Wicka?

    Actually, I'm fine with anyone wanting to know. I use to be "scared" of telling my beliefs...but, I'm becoming more comfortable with my beliefs because they are just that...mine. So, I even tell my beliefs to my "still JW" mom, hehehe. Actually I consider myself an Eclectic Pagan. Though, I do tend to lean more towards the Native American ways such as Shamanism. But still, I don't follow all of their beliefs because parts of it doesn't fit with what makes sense to me.

  • Woodsman

    I have alot of questions and am enjoying the freedom to ask them.

    I would rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned.

    At times I may challenge the Bible, and at other times I will challenge others who do so.

    So long as I don't lie to myself or others, its all cool.

  • ferret

    I still believe in a heavenly father and His son Jesus Christ., but not in the J.W, god Jehovah.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I still have a belief in God, and I probably always will have, but I have no desire to worship him in any way. Maybe that will change one day, I really can't say right now. I guess having spent so long in a totally false religion has made me somewhat sceptical about getting invoved in another form of worship. Only time will tell, I suppose.

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