Do you support gay marriage?
by chappy 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Must.. not... comment... about... Scotsman's... hot stake!!!
god is a superstition
I was reminded of this, today, in the context of partner's rights:
jt stumbler
YES I do :)
Ja takk
If two people who love each other for years and years lived together, why should the families throw out the surviving partner and take the home and leave them with nothing?
In the case of a JW family, likely they would have shunned them for years - then make sure they benefit from the death.
Give the pension fund to the borg..... Yeah, that sounds right. Jesus is more forgiving than the toads in Brothel.
Here's another issue and has been known to happen. Say for example you have 2 people in a gay longterm relationship. One of them has family who have nothing to do with him because he is gay. He then dies but leaves everything in his will to the one who truly loved him - his partner. But the family contests the will and gets what they want? Why because they are legally recognised as his family.
Sherry brought this up in another thread this week. It is for this reason and others that I support gay marriage on moral grounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The above came before-- i don't remember who posted it.... This example wouldn't occur is 'real life'-- the will would trump the 'family', unless the will lacked the proper probate requirements to be processed as a VALID will. If not a VALID will, then fam would inherit, probably, cuz the decedent died intestate-- without a proper will.
Ah but it has happened in real life. Its happened more than once where the will was contested by the family and they won in court.
I have a neighbor that F**** his sheep should he be allowed to marry his sheep?
If the sheep says "Yes!" and can register at Macy's -- I don't see why not. (Of course, she souldn't wear white ....)