Do you support gay marriage?

by chappy 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chappy

    Is your belief moral, social or practical? Would you feel the same way if there were absolutely no religious influence on the matter pro or con?

    Regardless of your belief, does every adult have a fundimental right to marry anyone of his or her choosing, regardless of gender?


  • damselfly

    Yes I do support Gay marriage. It's a social issue for me. Everyone who wishes to marry the person they are in love with should be free to do so. I also support Gay families ( however they come about, blended, natural or adoption )


  • arrowstar

    Yes, I support gay marriages. If two people can find happiness together, whether they be straight or gay, why in the world shouldn't they be allowed to join together in any fashion that they want.

    Who am I to tell someone they can't be married? And why shouldn't they be awarded the same privileges that a "traditional" couple received?


  • skyman

    I say no but that is only because my mind has been used for mind control over my life time. I still have a hard time with the fact that these consenting adults have the right to do as they please as long as they do not hurt anyone else. My mind has been controlled and I am still a beget. I wish I wasn't, let me have more time out of the BORG and I will eventually get there.

  • misspeaches

    Yes I would say I do. A big issue facing gay couples in long term relationships is their lack of legal rights in the relationship. For example if their partner was to come down very ill and only family were allowed to visit, legally their partner would not be allowed to see them.

    Here's another issue and has been known to happen. Say for example you have 2 people in a gay longterm relationship. One of them has family who have nothing to do with him because he is gay. He then dies but leaves everything in his will to the one who truly loved him - his partner. But the family contests the will and gets what they want? Why because they are legally recognised as his family.

    I might not have it all down correctly but my point here is to show that gay and straight people should all be given the same legal standings and rights in relationships.

  • Super_Becka
    Do you support gay marriage?

    Yes, yes I do. I support it whole-heartedly, I was very proud when Canada passed a law making same-sex marriage legal, I hope our new Prime Minister doesn't try to reverse that decision.

    Is your belief moral, social or practical? Would you feel the same way if there were absolutely no religious influence on the matter pro or con?

    It's a social and practical belief for me, religion has no bearing on it whatsoever. And if there was no religious influence on the matter, there would be no debates on whether or not it should be legal. In my opinion, religion is why people thing homosexuality is wrong in the first place.

    Regardless of your belief, does every adult have a fundimental right to marry anyone of his or her choosing, regardless of gender?

    Yes, I think everyone has the right to fall in love and marry the person of their choosing, regardless of their gender. I don't think anyone has the right to tell a person who they can love and who they can't, or who they can marry and who they can't. If I can fall in love with a man and get married, why can't another girl fall in love with a girl and get married?? It's still love, no matter what, and I think it should be a basic human freedom to marry whoever you want to. And if the churches aren't comfortable with performing same-sex marriage, fine, make it legal anyway and hold the marriage ceremonies at city hall. If religion is the problem, keep religion out of it.

    And for those of you out there who think same-sex marriage and homosexuality are wrong, put yourself in that situation. Most homophobes and opponents are straight, am I right?? That means that the issue of same-sex marriage doesn't affect them, so banning it doesn't interfere with their lives. If you oppose same-sex marriage, think about how you'd feel if you were in a gay couple's shoes and were forbidden from getting married. How would you feel if you couldn't marry the person that you loved and wanted to spend the rest of your life with?? How would you feel if everyone told you that it was wrong to love and marry that person?? I have gay friends and it breaks my heart to think that someone could tell them that they're not allowed to get married, I was so proud of my country when we passed a law making same-sex marriage legal. Right now, I am a very proud Canadian.

    You wouldn't like it very well if someone said that you couldn't get married, so how can you tell another couple that they can't get married, just because they're both of the same gender?? If someone made it illegal for heterosexual couples to get married, there would be public outcry and riots in the streets, and yet we can say that homosexual couples can't get married and expect everyone to be happy with it. The world is full of hypocrites.

    If a couple is in love and the two are devoted to each other, let them get married, regardless of their sexual orientation. What happens in their bedroom is nobody's business but their own. And besides, heterosexual marriages aren't working out too well now anyway, the divorce rate is 50%, maybe it's time to let homosexuals try it out, I bet they'll be more successful than us heterosexuals.

    -Becka :)

  • Sheepish

    I believe Homosexuality is a perversion. But before you start lobbing stones or insults, let me add that I also don't believe in persecuting or judging sinners of any kind! Not my place. As was said earlier, what they do in their own bedrooms is none of my business. I don't go around showing my "disapproval" of anyone who thinks differently than I do-it's their God given right. I'm so weird I don't believe the state has any right to be involved in a Christian wedding. To me it's a convenant between two people and God (wedding and witnesses to the fact included).

    The issue gets sticky when you start looking at it in light of society and history. There is a progression nobody seems to want to talk about any more. I think because we are so far into it there is no hope. The basis of society is the family. Has been for 6.000 years of recorded history. People are not smarter or better, (we just have more gadgets!) In America the family is all but destroyed culturally. Even most of the so-called Christians are divorcing and remarrying. I don't see it as being a good thing.I think in the rise and fall of Nations we are on the downside of the slope and picking up speed.

  • chappy

    Would your support extend to multiple partners, ie: bigamy?

    What about individuals wanting to "marry" non-humans? This question isn't meant to stir up dissent. Fact is there are individuals who will raise this issue in the future and it will have to be addressed.


  • damselfly
    Would your support extend to multiple partners, ie: bigamy?

    What about individuals wanting to "marry" non-humans? This question isn't meant to stir up dissent. Fact is there are individuals who will raise this issue in the future and it will have to be addressed.

    This has nothing to do with gay marriage rights. Is this supposed to defend the "sacred act of matrimony"? By comparing gay marriage to bigamy and animals ( non humans? )

    That's insulting and offensive and I do hope that wasn't your intent.


  • darkuncle29



    Let's clarify, that marriage is between TWO-2 people who want to be maried to each other. I'm not argueing marriage as it is in India or other parts of the world, they are beyond my scope. If they want to change how marriage is in there country/culture, that is their job, not mine.

    Against gay marriage? Fine, then don't marry one! You will not be forced to marry one of us. I certainly don't want to be forced to marry a woman.

    As for "people wanting to marry their dogs." that's just asinine, no sane normal human would want to marry their dog. It might be tried just to bring that up, but then again, dogs aren't legal citizens nor do they have rights recognized as being HUMAN. If I wanted to leave my worldy possesions to my dog, I'd have to create a trust, and have that dog and possibly its decendants placed under the care of that trust. So in name I'd be leaving my house to Buddy, but in legal fact, I'd be leaving it to my trust, and the stipulation would be that Buddy and Lucy get to live in my home after I'm gone and that the trust would take care of them. (I'm not a legal professional, so any help or clarification would be welcomed in this chain of thought)

    Why not just for a few minutes, set your own view aside, and try, just try to undeerstand why gays and lesbains would want or think they need this?

    Go through the past five or so years of your life. Write down the important things that happened to you or your spouse; such as hospital time and health care, buying or selling property, financial, any legal issue, travel to foreign countries. Now imagine that doing these things is made more cumbersome or impossible because you are not married to your spouse. If you are not married, your "girl friend", may be able to legally wiggle in on some of those, but not if she were your "boy friend". Personally, I don't want "Marriage" as its pretty f@&k3d up and you straight people can keep it. The argument that marriage is sacred in some way, is so stupid. Is it a sacred, religious institution? or is it a Legal relationship? The point is here, that gay people didn't screw it up for you all, you did that to yourselves. I'd rather make up no label for what I want, that is to live with the man I love, be left alone, and when we are gone, to leave this place better than it was when we arrived.

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