Do you support gay marriage?

by chappy 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SomeGeek

    Stick to the fundamental question: Do you support gay marriage? Is your belief moral, social or practical? Would you feel the same way if there were absolutely no religious influence on the matter pro or con?

    Regardless of your belief, does every adult have a fundimental right to marry anyone of his or her choosing, regardless of gender?

    If you throw out religious influence then the matter becomes a social question. Either way I do not support it. At the end of the day, It's all about money and who gets it when somebody dies: your family or somebody you dated. If we take out all the sensationalism, all motives are money based; insurance, estate, etc. With the exception of children. Tricky one. We all want to leave a legacy. I let you all do the rest.

    Someone brought up the topic of non-humans but better yet someone brought up comming up with another term. I agree here, marriage is a man+woman thing.

  • Rabbit
    Is your belief moral, social or practical?

    Yes, I support gay marriage for all 3 reasons.

    Moral: It is immoral, imo, to disallow a persons self-identity in sexual or other ways.

    Social: People are 'social animals', we all need and deserve respect for who we are, as opposed to 'anti-social'.

    Practical: Gay marriages have absolutely no effect on my marriage or my life.

  • Abaddon

    I'm all for gay marriage.

    Morally it is not an issue as it involves consenting adults.

    Socially is is vital people have equal rights to (to quote that beatiful political prose) life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


    Hey, understanding why you feel a way is the start to stopping feeling that way. Congratulations on seeing how your background effects your perspective. Very cool.

  • Shazard


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One takes a big man to admit when he's the one with the problem. Good for you. I can't for the life of me figure out why folks who have been lied to their whole life won't take the time to objectively challenge EACH and EVERY assumption they made about religion, society, and "moral" values. We all look back at ourselves in "the troof" and ask "How could I have been so foolish"? Can't they see that by holding to old axioms they are still being foolish. We all must strive to overcome our own inherent bigotries the WTBS instilled. Bastards. Don't let them win by living your life in a small and insignificant, closed minded way. Life's too short.

  • gaiagirl

    I support gay marriage. I do not see sexual preference as having any bearing on whether people can be happy together or whether their union contributes to a stable society. Unhappy marriages make for unstable societies, regardless of the gender of the people involved. People who are unhappy in their marriage are more likely to commit crimes or other antisocial acts. So, if given the choice, I would rather live in a neighborhood where every other house was a content gay or lesbian couple, rather than unhappy hetero couples. I suppose my reasoning is non-religious, as I don't really care what men living 2000-3000 years ago thought about the issue. They are simply not relevant. Ultimately, it doesn't harm me in any way if gays or lesbians are granted the same rights which heteros enjoy, rather it makes the society in which I live more fair to everyone. More happy people means a better society in which to live.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    I feel that homosexuals have every right to be as miserable as heterosexuals. :-)

    ROFL!! yes, what silent said.

    i see marriage as a dumb institution anyways, so if your gay, and you still wanna get married, then go for it.

    cost-benefit analysis for me: the legal benefits of marriage are not worth it in the first place!

    something that really, really baffles me are gay xians. sure sure, they have every right to be xians. just like black people have the right to be neo-nazis if they want. i think the bible is pretty clear that homosexuals are "sinners", as sheepish brought out, which although i see as laughable, makes me wonder what fantasy world gay xians live in.


  • scotsman

    Of course I support gay marriage and I'm quite content with a civil partnership, but I'd like to muddy the water a little.

    Since December 2005 in the UK Civil Partnerships have given same sex partnerships the same legal rights as marriage does to heterosexuals and as a result some prisoners are demanding the right to form a Civil Partnership with their cohabiting partners. If this is permitted it will no doubt be deemed as discriminatory to heterosexual prisoners who cannot cohabit, even if their partners are in prison. So should prison inmates be permitted to form civil partnerships with same sex prisoners?

  • slugga

    Easy one to answer. You're in prison to be PUNISHED. If you do something bad and end up in prison you should expect to lose certain rights.

  • hillbilly

    Civil union legislation should be on the books.... there are lots of different ways for folks to partner... Gay or not, once you commit to taking responsibility for another you should have some protection under law.

    Marriage? Thats a word... If you want that to mean "between a man and woman under God" thats ok with me. The issue really is can ones long time partner benifit from insurance or can he or she even visit the hospital room.

    This whole issue is really about who can participate in the business of union. Sex has little to do with it.


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