Do you support gay marriage?

by chappy 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IMustBreakAway

    Take religion out of marriage. Or better yet split the two completely. Require everyone (regardless of sex) to come before a judge and draw up a contract of "marriage." Then later if you want a religious or commitment ceremony then fine, live by the rules of the religion you are in. But the government exists to give equal political rights to all. (and if it doesn't then it should.)

    This is also my feeling about things like the pledge of allegeince, take God out of it. If you want to pray then fine but don't make it political.

  • acsot

    I support it whole-heartedly, I was very proud when Canada passed a law making same-sex marriage legal, I hope our new Prime Minister doesn't try to reverse that decision.

    We went out to a restaurant shortly after the federal election, and were gabbing away about Harper and his reactionary agenda when lo and behold! a Bloc MP sitting next to us told us not to worry about the erosion of gay marriage rights in Canada, since it is a provincial jurisdiction. The feds can try and have “marriage” redefined back to the Dark Ages to say that it is between a man and woman only, but it will have no legal bearing on what happens to couples wanting to marry in their individual provinces where gay marriage is legal. Heck, even Alberta passed gay marriage legislation.

    And as for the silly comment about marrying animals, when an animal is able to comprehend and sign a legal document, then we’ll have that discussion.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why folks who have been lied to their whole life won't take the time to objectively challenge EACH and EVERY assumption they made about religion, society, and "moral" values. We all look back at ourselves in "the troof" and ask "How could I have been so foolish"? Can't they see that by holding to old axioms they are still being foolish. We all must strive to overcome our own inherent bigotries the WTBS instilled. Bastards. Don't let them win by living your life in a small and insignificant, closed minded way. Life's too short.
    Great post

  • slugga
    Stoning was always over a little too quick. The scolds bridle and a hot stake are my preferred punishment. Perhaps the latter could be an alternative to windfarms round your way, keep you toasty!

    Ouch !

  • truthseeker

    Gay marriage is a reality of the 21st century, whether we like it or not.

    I do not support it, it goes against my religious and moral beliefs.

    However, things are changing rapidly, I believe we are approaching a time similar to the last days of the pre-flood dynasty, where every kind of alternative lifestyle existed.

    Read "Death of the West" by Patrick Buchanan - it's a good read, and explains why European populations are dying.

    If gay marriage is the norm, and becomes popular, the birth rate will decline, because men cannot produce children and women need men (for the time being) to produce children.

    Also, the secualrization of the West result in fewer children being born.

    Pat says that out of all the European countries, only 1 had a positive birth rate, being Albania. Even Russia may lose several million people by 2050.

    I have mixed feelings towards the number of children parents should have. Do we have a duty to prolong our race by having two or three kids?

    Anyway, I'm going off tangent here, but this is a good topic for another post.

  • Super_Becka

    I support it whole-heartedly, I was very proud when Canada passed a law making same-sex marriage legal, I hope our new Prime Minister doesn't try to reverse that decision.

    We went out to a restaurant shortly after the federal election, and were gabbing away about Harper and his reactionary agenda when lo and behold! a Bloc MP sitting next to us told us not to worry about the erosion of gay marriage rights in Canada, since it is a provincial jurisdiction. The feds can try and have “marriage” redefined back to the Dark Ages to say that it is between a man and woman only, but it will have no legal bearing on what happens to couples wanting to marry in their individual provinces where gay marriage is legal. Heck, even Alberta passed gay marriage legislation.

    Ahh, interesting concept. I'm also very proud to say that my home province, Newfoundland, has also passed gay marriage legislation, it happened maybe a year and a half ago?? Either way, it happened long before the government of Canada recognized same-sex marriages.

    So, if the federal definition of marriage is changed to the traditional definition and same-sex marriages are no longer recognized federally, how will that affect the rights of same-sex couples who are married under provincial law?? Will they receive the same benefits as traditional married couples or not??

    -Becka :)

  • joelbear

    here's some truth for you truth seeker.

    gay marriage will never become the "norm" because gays only make up about 5% of the population and only a percentage of them are in relationships.

    birth rates are declining because women don't want to have kids. many many of them choose other life paths such as singleness and careers.

    gays have never and will never be a central driving aspect to where a society goes, since we will always be a small minority.

    unmarried heterosexuals, divorce, abortion, the women's movement to be freed from oppression are all changing society dramatically.

    these are the main factors. gays are just along for the ride.

  • jstalin
    If gay marriage is the norm, and becomes popular, the birth rate will decline, because men cannot produce children and women need men (for the time being) to produce children.

    Also, the secualrization of the West ;result in fewer children being born.

    This confuses correlation and causation.

    Gay marriage will not result in a lower birth rate. Legalized gay marriage will not turn anyone gay who is no already.

    In addition, secularization isn't to blame for lower birth rates. Abortion, birth control, increased wealth, and changing attitudes about marriage are changing birth rate demographics. Japan has seen the same reduction of birth rates and they are essentially an atheist society, and always have been.

  • truthseeker

    I respectfully disagree with you JStalin, but agree with you on one point - gay marriage will not make anyone gay. I should have been more specific. It could be said that gay couples deprive society of future children because of their lifestyle.

    Gay marriage will affect the population growth.

    For example, let's assume that there are 10,000,000 gay men in the United States.

    If they always remain gay, they are incapable of having their own children, without a female.

    Let's look at three scenarios.

    1) A gay couple, never have children and never adopt. They die, their family line dies with them. Because they are gay and remain childless, they have unwittingly deprived themselves and society for the potential of future children.

    2) A gay couple adopts a child, but when the gay couple dies, the biological line dies with them.

    3) A gay couple decide they want a child, so one gay man uses a surrogate mother. Mother gives birth, gay dad becomes legal parent of child, but his partner remains childless (unless he adopts). Direct biological line will survive with gay dad, but his partner will die childless, and his line will end.

    Gay marriage will not necessarily result in a lower birth rate, there are other statistics too consider. For example, women who put off marriage and children to pursue a career, may find they don't have time to have children. The secualrization and leisure lifestyle may convince some women they don't need or want a child. It's true that abortion also lowers the birth rate.The combined factors do result in lower birth rates. I encourage you to read "Death of the West", the author knows what he is talking about.

  • joelbear

    Well, what Buchanan really bemoans is the Death of the Caucasion Christian West. Yeah, he's right it is dying. Maybe they ought to learn inwardly to see what the problem is instead of trying to find a scape goat like gay marriage.

    Minorites make up 30% of the US population. 13% Hispanic 13% Black 3% Asian and 1% Other

    Minorites make up more and more of Europes population, mostly black, asian and arabic.

    Rich people have less kids. There is an imbalance in the distribution of the weath of the world. Poorer nations will continue to have more kids and they will want to immigrate to the US.

    The world she is a changing. gay marriage will have nil effect on it.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler


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