2,000 US and 25,000 civilians now dead in Iraq

by Simon 159 Replies latest social current

  • Badger

    Simon, you seem almost gleeful that there are over 2,000 dead Americans in this war. It's as if you were clenching your hands in excitment over the declaration of the United States failure. Although I have never supported this war in any way, shape, or form I am surprised at your response to it. I mourn the deaths of both Iraqis and Americans. It's a senseless waste. You seem to see it as a political foible to push your agenda as an anti-American. If your best friend or lover was pushed into military service to support a war you don't agree with would you so callously post about it? Many of us do have loved ones involved We worry, and your callous attitude with a feigned pretention of worrying is not sitting so well in our minds.

  • bikerchic

    Badger you're badgering let me show you the ways...

    1.Simon, you seem almost gleeful that there are over 2,000 dead Americans in this war. It's as if you were clenching your hands in excitment over the declaration of the United States failure. Although I have never supported this war in any way, shape, or form I am surprised at your response to it. I mourn the deaths of both Iraqis and Americans. It's a senseless waste. 2. You seem to see it as a political foible to push your agenda as an anti-American. If your best friend or lover was pushed into military service to support a war you don't agree with would you so callously post about it? 3. Many of us do have loved ones involved We worry, and your callous attitude with a feigned pretention of worrying is not sitting so well in our minds.

    1. To quote Simon he said at the beginning first three words of this thread "What a waste". Now how is that gleeful that there are over 2,000 American's dead?

    Then he said:

    It is such a waste. And for what? Utter lies and greed.

    Bush's friends are making a lot of money from what they have done in Iraq. It is obscene.

    What is truly sickening is that the populace turns a blind eye and can't be bothered to object anymore. The politicians have done a wonderful job of destroying democracy and twisting people to where they want them.

    Hardly sounds gleeful to me about those who have died in this horrible could have been prevented war. It was totally about Bush's agenda to get oil and money. Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

    2. Anti American, if anyone who bombast this poor excuse of a President and his stupid idea of destroying another country and risking the lives of our men (2,000 and counting) is anti American then you can count me in that bunch too and damn proud of it. I went through the Viet Nam era I lost my brother in that ugly useless war and this is just a reminder of how stupid war and Nations can be over greed.

    3. Please don't forget England has suffered a terrible toll in Iraq as well. I saw nowhere in this thread where Simon was callous.

    Please go back and re-read the entire thread with your tainted glasses off. Kinda like being in a cult you only see what you want to see or are too full of your own ideas of how a person is to truly understand the words he types.

    I know Simon doesn't need me to stand up for him but for cripes sake Badger when I saw your post I went back and read the entire thread and didn't come away with thinking that Simon was gleeful, happy or in anyway bashing America. He was just stating the facts, ya know if you can't stand the heat....bla,bla,bla

    You need to learn to read dude.

  • Eyebrow2

    We don't hear in the USA about all the other soldiers that died, can you tell us how many britts and others died too ?

    Oldflame...PLEASE tell me you are being sarcastic? How can you not know? If you have the news on, surf the news online occaisionally, there is no way you missed it. No offense, but please don't speak for the entire USA and claim we don't get this info...because anyone who doesn't know so many have died are just not paying attention.

  • searcher
    As this whole 'war on terrorism', 'weapons of mass destruction', 'invade this or that country' etc thing all started after the events of 9/11. What do people think should have happened in response, instead of what Bush did?
  • under74


    1. found osama bin laden instead of picking fights with everyone else.

    2. started talking with the rest of the world instead of holding guns to it. It's hard for people to treat you respectfully after you've threatened to bomb the hell out of them.

    3. stop treating profits better than people.

    4. change policies that are outdated and damaging.


    Let me just say that I'm amazed there are so many people here with their heads up their asses. No laws were broken with the Valerie Plame case? These guys outed a CIA agent. You guys talk like patriots but only when it's not crossing party lines, right? Or insisting Bush- because he's a court appointed President deserves respect? He's a public servant who gets paid by my taxes. He's also involved in world affairs so not only does every American have a right to critisize his retarded ass so does everyone else in the world.

    And then keeping on with this "Simon hates America" bullshit...give it a damn rest and read the damn posts for gods sake.

  • searcher

    1. found osama bin laden instead of picking fights with everyone else.

    Fair one. Then what? What to do with him, execute (kill) him and he becomes a martyr. Imprison him and hostages are taken for his release.

    2. started talking with the rest of the world instead of holding guns to it. It's hard for people to treat you respectfully after you've threatened to bomb the hell out of them.

    Talk is always best, IMO, as long as BOTH sides want to talk. Doesnt always happen that way though.

    3. stop treating profits better than people.

    In THIS world? Never has happened, never going to happen, historically, in ANY country profit/property has ALWAYS been treated as more important than people, no matter WHO is in power.

    4. change policies that are outdated and damaging.

    I agree. Change them to what?

    Not sure if the second part of your post is addressed to me or is a general comment.

  • oldflame


    It sounds to me that you either did not read my post or you are the one who does not listen to the news. Reread my post ! I said that we do not hear about how many other soldiers other than our own american soldiers who have died. My question was in reference to other soldiers across the globe involved in this war. As far as not seeing the news ? Hey mister, I listen to the news probably more than most because I am a news junkie. (Get a GRIP DUDE)

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    To all those who said that 'we' should have gone to war:

    Who is 'we'??? You are not doing anything!! You are watching it on CNN!

  • upside/down


    So who we gonna bitch about in 3 years?...can't wait.

    To "pretend" that Simon is only diseminating information by this thread is laughable. We ALL know his "agenda" in regards to matters like this. So why deny it? Or worse, defend it? Simon and his "mod" do so much better on almost every other subject....stick with your forte.

    He's entitled to his opinion...no sweat. And so am I.

    I just didn't realize that ....just like at the Hall... If I don't either agree or just shut up with the "heavies"...I'm not PC and therefore "out".

    I'm truly shocked and amazed how on almost every "serious" thread that people here are challenged for proof and sources...yet on this political sh*t you spout your opinions as gospel...."Billions agree with me"...what a crock!

    Corporate America is soooo evil....yet "Billions served here" is proudly displayed at most McDonalds...but I know no one here eats at McDonalds cuz Cheny probably owns stock in it and...... you get the picture. Like I said... ASININE!

    Do posters here think cuz they left the bOrg...they're now intellectual genius'? Even though we're not Dubs...humility is still a virtue.

    I find it ironic that XXJW's have such a penchant for politics...the filthiest of professions...and soooo opinionated on things they don't know much about. But of course, everyone here (incl. me) are such EXPERTS on matters.

    Bunch of little fish in a very tiny pond...

    u/d(of the guppy class)

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Merely pointing out that a person is a war criminal and lives have been wasted by being sent to war does not mean that people who comment are trying to be some kind of genius.The alternative is not to bother about seeing people sent off to the slaughter, or, even worse, not even form an opinion either way. People are beginning to wake up to thise nonsense in a big way. I cant understand for the life of me WHY people chose to defend Bush and his action of going to war. WHY DONT YOU ANSWER WHERE ARE THE WMD? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 45 MINUTE THREAT?

    Now people will obviously turn around and say 'Oh, not that again. Thats already been discussed. Shut up, find another argument.' But why? Why should we let them get away with it like that? They shouldn't be allowed to get off the hook so easily. These are the reasons why these warmongering maniacs went to war in the first place. For God's Sake, we should not just move on, these people should be tried for crimes against humanity. 'SUPPORT THE TROOPS'? I wont support anybody when they are purposely killing other people.

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