pdf's of Raymond Franz's books

by Newly Enlightened 277 Replies latest members private

  • OrphanCrow

    JD, I realize that. I told you I read it.

    We obviously don't comprehend reading material in the same way.

    And we also don't interpret "additive information" or "commentary" in the same way either.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    • Is the new work merely a copy of the original? If it is simply a copy, it is not as likely to be considered fair use.
    • If the work is altered significantly, used for another purpose, appeals to a different audience, it more likely to be considered fair use
    • The more you use, the less likely it will be considered fair use.
    • Does the work appeal to the same audience as the original? If the answer is yes, it will likely be considered an infringement.
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    JD, I realize that. I told you I read it.

    We obviously don't comprehend reading material in the same way.

    And we also don't interpret "additive information" or "commentary" in the same way either.

    And this was the point I made earlier but was not well received. When I said the law is about interpretation. If this ever went to trial, NOT A SINGLE ONE of our opinions on what this clause is saying would man jack shit. The lawyers would argue over how the law should apply (be interpreted), and the judge decides which one they believe fits the most.

    So my point, which I think you're agreeing with here, is that this thread is an absolutely futile effort in anything other than trying to make Cedars look bad - that is the endgame of this thread. Absolutely nothing else can or will be accomplished. Whoever made it, was just blowing smoke.

    And again, back to my reason for posting, all of this worthless nonsense trying to make Cedars look like a thief or a liar or whatever else you (I use "you" generally I do not mean you in particular orphan) want to accomplish here regarding cedars - does NOTHING, except:

    scare away people who are doubting, because you look exactly how the Watchtower tells them you do.

    Especially now, can this community not afford this crap. Not with many Witnesses reeling from the ARC. If you really think there's some infraction here, reach out to the current copyright holder and let them know and then shut the hell up. Because this isn't your property, and you DONT know the law. If there is a problem, the PROPER parties will work it out. And you (generally) and I will be 100% uninvolved in that process. So let's stay out of it.

  • OrphanCrow

    Geez, JD...of course it is about interpretation.

    Your interpretation would not stand up in a court of law.

    Guaranteed. I would put money on that.

    And....to reiterate...this is NOT about some perceived slight against someone.

    This is about a copyright violation.

    Go ask a lawyer to interpret the fair use clause - you are obviously having difficulty with it.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    You are not a lawyer, so on what other than your aforementioned experience to you claim your expertise?

    because the only thing you've tried to use to achieve some kind of credential for authority is your experience at Canadian universities.

    you say you've read the fair use clause of America. Well so have I. Congratulations. On what foundation do you base your assumption of superior knowledge? As far as I can see, I read a document, you read a document and we interpreted it differently with no credentials what so ever. But you for some reason think you are 100% right.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Regardless of what NE's ( Kim & Mike's ) motivation was, copyrighted material is an important issue. No one should take someone else's property and make a profit from what does not belong to them.

    All copyrighted material.

    That being said....

    The several books that were printed from the free pdf and given as a gift to one person were not for sale or profit.

    Both JWsurvey.org & JWfacts.com were added to the back cover.

    Now, everyone who has ever received or printed out a free pdf of copyrighted material, please turn yourselves in to the copyright police and make full restitution. Don't forget to include the copyrighted music you have listened to for your personal use that you didn't pay for. Stealing is stealing.

    And, how does one make restitution for a gift of a defunct publication?

    One more thing, on a personal note:

    I don't understand the venom between M&K and JC. I really don't. I wish it would stop. It is really ugly. You're all better than that.


  • nicolaou

    I'm not qualified to comment on the law but I know when something feels wrong.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    So, sketchy behavior, that could ultimately land you in jail depending on the kind of day a Judge is having, should just be ignored by a community that is concerned about its image?
  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    If it looks like a duck...
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    qualified to comment on the law but I know when something feelswrong.

    How do you know this feels wrong?

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