pdf's of Raymond Franz's books

by Newly Enlightened 277 Replies latest members private

  • blondie
    I look forward to see what the Dykstras have to say and hope there is some practical way we can help them make this possible and that the good people that post here will not see that pirating is the solution. They are both fine people and have given much to help others.
  • oppostate

    This is just going on and on and on ad nauseam.

    The majority of forum members here would agree that CoC and ISoCF are excellent publications to help folks wake up to the wiles of the WT.

    That this much time is going on and on without affordable alternatives is a disgrace.

    I respect copyright laws and try to purchase books legally as I did through commentary press.

    But... Nuts to copyrights if it helps one person exit this cult of a religion, when the tools available are being withheld in quibbles about filthy lucre and legal schmeggle pig-crap.

    I applaud Slims offer and I'm not okay with Simon condoning Nathan Natas' verbal abuse. Constructive solutions is what we need, Cedars initiative is all right by me more power to him.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I wouldn't want to burn Simon's eyeballs to see Lord Farquaad again, but Joel the unwitness has EVIDENCE that Lord Farquaad knew all along what he was doing and was in cahoots with the Romanian printer to do this.

    This also has an update


  • talesin

    Thanks for posting that link, NE, good to know.

    t :sunglasses:



    John Cedars/Loyd Evans printing Pirate Copies of Ray Franzs book "Crisis of Convenience"..

    Was Not a Selfless Act of Kindness..

    He Stole Intellectual Property.....And..

    He Printed a "JWsurvey Advertisement" on the back of those books..


    ..Image result for Stop piracyImage result for Stop piracy

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Deborah should set up a gofundme account to generate money to republish. She might be surprised at the support she would receive. It is a shame she is having to spend money on attorneys when that could also go to republishing. I said early on in this thread, it should be less about the bad behavior of others and more about what we can do to facilitate getting this book back on the market for a reasonable price, the profits of which go to the legal copyright holder.

    What I fear is nothing will come from this whole fiasco as far as compensation for Deborah, nothing will be done about infractions because litigation is costly and nothing will be done about republishing Ray's books.

    Hopefully I am wrong.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Get used to it. Pirate Bay is here to stay (or at least some other site will take its place. Any media that is desirable will be there within a few day or hours of its release. $350 college text book. Download it for free. Somehow I don't give a damn about the publisher. Seems like the download from the Pirate is less of a rip-off than demanding $350 for a book.

    How many here (USA) cross a border to get cheap medications? Or, order from India where Cialis or Viagra is available for $3.00 vs. $30.00? Illegal? Unethical? Doesn't Pfizer deserve to make it's Billion$ on Viagra? (They have increased the cost 300% as it nears the end of its patent and goes generic in the US.)

    I rather someone be making "Crisis" available than it be out of stock and out of production. That would only make the WTS too happy.


  • blondie
    I would rather give the copyright holder a chance to get things organized legally. I am willing to help out financially to make Ray's books available legally. Why should we be like the WTS?
  • nicolaou

    I agree with Blondie. I would like to know though if Ms Dykstra actually wants to make a profit from the books.

    She is legally entitled to but would making PDF copies available at a nominal fee to support an ecommerce website along with a Hulu account to facilitate print-on-demand be sufficient for her?

    Maybe she just needs a little help setting things up?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I would rather give the copyright holder a chance to get things organized legally.

    Cynthia passed away 3 years ago this month. Ray in 2010. How long do you suggest waiting and allowing the most important expose' of the WTS -- the book that has perhaps freed the most captives -- lay in the dark shadows of unavailability out of production -- out of reach?

    As long as "Crisis" lives on, so does Ray, IMO. Though I never met him, I think he would prefer that kind of immortality even at the cost to his remote family members (who have failed him in that respect).


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